Meaning:Lugar where the heat finishes and begins the cold
The foundation of the town goes back years before the arrival of the Spaniards. It is an attractive place as far as its propitious nature and for the culture of fruit trees. In 1554, Don Vasco de Quiroga, it planted 5 brought species different from banana of the island of Santo Domingo and those propagated that exist in the region. In 1822, it counted on 327 inhabitants, dedicated mainly to agriculture. In 1831, one rose to the category of possession, belonging to the municipality of Taretan and the 16 of March of 1922, it is constituted in municipality. In 1930, the state was divided in 18 districts, belonging Ziracuaretiro to the district of Uruapan, along with the municipalities of Charapan, Cherán, Nahuátzen, Paracho, Parangaricutiro, Peribán, the Kings, Tancítaro, Taretan, Tingambato and Uruapan.
Chronology of historical facts
1831. It is a possession of the municipality of Taretan. 1922. It is constituted in Municipality. 1930. Form leaves from the ex- district of Uruapan
Average Physicist
Location It is located in the central part of the State, in the coordinates 19º26' of North latitude and 101º55' of west longitude, to a height of 1.380 meters on the level of the sea. It limits the north with Tingambato, the east with Santa Clara, the south with Taretan, and the west with Uruapan. Its distance to the State Capital is of 121 kms.
Extension Its surface is of 159,60 km ² and represents the 0,27 percent of the total of the State.
Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system and hills the Cobero, Cave, Jump, Panadero and Malpaís.
Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted mainly by the rivers Ziracuaretiro, Ziraspen, Brújula and Calicanto, and cold water springs.
Climate Its climate is tropical with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1.200 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 8,0 and 37.0º centigrade.
Main ecosystems In the municipality they dominate the mixed forest, with pine and encino and the tropical forest decíduo, with ceiba, cedar, parota and tepeguaje. Its fauna is satisfied by deer, rabbit, coyote, tejón, fox, tlacuache, squirrel, crow, guacamaya, sparrow, woodpecker and spring.
Natural resources The logable forest surface, is occupied by encino pine and.
Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary inferior and Eocene, they correspond mainly to those of the podzólico type and mountain prairie . Its use is fundamentally forest and in smaller agricultural proportion and cattle.
Sociodemográfico profile
Ethnic groups According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 95 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 47 are men and 48 are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention purepecha and mixteco.
Meaning:Lugar where the heat finishes and begins the cold
The foundation of the town goes back years before the arrival of the Spaniards. It is an attractive place as far as its propitious nature and for the culture of fruit trees. In 1554, Don Vasco de Quiroga, it planted 5 brought species different from banana of the island of Santo Domingo and those propagated that exist in the region. In 1822, it counted on 327 inhabitants, dedicated mainly to agriculture. In 1831, one rose to the category of possession, belonging to the municipality of Taretan and the 16 of March of 1922, it is constituted in municipality. In 1930, the state was divided in 18 districts, belonging Ziracuaretiro to the district of Uruapan, along with the municipalities of Charapan, Cherán, Nahuátzen, Paracho, Parangaricutiro, Peribán, the Kings, Tancítaro, Taretan, Tingambato and Uruapan.
Chronology of historical facts
1831. It is a possession of the municipality of Taretan. 1922. It is constituted in Municipality. 1930. Form leaves from the ex- district of Uruapan
Average Physicist
Location It is located in the central part of the State, in the coordinates 19º26' of North latitude and 101º55' of west longitude, to a height of 1.380 meters on the level of the sea. It limits the north with Tingambato, the east with Santa Clara, the south with Taretan, and the west with Uruapan. Its distance to the State Capital is of 121 kms.
Extension Its surface is of 159,60 km ² and represents the 0,27 percent of the total of the State.
Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system and hills the Cobero, Cave, Jump, Panadero and Malpaís.

Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted mainly by the rivers Ziracuaretiro, Ziraspen, Brújula and Calicanto, and cold water springs.
Climate Its climate is tropical with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1.200 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 8,0 and 37.0º centigrade.
Main ecosystems In the municipality they dominate the mixed forest, with pine and encino and the tropical forest decíduo, with ceiba, cedar, parota and tepeguaje. Its fauna is satisfied by deer, rabbit, coyote, tejón, fox, tlacuache, squirrel, crow, guacamaya, sparrow, woodpecker and spring.
Natural resources The logable forest surface, is occupied by encino pine and.
Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary inferior and Eocene, they correspond mainly to those of the podzólico type and mountain prairie . Its use is fundamentally forest and in smaller agricultural proportion and cattle.
Sociodemográfico profile
Ethnic groups According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 95 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 47 are men and 48 are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention purepecha and mixteco.
Demographic evolution In the Municipality of Ziracuaretiro in 1990, the population represented the 0,31 by one hundred of the total of the State. For 1995, a population of 11.485 inhabitants has itself , its rate of growth is of the 1,17 annual percent and the density of population is of 72 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of Men.
Religion The predominant religion is the Catholic, and some groups of Evangelistas and Pentecostés.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education Educative centers of prestudent, primary, secondary and baccalaureate exist in the municipality.
Health The demand of medical services in the municipality is high, only counts on clinics of the IMSS in three communities, the rest is covered by particular doctor's offices and the Regional Hospital with the city of Uruapan.
Supply Account only with grocer's that supply of the markets and warehouses of the city of Uruapan.
Sport In the municipality it is counted on fields of basquetbol, soccer and a communal audience; having at least a sport space in each one of its localities.
House According to data of the last census of INEGI, 1955 houses were entered, predominating the constructed ones with marinate, secondly those of wood, followed of those of partition and block.
Services publicPotable water 90% Drainage 30% Paving 15% Public lighting system 90% Garbage collection 25% Market does not have Sign does not have Cloración of water 25% Public security 75%In addition, the city council administers to the services of parks and gardens, buildings public, sport and recreational units, monuments and sources, among others.
Mass media It exists cover of regional and state newspapers, radio AM-FM and the national network of television.
Routes of communication The Municipality is communicated by the Federal highway No 14 in its section Morelia-Uruapan, Uruapan-Ziracuaretiro. One communicates to its communities by means of ways of terracería and some paved
Economic activity
Agriculture it represents its main activity with the maize culture, frijol, cane of sugar, zarzamora, avocado, pumpkin, nopal, mamey, banana.
Cattle ranch In the communities still some stables, zahurdas are conserved and corrals of goat have settled in addition some bird-raising farms. Representing these two sectors until 61% of its economic activity.
Industry Mainly the industrialist of the food. Representing 9% of its economic activity.
Tourism By its climate and attractive natural, it represents a great potential for the tourist development.
Commerce Commerce in low scale exists, with small hardware dealer, grocer's, mueblerías, store of construction equipments, clothes and footwear. Representing 7% of its economic activity
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Monuments Architectonic: Parish of San Miguel Arcángel in the municipal head. Archaeological: Zone in ZirimÍcuaro.
Celebrations, dances and traditions 29 of November to 1o. of December Its supervisory celebration in where they are made “you hang” (offerings) which they are long woods adorned with flowers, hanging to him bananas and pumpkins
Music Mainly wind bands. The band of San Angel Zurumucapio is famous in the region and the state.
Crafts Pottery: Textiles. Objects elaborated with vegetal fibers.
Gastronomy Regional food with maize, like the species of tamale known like corunda. Drinks: Maize cornflour drink.
Tourist centers Bath of Caracha: Located to 3 Kms. of the Municipal Head by paved way, it offers service of sport restaurant-bar, hotel and fields. Bath “Corner of the Flowers”: Located to 1 km. by the highway to Taretan, with modern facilities, restaurant-bar, sport source of soda waters and areas.
Municipal head: ZiracuaretiroThis located to 121 Kms. of the State Capital. Account with 2.565 inhabitants.
Main localities:San Angel Zurumucapio Its main economic activity is the agriculture and the elaboration of vegetal fiber objects; and the logging. Its distance to the municipal head is of 8 kms. Account with 2.980 inhabitants.
San Andrés Coru Its main economic activity is agriculture. Its distance to the municipal head is of 9 Kms. Account with 1.756 inhabitants. Chronology of Presidents Municipales
1999 - 2001 Antonio Guzmán Chestnut grove 2002 - 2004 Carlos Sandoval
Main localities:San Angel Zurumucapio Its main economic activity is the agriculture and the elaboration of vegetal fiber objects; and the logging. Its distance to the municipal head is of 8 kms. Account with 2.980 inhabitants.
San Andrés Coru Its main economic activity is agriculture. Its distance to the municipal head is of 9 Kms. Account with 1.756 inhabitants. Chronology of Presidents Municipales
1999 - 2001 Antonio Guzmán Chestnut grove 2002 - 2004 Carlos Sandoval
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