Tacámbaro word comes from a voice chichimeca that it means “place of palms”.
Shield In silver field more water waves, with three mountains of sinople cimadas of a rising gold sun and gules and next to the water a terrace to natural with a palm the sea bream, that a human, compound group of a Christian priest covers that it blesses the union of a michoacano soldier, with skin of jaguar and red plume, that its hand to one gives princessguanancha, dressed target with a branch of flowers and palms.
This represents the name of the municipality of Tacámbaro and the construction work and humanist of the masterful missionaries and apostles of the Christianity that with eloquence of the truth and the example they convinced the dispersed town by the mountain in defense of its freedom, so that united they would found the first town Christian hospital of hot earth in the spring of the year of 1538 to what put pronoun to him San Jerónimo de Tacámbaro.In field of gulesun channel with together water to a terrace to natural with two palms of gold and sinople, in the middle of them a lion of silver and a golden jaguar rampantes guard a towerdonjonadade silver clarified of gules, with a heráldica rose of gules, in the middle of two flanks set afire on the tribute from the towers of the clock a Mexican liberal eagle is born that it extends his wings towards the horizon, this represents to the racially mixed town of Tacámbaro like Earth door it warms up and bastion of the freedom during the independence war and against of the foreign intervention, being recorded in its history the names of glorious heroes likeDon Jose Maria Morelos, general Manuel Muñiz, general Juan Jose Codallos and general Nicholas of You regulate. The brochante in the heart of shield one rodela of gold and silver with the national eagle of the Republic Mexican that is boasted to the triumph on the Invasion Foreigner, this is like a recognition to the brilliant participation of the tacambarense town like bastion of the freedom, the democracy and social justice, by that the rank of City of Tacámbaro de Codallos occurred him day 21 of September of 1859. In field of gules a cañero man advances to horse by the freedom bastion, democracy and social justice. In gold field a terrace of sinople, in the great book of the education and the law abierto for all the town, being, the base of the represented social institutions on the other and the national flag in front of the facade of the cathedral andPalacio Policeman of Tacámbaro. General Bordura of sinople outlined of gold in five towers of clarified gold and silver of gules, alternating with three pieces of golden sugar cane in each side and one branch sea bream with fruit of avocado in end. They stamp this shield like highest, a gold bastion with name of Tacámbaro in letters of gules two branches of palm sea breams to the sides is united in the base of the shield with a tape of gules with the title “Baluarte of libertad” in gold letters.
Shield In silver field more water waves, with three mountains of sinople cimadas of a rising gold sun and gules and next to the water a terrace to natural with a palm the sea bream, that a human, compound group of a Christian priest covers that it blesses the union of a michoacano soldier, with skin of jaguar and red plume, that its hand to one gives princessguanancha, dressed target with a branch of flowers and palms.
This represents the name of the municipality of Tacámbaro and the construction work and humanist of the masterful missionaries and apostles of the Christianity that with eloquence of the truth and the example they convinced the dispersed town by the mountain in defense of its freedom, so that united they would found the first town Christian hospital of hot earth in the spring of the year of 1538 to what put pronoun to him San Jerónimo de Tacámbaro.In field of gulesun channel with together water to a terrace to natural with two palms of gold and sinople, in the middle of them a lion of silver and a golden jaguar rampantes guard a towerdonjonadade silver clarified of gules, with a heráldica rose of gules, in the middle of two flanks set afire on the tribute from the towers of the clock a Mexican liberal eagle is born that it extends his wings towards the horizon, this represents to the racially mixed town of Tacámbaro like Earth door it warms up and bastion of the freedom during the independence war and against of the foreign intervention, being recorded in its history the names of glorious heroes likeDon Jose Maria Morelos, general Manuel Muñiz, general Juan Jose Codallos and general Nicholas of You regulate. The brochante in the heart of shield one rodela of gold and silver with the national eagle of the Republic Mexican that is boasted to the triumph on the Invasion Foreigner, this is like a recognition to the brilliant participation of the tacambarense town like bastion of the freedom, the democracy and social justice, by that the rank of City of Tacámbaro de Codallos occurred him day 21 of September of 1859. In field of gules a cañero man advances to horse by the freedom bastion, democracy and social justice. In gold field a terrace of sinople, in the great book of the education and the law abierto for all the town, being, the base of the represented social institutions on the other and the national flag in front of the facade of the cathedral andPalacio Policeman of Tacámbaro. General Bordura of sinople outlined of gold in five towers of clarified gold and silver of gules, alternating with three pieces of golden sugar cane in each side and one branch sea bream with fruit of avocado in end. They stamp this shield like highest, a gold bastion with name of Tacámbaro in letters of gules two branches of palm sea breams to the sides is united in the base of the shield with a tape of gules with the title “Baluarte of libertad” in gold letters.
Tacámbaro is a town of pre-Hispanic origin that it was conquered by the Tarascos between 1401 and 1450 and it belonged to the chieftainship of Cuyuacán. In 1528 were granted in charge toCristóbal of Oñatey later was constituted in Republic of Indians. The evangelización in the place began with the arrival of the Augustinian friarsthey Juan de Roman and Diego de Chávez San. In the year of 1535, approximately, was based the town of Tacámbaro and in 1540, settled down the chapel and the attached convent. In 1631, one settled down the party of Indians, naming to Tacámbaro head of the same. At that time it had eight districts and very little population, due to the epidemics and mainly the one of 1575, that almost ended natives of the place. In 1706 prior of Tacámbaro a was designatedFray Francisco de Fonseca, who dedicated a the reconstruction of the convent and to improve the town, drawing up of streets, introducing water, impelling the commerce and obtaining solar for the Spaniards. After completed independence, in 1822, Tacámbaro one was in ruins and burned its properties and farms immediate, it touched to its settlers, the arduous work of reconstruction. In 1828, being Governor Don Jose Salgado, decreed the elevation of Tacámbaro to the category of Villa. The 10 of December of 1831, by the Territorial Law of that year was constituted in municipality. The title from city, it obtained the 21 of September of 1859 by decreed of the then Governor,General Epitacio Kitchen garden, denominando him City of Codallos. The inhabitants they made managements so that the name of the municipal head it was Tacámbaro de Codallos, same that until today it conserves. During the Revolution, at the end of 1919, it was declared to Tacámbaro State Capital, being Governor general Gertrudis G. Sanchez. Later powers were transferred to Nocupétaro.
Illustrious personages Nicolás of You regulate, revolutionary outstanding (? -1895) Salvador Elizarraraz, agrarian leader and unionist Marcos A. Jiménez, composer and musician (1882-1944) Salvador González Towers, engineer and deputy (1885-1918) Antonio Espinosa, journalist and deputy (1825-1873 to Car them A. Lopez, lawyer and poet (1894-1967) Salvador Pineda, writer and lawyer (1916-1977) Alberto Treconi, historian and leader worker (? -1960) Chronology of historical facts 1545Stable in Tacámbaro second house of Studies Majors in America, as well as the second great library of the Augustinian order in Michoacán, being by Fray Alonso of the Side Cross. 1553Fray Juan Baptist Moya “the apostle of the hot Earth” it constructed the convent and the church of the town, same that was destroyed later by a fire. 1810During the independence war, captain Manuel Muñiz, established in Tacámbaro its quarter and was defeated in this place in 1811, in successive occasions it returned to supply itself, to arm its armies and to fuse guns. From this place planned several attacks to the city of Valladolid (1811, 1812 and 1813) 1813In the city of Tacámbaro it reunited Morelos with its main generals, later of the bankrupt it attacks Valladolid 1814In Puruarán, then it belonged to Villa de Tacámbaro, the Congress meets under protection of Morelos and it arises. The Manifesto of Puruarán, where the insurgents shaped the true spirit of the independence fight 1828It arrives at Tacámbaro, Juan Jose Codallos and pronounces the Plan of Codallos 1837The 14 of March a neighbor group of Tacámbaro, was pronounced in favor of the Federation 1838The 19 of May met in Tacámbaro the forces of federalism, deciding the Tacámbaro Plan in order to attack Valladolid 1841The federalists attack Tacámbaro 1856The liberal ones of Tacámbaro constitute the Society of the Union Don Melchor Ocampo. 1856Of this year to 1868, it emphasizes agrarian conflict by territories of common property. 1858-59One settles in Tacámbaro first factory of the press and several newspapers are published 1862The first normal rural one is based of Mexico 1865The city of Tacámbaro is taken by the republican forces. In this same year they established in Tacámbaro the powers of the Government of the State, headed by General Vicente Riva Palace. The 11 of April, in this place was defeated the troops French, being victorious General Nicholas of Régules 1866 the 20 of January. The city of Tacámbaro it is attacked again by the imperialistic ones 1877 constitutes the Civil Hospital 1911The head revolutionary Rescuing Escalante it takes the city of Tacámbaro. 1913 the 16 of April, the revolutionary forces they fight against the huertistas. In one second battle, 2 of September, are defeated the revolutionaries of this city. 1914The 27 of May, in another battle, revolutionaries reclaim the city of Tacámbaro 1915The 25 of March, Tacámbaro is attacked by the Pancho Villa supporter forces 1920The 15 of April, the foundation is carried out of the Diocese of Tacámbaro 1922The first union (Leon forms XII), under the auspice of the catholic church and later agricultural organizations of workers arose and industrialists, under the direction of Salvador Elizarrarás, who initiates the fight by the earth grant. 1935The first grant is carried out of earth corresponding to ejido J. Jesus Alcaráz
Half Physicist
Illustrious personages Nicolás of You regulate, revolutionary outstanding (? -1895) Salvador Elizarraraz, agrarian leader and unionist Marcos A. Jiménez, composer and musician (1882-1944) Salvador González Towers, engineer and deputy (1885-1918) Antonio Espinosa, journalist and deputy (1825-1873 to Car them A. Lopez, lawyer and poet (1894-1967) Salvador Pineda, writer and lawyer (1916-1977) Alberto Treconi, historian and leader worker (? -1960) Chronology of historical facts 1545Stable in Tacámbaro second house of Studies Majors in America, as well as the second great library of the Augustinian order in Michoacán, being by Fray Alonso of the Side Cross. 1553Fray Juan Baptist Moya “the apostle of the hot Earth” it constructed the convent and the church of the town, same that was destroyed later by a fire. 1810During the independence war, captain Manuel Muñiz, established in Tacámbaro its quarter and was defeated in this place in 1811, in successive occasions it returned to supply itself, to arm its armies and to fuse guns. From this place planned several attacks to the city of Valladolid (1811, 1812 and 1813) 1813In the city of Tacámbaro it reunited Morelos with its main generals, later of the bankrupt it attacks Valladolid 1814In Puruarán, then it belonged to Villa de Tacámbaro, the Congress meets under protection of Morelos and it arises. The Manifesto of Puruarán, where the insurgents shaped the true spirit of the independence fight 1828It arrives at Tacámbaro, Juan Jose Codallos and pronounces the Plan of Codallos 1837The 14 of March a neighbor group of Tacámbaro, was pronounced in favor of the Federation 1838The 19 of May met in Tacámbaro the forces of federalism, deciding the Tacámbaro Plan in order to attack Valladolid 1841The federalists attack Tacámbaro 1856The liberal ones of Tacámbaro constitute the Society of the Union Don Melchor Ocampo. 1856Of this year to 1868, it emphasizes agrarian conflict by territories of common property. 1858-59One settles in Tacámbaro first factory of the press and several newspapers are published 1862The first normal rural one is based of Mexico 1865The city of Tacámbaro is taken by the republican forces. In this same year they established in Tacámbaro the powers of the Government of the State, headed by General Vicente Riva Palace. The 11 of April, in this place was defeated the troops French, being victorious General Nicholas of Régules 1866 the 20 of January. The city of Tacámbaro it is attacked again by the imperialistic ones 1877 constitutes the Civil Hospital 1911The head revolutionary Rescuing Escalante it takes the city of Tacámbaro. 1913 the 16 of April, the revolutionary forces they fight against the huertistas. In one second battle, 2 of September, are defeated the revolutionaries of this city. 1914The 27 of May, in another battle, revolutionaries reclaim the city of Tacámbaro 1915The 25 of March, Tacámbaro is attacked by the Pancho Villa supporter forces 1920The 15 of April, the foundation is carried out of the Diocese of Tacámbaro 1922The first union (Leon forms XII), under the auspice of the catholic church and later agricultural organizations of workers arose and industrialists, under the direction of Salvador Elizarrarás, who initiates the fight by the earth grant. 1935The first grant is carried out of earth corresponding to ejido J. Jesus Alcaráz
Half Physicist
Location It is located to the center of the State, in the coordinates 19º14' of North latitude and 101º28' of west longitude, to a height of 1.640 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Santa Clara, Huiramba and Acuitzio, to the east with Madero and Nocupétaro, to the south with Turicato, and the west with Aryan.

Extension Its surface is of 787,15 Km² and it represents 1,33 by one hundred of the total of the State.
Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system, the mountain ranges of Santa Clara, the Coco and Acuitzio and the hills Hollow, Colorado, the Wild boar, the Tiger, the Cross and others. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the rivers Tacámbaro, Flints and Cold the stream of Support and the Lagoon of the Magdalena. Climate Its climate is tropical and tempering with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1.451,6 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 8,8 to 26.9º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality they dominate the mixed forest with pine, encino and cedar, the tropical forest deciduo, with parota, cuéramo, ceiba and huisache and the coniferous forest, with pine and oyamel. Natural resources The forest surface timber is occupied by pine and encino the not-timber one by scrubs of different species. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary inferior and the Eocene, correspond a mainly those of the podzólico type and chernozem. Its use is fundamentally forest and in smaller agricultural and cattle proportion.
Sociodemográfico profile

Extension Its surface is of 787,15 Km² and it represents 1,33 by one hundred of the total of the State.
Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system, the mountain ranges of Santa Clara, the Coco and Acuitzio and the hills Hollow, Colorado, the Wild boar, the Tiger, the Cross and others. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the rivers Tacámbaro, Flints and Cold the stream of Support and the Lagoon of the Magdalena. Climate Its climate is tropical and tempering with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1.451,6 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 8,8 to 26.9º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality they dominate the mixed forest with pine, encino and cedar, the tropical forest deciduo, with parota, cuéramo, ceiba and huisache and the coniferous forest, with pine and oyamel. Natural resources The forest surface timber is occupied by pine and encino the not-timber one by scrubs of different species. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary inferior and the Eocene, correspond a mainly those of the podzólico type and chernozem. Its use is fundamentally forest and in smaller agricultural and cattle proportion.
Sociodemográfico profile
Ethnic groups According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 121 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 70 are men and 51 they are women. The main indigenous language that is spoken he is purépecha and the second most important one it is the totonaca. Demographic evolution In the municipality of Tacámbaro in 1990, the population it represented the 1,47 percent of the total of the State. It stops 1995, a population of 53.113 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 0,30 annual percent and the densidad of population it is of 67 inhabitants by kilometer squared. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, they have occurred 2123 births and 351 deaths, also thus the migration and immigration in the municipality have be small.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah, Gospellers and Baptists.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah, Gospellers and Baptists.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education pre-school, primary, eg: secondary and institutions of mean level superior as they are schools of bachelors and the preparatory Republic of Venezuela. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality it is taken care of by official and deprived organisms eg: Clinical of IMSS, Clinics of the ISSSTE and Centers of Health, besides the Particular Doctor's offices. Supply The municipality counts on service of tianguis, markets, stores departmental where the population supplies itself articles of first necessity. Sport The municipality counts on a sport unit in the head policeman and fields of basquetbol and soccer in the communities. House The municipality counts approximately on 10.138 built houses of which the construction of adobe predominates, followed in smaller proportion by the one of partition, wood and cardboard. Services public Potable water 85_ Drainage 50_ Electrification 95_ Paving 25_ Public lighting system 90_ Garbage collection 10_ Market 100_ Sign 100_ Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 40_ Public security 90_ Parks and Gardens 100_ Buildings Public 90_
Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: Newspapers, radio and television. Communication channels One communicates by the hard road towards Flints, Tecario, Chupio and Yoricostío and ways of terracería that it communicates all the other communities in addition it counts on service of telephone, telegraph, mail, radio communication, taxis, trucks and suburban and foreign buses.
Economic activity
Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: Newspapers, radio and television. Communication channels One communicates by the hard road towards Flints, Tecario, Chupio and Yoricostío and ways of terracería that it communicates all the other communities in addition it counts on service of telephone, telegraph, mail, radio communication, taxis, trucks and suburban and foreign buses.
Economic activity
Agriculture The main activity of the municipality being its main ones cultures: the wheat, sorghum, chick-pea, rice, avocado, Chile and sugar cane. Cattle ranch Cattle grows up mainly: bovine, equine, hinny, pig, goat and ovine. Industry One tells on an established industry that it makes mainly packaged foods, products of wood and cork, furniture and accessories. Tourism Natural landscapes and crafts Commerce Account with several commercial places, stores of clothes, furniture, footwear, foods, ironworks, construction equipments and stationery stores.
Services The capacity of these in the municipality is sufficient to take care of the demand offering itself lodging and feeding in the hotels and restaurants of the municipal head, centers nocturnes, travel agencies and tourist transport.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Services The capacity of these in the municipality is sufficient to take care of the demand offering itself lodging and feeding in the hotels and restaurants of the municipal head, centers nocturnes, travel agencies and tourist transport.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Historical monuments In the municipality architectonic monuments can be appreciated like the Cathedral of Tacámbaro, the Chapel of Santa Maria Magdalena (in ruins) and the source and banks of quarry in the main place. Sculptural monuments like the Virgin of the Purest original conception of century XVI and the altarpiece in the cathedral. Celebrations, dances and traditions April 11 Celebration of the Anniversary of the Foundation of Tacámbaro 16 September 15 and Celebration of the celebrations mother countries September 30 Celebration in the Cathedral of San Jerónimo November 20 Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution December 12 Celebration in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe Music Popular. Crafts Huaraches and hats of Palm.
Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: Well-known stew like Trito and well-known soup like Tail of Ox. Tourist centers Natural landscapes, Lagoon of the Forest and Hollow Hill.
Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: Well-known stew like Trito and well-known soup like Tail of Ox. Tourist centers Natural landscapes, Lagoon of the Forest and Hollow Hill.
Municipal head: Tacámbaro de Codallos
Main localities: Flints Its main activity is the sugar cane culture. It is located to 16 km of the municipal head. It counts on approximately 5.781 inhabitants (INEGI 1995) Chupio Its main activity is the sugar cane culture. It is located to 8 km of the municipal head. It counts on approximately 570 inhabitants (INEGI 1995) Yoricostio Its main activity is culture of the Avocado. It is located to 25 km of the municipal head. Account with approximately 850 inhabitants (INEGI 1995) San Juan de Viña Its main activity is agriculture and the manufacture of way products. It is located to 20 km of the head policeman. Account with approximately 915 inhabitants (INEGI 1995) Tecario Its main activity is the culture of Chile. It is located to 13 km of the municipal head. Account with approximately 2035 inhabitants (INEGI 1995).
Chronology of the municipal presidents 1940 - Sabas Carranza 1941 - Elíseo González 1942 - J. Jesus Ramirez Vázquez 1943 - 1944 Abelardo Mountain range Sanchez 1945 - Luis Calm Murillo 1945 - Juan Guajardo 1946 - Andrés Medina 1947 - J. Jesus Ramirez Vázquez 1948 - Francisco Sanson Grouse 1949 - Pedro Sifts Oaks 1949 - Polished Federico 1950 - Jose Calderón Oil mill 1951 - J. Jesus Murillo 1952 - Juan Ruiz 1952 - Eligio Martinez 1953 - Innocent Solorzano Morals 1957 - Short Eduardo Silver 1959 - J. Jesus Gutiérrez Elizarraraz 1961 - Manuel Rosales González 1962 - Jose Calderón Oil mill 1963 - 1965 J. Eleazar Garci'a Breeding grounds 1966 - 1968 Héctor Villaseñor 1969 - 1971 Guillermo González Oil mill 1972 - Gabriel You cut Zarco 1972 - 1974 Rafael Mendoza Lagoons 1975 - 1977 Diego Hernandez Topete 1978 - 1980 Francisco Pío Zarate 1981 - 1983 Isidro Pedraza Ponce 1984 - 1986 Sebastián Pastrana Towers 1987 - 1989 Vicente Escobedo Garci'a 1990 - Jaime Dwells Lopez 1990 - 1992 Margarito Antúnez Domínguez 1992 - Jose Distinguished 1996 - Valentin Rodriguez Gutiérrez 1996 - Brown Eugene Towers 1996 - 1998 Esteban Cruzaley Diaz Belly 1999 - 2001 Abel Sanchez Padilla2002 - 2004 C.Nicolas Tavera.
Main localities: Flints Its main activity is the sugar cane culture. It is located to 16 km of the municipal head. It counts on approximately 5.781 inhabitants (INEGI 1995) Chupio Its main activity is the sugar cane culture. It is located to 8 km of the municipal head. It counts on approximately 570 inhabitants (INEGI 1995) Yoricostio Its main activity is culture of the Avocado. It is located to 25 km of the municipal head. Account with approximately 850 inhabitants (INEGI 1995) San Juan de Viña Its main activity is agriculture and the manufacture of way products. It is located to 20 km of the head policeman. Account with approximately 915 inhabitants (INEGI 1995) Tecario Its main activity is the culture of Chile. It is located to 13 km of the municipal head. Account with approximately 2035 inhabitants (INEGI 1995).
Chronology of the municipal presidents 1940 - Sabas Carranza 1941 - Elíseo González 1942 - J. Jesus Ramirez Vázquez 1943 - 1944 Abelardo Mountain range Sanchez 1945 - Luis Calm Murillo 1945 - Juan Guajardo 1946 - Andrés Medina 1947 - J. Jesus Ramirez Vázquez 1948 - Francisco Sanson Grouse 1949 - Pedro Sifts Oaks 1949 - Polished Federico 1950 - Jose Calderón Oil mill 1951 - J. Jesus Murillo 1952 - Juan Ruiz 1952 - Eligio Martinez 1953 - Innocent Solorzano Morals 1957 - Short Eduardo Silver 1959 - J. Jesus Gutiérrez Elizarraraz 1961 - Manuel Rosales González 1962 - Jose Calderón Oil mill 1963 - 1965 J. Eleazar Garci'a Breeding grounds 1966 - 1968 Héctor Villaseñor 1969 - 1971 Guillermo González Oil mill 1972 - Gabriel You cut Zarco 1972 - 1974 Rafael Mendoza Lagoons 1975 - 1977 Diego Hernandez Topete 1978 - 1980 Francisco Pío Zarate 1981 - 1983 Isidro Pedraza Ponce 1984 - 1986 Sebastián Pastrana Towers 1987 - 1989 Vicente Escobedo Garci'a 1990 - Jaime Dwells Lopez 1990 - 1992 Margarito Antúnez Domínguez 1992 - Jose Distinguished 1996 - Valentin Rodriguez Gutiérrez 1996 - Brown Eugene Towers 1996 - 1998 Esteban Cruzaley Diaz Belly 1999 - 2001 Abel Sanchez Padilla2002 - 2004 C.Nicolas Tavera.
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