Tangamandapio word is of origin chichimeca and means “rotten trunk that stays still on”.
Shield The shield of Villa of Santiago Tangamandapio is designed in the Spanish gothic form.
It emphasizes a field of gules in center, enamel that it symbolizes unidad, prestigio, amor, esfuerzo, defensa of the Earth , heroicidad and trabajo of the men of the Villay as heart of that field stands out to the natural figure of a robusto trunk of ahuehuete cut and enhiesto, that it confirms the meaning of Tangamandapio, that is “trunk cut that remains I erect”. The shield shows in its left and right flank, two by each flank, the traditional figures of trojes phorhepichas, that they notified the existence of the old districts of town. We also find a bordura blue that it express abundance of its ancestral water eyes. They surround the bordura of shield twelve vírgulas ascending that is of gold. The timbre of the shield, in the part superior, presumes the hieroglyphic of the race tamazulteca, since Tamazula and its region it brought the cacique to the “defenders of the borders of its kingdom”. The hieroglyphic one shows the figure of a toad due to that in its language nahua, with the words Tamazulli, Tamazullan or Tamazollan, denotes the batrachian. In its and straight left side the shield has three canes of otate by side, that means the fight instruments for the safekeeping of the territory. The shout or form descries it the Latin words: Semper ad excelsum that always says “ towards the stop”. The author of the idea and the owner of the shield Francisco Elizalde Garci'a painted who it was Héctor Duarte Sanchez.
Shield The shield of Villa of Santiago Tangamandapio is designed in the Spanish gothic form.
It emphasizes a field of gules in center, enamel that it symbolizes unidad, prestigio, amor, esfuerzo, defensa of the Earth , heroicidad and trabajo of the men of the Villay as heart of that field stands out to the natural figure of a robusto trunk of ahuehuete cut and enhiesto, that it confirms the meaning of Tangamandapio, that is “trunk cut that remains I erect”. The shield shows in its left and right flank, two by each flank, the traditional figures of trojes phorhepichas, that they notified the existence of the old districts of town. We also find a bordura blue that it express abundance of its ancestral water eyes. They surround the bordura of shield twelve vírgulas ascending that is of gold. The timbre of the shield, in the part superior, presumes the hieroglyphic of the race tamazulteca, since Tamazula and its region it brought the cacique to the “defenders of the borders of its kingdom”. The hieroglyphic one shows the figure of a toad due to that in its language nahua, with the words Tamazulli, Tamazullan or Tamazollan, denotes the batrachian. In its and straight left side the shield has three canes of otate by side, that means the fight instruments for the safekeeping of the territory. The shout or form descries it the Latin words: Semper ad excelsum that always says “ towards the stop”. The author of the idea and the owner of the shield Francisco Elizalde Garci'a painted who it was Héctor Duarte Sanchez.
This municipality was founded from before the conformation of the empire tarasco by descendants oftecos or xanuchas. Later one became one of the so many towns subjects to the dominion tarasco. Throughout the period colonial we indifferently found the nominations of “Tanmangandepeo”, “Tamandapio” or “Atengomandapeo”. Its incorporation to the Christianity, after realised the Spanish conquest, it had to friarJacobo Dociano, that showed an attitude humanistic towards the natives and it had great controversies with other ecclesiastics, maintaining the right that had the Indians to receive the sacrament of eucaristía. Also it was distinguished for being the founder of the convent ofSantiago Tangamandapio. Another one of the evangelizadores of the place was Francisco of Cerda. In that then ones in the municipality maize took place, wheat and chick-pea, and their inhabitants dedicated themselves to the work of fabrics of cotton and wool, with a limited commerce. In 1822 the name of Santiago was assigned to him, being like town and vicaría of Jacona. The 10 of December of 1831, when promulgating itself the Law of Division Territorial of the State,Tangamandapioes elevated a the category of municipality pertaining to the party of Zamora. Its municipal head is well-known like Santiago Tangamandapio.
Illustrious personages Serafín Contreras Manzo. - Masterful (1910 - 1915) Chronology of historical facts 1822The name of Santiago was assigned to him Tangamandapio, being as town and vicaría of Jacona 1831It is elevated to the category of municipality. 1874 becomes possession of Jacona 1879It recovers its category again of Municipality, during the Porfirista dictatorship it loses again its character of municipality and becomes prefecture of Zamora 1909It recovers the category definitively of municipality
Half Physicist
Illustrious personages Serafín Contreras Manzo. - Masterful (1910 - 1915) Chronology of historical facts 1822The name of Santiago was assigned to him Tangamandapio, being as town and vicaría of Jacona 1831It is elevated to the category of municipality. 1874 becomes possession of Jacona 1879It recovers its category again of Municipality, during the Porfirista dictatorship it loses again its character of municipality and becomes prefecture of Zamora 1909It recovers the category definitively of municipality
Half Physicist
Location It is located to the northwest of the State, in the coordinates 19º57' of North latitude and 102º26' of west longitude, to a height of 1.670 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Chavinda, to the east with Zamora, Jacona and Tangancícuaro, to the south with Tangancícuaro, and the west with Tingüindín and Villamar. Its distance to the State Capital is of 165 km. 
Extension Its surface is of 315,68 Km² and it represents the 0.53 percent of the total of the State 165 km. Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system, the hills White, Huanúmera, Dark, Cuate, the Crazy person, Guayabo and the Tarécuaro mountain range. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted mainly by streams: colored and dark, flowing of cold water and some prey. Climate Its climate is tempered, has a pluvial precipitation annual of 700,0 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 2,6 and 38.0º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates to the mixed forest with pine and encino and the tropical forest deciduo with parota, guaje, cascalote and they cirian. Their fauna conforms the deer, cacomixtle, cat wild, squirrel, raccoon, garganey, torcaz and duck.
Natural resources The forest surface of timber is occupied by pine, encino, and in the case of the nontimber ones, by scrubs of different species. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary and Miocene, they correspond mainly to those of type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally cattle dealer and in minor forest and agricultural proportion.
Social infrastructure and of Communications

Extension Its surface is of 315,68 Km² and it represents the 0.53 percent of the total of the State 165 km. Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system, the hills White, Huanúmera, Dark, Cuate, the Crazy person, Guayabo and the Tarécuaro mountain range. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted mainly by streams: colored and dark, flowing of cold water and some prey. Climate Its climate is tempered, has a pluvial precipitation annual of 700,0 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 2,6 and 38.0º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates to the mixed forest with pine and encino and the tropical forest deciduo with parota, guaje, cascalote and they cirian. Their fauna conforms the deer, cacomixtle, cat wild, squirrel, raccoon, garganey, torcaz and duck.
Natural resources The forest surface of timber is occupied by pine, encino, and in the case of the nontimber ones, by scrubs of different species. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary and Miocene, they correspond mainly to those of type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally cattle dealer and in minor forest and agricultural proportion.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education For the basic education establishments exist of pre-school, primary, eg: secondary education initial and telesecundaria. At mean level superior is the School of Bachelors. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality it is taken care of by official and deprived organisms in urban means like those of preventive medicine, it consults external, general medicine and odontológicos services, in assigned Centers of Health to the Secretariat of Health, besides the Particular Doctor's offices. Supply The municipality counts once on tianguis per week, stationery stores, stores of clothes, zapaterías, ironworks and stores of packings where the population acquires articles of first necessity.
Sport In the municipality are soccer fields, basquetbol, volibol, recreational parks and sport units in process of construction distributed in all the communities of the municipality like in the municipal head. House The municipality counts approximately on 3.696 built houses of which the construction of adobe is the one that predominates followed by the one of materials (partition, block, stone and cement) among others. (INEGI 1995). Services public Potable water 70_ Drainage 60_ Electrification 80_ Paving 40_ Public lighting system 80_ Garbage collection 80_ Market No Sign No Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 90_ Public security 90_ Parks and Gardens 95_ Buildings Public 95_ Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: newspapers, radio stations, television, etc. Communication channels The municipal head communicates with the Federal Highway No. 15 Mexico - Walnuts, some communities (the Cherry tree, The Quarry, Tarecuato, etc.), Zamora highway - the Kings, others with terracerías, count on the service of railroad, telephone, public houses, post office and telegraphs.
Economic activity
Sport In the municipality are soccer fields, basquetbol, volibol, recreational parks and sport units in process of construction distributed in all the communities of the municipality like in the municipal head. House The municipality counts approximately on 3.696 built houses of which the construction of adobe is the one that predominates followed by the one of materials (partition, block, stone and cement) among others. (INEGI 1995). Services public Potable water 70_ Drainage 60_ Electrification 80_ Paving 40_ Public lighting system 80_ Garbage collection 80_ Market No Sign No Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 90_ Public security 90_ Parks and Gardens 95_ Buildings Public 95_ Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: newspapers, radio stations, television, etc. Communication channels The municipal head communicates with the Federal Highway No. 15 Mexico - Walnuts, some communities (the Cherry tree, The Quarry, Tarecuato, etc.), Zamora highway - the Kings, others with terracerías, count on the service of railroad, telephone, public houses, post office and telegraphs.
Economic activity
Agriculture It is the main economic activity of the municipality being the main cultures: maize, kidney bean, wheat, cucumber, jícama and sorghum. Also it counts on fruit kitchen gardens of: pear, peach tree, plum, file and avocado. Cattle ranch The cattle activity is not very significant for the municipality, one grows up mainly: Bovine, Pig, Ovine and Birds. Industry Between the established industries they emphasize by its importance: the looms of pedals that make blankets; the factory of sueteres and playeras of acrilán.
Tourism By its natural conditions, the municipality takes places own for the tourist development. Commerce It exists in the municipality the commerce of variable furniture, sets of dishes and fruits Services The municipality counts on service of hotels and restaurants that they satisfy the tourist demand.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Tourism By its natural conditions, the municipality takes places own for the tourist development. Commerce It exists in the municipality the commerce of variable furniture, sets of dishes and fruits Services The municipality counts on service of hotels and restaurants that they satisfy the tourist demand.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Historical monuments The municipality counts on several architectonic monuments between which they emphasize: The Parish of San Francisco of You grasp and the Parish from Santiago Apostle. Constructed in the past century. Celebrations, dances and traditions Julio 25 Celebration in honor to Santo Patrono Apostle Santiago May 15 Celebration in honor of San Farm Isidro August 28 the Fair of the Pear is carried out November 1º is carried out the Fair of the Pot April the Fair of the Cornflour drink is carried out 16 September 15 and Celebration of the celebrations Mother countries December 12 Celebration in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe Music Traditional, wind bands. Crafts Vegetal and textile fibers, weaves of reed (baskets, baskets), gabanes in different styles, geometric design with lambda-type, cross embroiderings o'clock, wool strips with geometric decoration, blouse of cotton embroidered by hand
Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: churipo, corundas, cornflour drink and pozole. Tourist centers The municipality counts on an Archaeological Zone and Recreational park denominated the Teporicua.
Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: churipo, corundas, cornflour drink and pozole. Tourist centers The municipality counts on an Archaeological Zone and Recreational park denominated the Teporicua.
Municipal head: Santiago Its main activity is the farming one being its main ones cultures: maize, kidney bean, wheat, cucumber, jícama, fruit trees (it files), besides the young of bovines, pigs and poultries. Account with 8.965 inhabitants (INEGI 1990). Its distance to the State Capital is of 165 km. Main localities Tarécuaro Its main activity is agriculture, being its main ones cultures the maize and the kidney bean, count in addition with fruit pear kitchen gardens, peach tree, avocado and plum. One grows up bovine, pig cattle and poultries. In smaller proportion the commerce and crafts. it locates to 40 km of the municipal head. It counts on 6,480 inhabitants. The QuarryIts main activity is agriculture being its main ones cultures the maize and the kidney bean, count in addition with fruit pear kitchen gardens, peach tree, avocado and plum. One grows up bovine, pig cattle and poultries. In smaller proportion the commerce and crafts. it locates to 33 km of the municipal head. It counts on 2,130 inhabitants.
Chronology of the municipal presidents 1944 - Francisco Espinoza Valdez 1951 - Jose González Padilla 1952 - Gilberto Oregel Bultado 1953 - J. Salomé Garci'a 1962 - Navarrese Miguel Ochoa 1963 - 1965 Ernesto Ochoa Fertile valley 1966 - 1968 Jose Mejía González 1969 - 1971 Jose González Padilla 1972 - 1974 Luis Manzo Mora 1975 - 1977 Ernesto González González 1978 - 1980 Arnulfo Oregel Villanueva 1981 - 1983 Luis Ochoa Fertile valley 1984 - 1986 Francisco Stream Eyebrow 1987 - 1989 Juan González Fields 1990 - 1992 Serafín Rivers Alvarez 1993 - 1995 Rafael Rivers Alvarez 1996 - 1998 Aurelio Garci'a Lúa 1999 - 2001 Salvador Contreras Garci'a2002 - 2004 Victorian Alfredo.
Chronology of the municipal presidents 1944 - Francisco Espinoza Valdez 1951 - Jose González Padilla 1952 - Gilberto Oregel Bultado 1953 - J. Salomé Garci'a 1962 - Navarrese Miguel Ochoa 1963 - 1965 Ernesto Ochoa Fertile valley 1966 - 1968 Jose Mejía González 1969 - 1971 Jose González Padilla 1972 - 1974 Luis Manzo Mora 1975 - 1977 Ernesto González González 1978 - 1980 Arnulfo Oregel Villanueva 1981 - 1983 Luis Ochoa Fertile valley 1984 - 1986 Francisco Stream Eyebrow 1987 - 1989 Juan González Fields 1990 - 1992 Serafín Rivers Alvarez 1993 - 1995 Rafael Rivers Alvarez 1996 - 1998 Aurelio Garci'a Lúa 1999 - 2001 Salvador Contreras Garci'a2002 - 2004 Victorian Alfredo.
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