The city of Zamora is located in the old Valley of Tziróndaro, in this valley have been the rest of the older superior culture of the West of Mexico (1500 years to C.) as they demonstrate the fossilized rest to it, located in tombs in places near Zamora, like “Opeño”.
At this Valley, the tribes arrived thecas and they were fused with the previous settlers. Later, in 1470, purépechas put under all the inhabitants, calzontzi, put a cacique or caracha capacha. With the arrival from the Spaniards to the region purépecha and the subsequent distribution of the same one, in charges to the conquering captains, the valley is given to Don Juan de Albornoz.
Later, there were two successive encomenderos and finally, it happened to the crown in quality of group of judges. The 18 of January of 1574, Villa de Zamora was based, by mandate of the Virrey Martín Enríquez de Almanza. The name of the villa, is granted in memory to the city of Zamora, Spain, since most of the founding Spanish families, were original of that city. After its foundation, seat of the greater mayorship named him. In 1787, the greater mayorships are suppressed and Intendance are created, that divided in mayorships or subdelegations, corresponding to him this last appointment to Zamora. The 21 of November of 1810, initiated the fight by independence, Hidalgo priest, made their entrance to Zamora and in the celebration that the town offered him, the title of illustrious City was granted him. By the territorial Law del 10 of December of 1831, constitutes in municipality and like a tribute al father of the mother country, to the city was titled “ to him;Zamora de Hidalgo”, from the 17 of December of 1953.
Illustrious personages
Fray Manuel Martinez de Navarrete- Poet (1768-1809). Atenógenes Segale- Dramatutgo and poet (1865-1903).Jose Alvarez- Delegated constituent, (1885-). Melesio de Jesus Garci'a- Poet (1814-).Antonio Labastida and Dávalos- Archbishop (1826-1891).Perfect Méndez Padilla- Lawyer and ascritor (1875-1942). Alfonso Méndez Plancarte- Humanist and philosopher (1909-1955). Fernando Méndez Velasquez- Composer and musician (1883-). Francisco Orozco and Jiménez- Archbishop (1864-1936).Antonio Plancarte and Labastida- Beneficient, on Jacona he founded educational establishments (-1898).Francisco Plancarte and Navarrete- Archbishop and archaeologist. He investigated the origin of the civilization tarasca, got to form a rich archaeological collection. He died in Monterrey in 1920 (1856-1920).Jose Blond Rafael- Literato (1880-1916). Benito Diaz de Gamarra- He was born the 21 of March of 1745, son of Don Diego de Gamarra and Doña Anna de Balos. In 1770 priest by monsignor Sanchez de Tagle is ordered. He considers himself him like the introducer of the Modern Philosophy to our country. The Philosophical works of Gamarra are the following ones: Philosophical academies, Elementa Recentioris Philosophiae, Mexici, Errors of the Human, Memorial Understanding Fit, Of Very old Studiorum Ratione. 1o. of November of 1783 passed away, in the convent dedicated to San Felipe Neri, of San Miguel the Great one (of Beyond), Guanajuato. (1745-1783).Jose Sixto Verduzco- It was born in Zamora, Mich., in 1773, died in Mexico towards 1830. It made the sacerdotal race in the School of San Nicholas de Obispo and in the Seminary Conciliate of Valladolid; Doctor in the Real and Pontifical University of Mexico was titled. Along with Ignacio Lopez Rayon, decided to form the Meeting of Zitácuaro, to similarity of which they had formed the Spaniards against the French. That same meeting ordered the organization to him of Michoacán. In 1813, with a considerable army, it tried to take Valladolid, being defeated this fact, separated to the members of the Meeting, before which Morelos promoted a National Congress that initiated workings in Chilpancingo (1813). Verduzco represented Michoacán and was named member of the Assembly, with that character participated until the Constitution of Apatzingán in October of 1814 was signed. From 1818 to 1820, he remained imprisoned. Pardoned, it promised not to return to take the arms. After completed Independence it professed and it exerted positions in San Luis Potosí (1773-1830).Jose Maria Cabadas- It was born in Zamora, Mich., in 1795. It died being canon of the cathedral of Morelia, Mich. in 1844. Being it cures of the Mercy, constructed in 20 months with the help of the neighbors, the bridge of rubblework on the Lerma River (1832), the best one of the virreinato. The city, in honor his, is called the Mercy of Cabadas now. Also the Parish of Zamora is work hers (today cathedral), initiated in 1838. He was he who introduced the lightning rods in Guadalajara Fernando Castilian R. (1889-1918), poet and lawyer. He was born in Zamora in 1889. Prisoner in Pátzcuaro was taken the 16 of June of 1918, to where he had been going to fulfill a commission of the executive, by the brigands of Ines Chávez the Garci'as, who took it until Cuanajo, hanging it the 17 of the same month. (1795-1844).Luis Padilla Nervo. - (1894-1985), he was born in the city of Zamora, Mich., the 19 of August of 1894. He died in the city of Mexico, the 9 of September of 1985. He belonged to a family of middle-class. Were his parents Luis Padilla and Angela Nervo, who always wished that his son was lawyer, thus animated it so that she was transferred to the city of Mexico, to study in the National School of Jurisprudendia of the National University of Mexico, where she graduated in 1918. In that same year it entered the Secretariat of Outer Relations like protocol assistant, and later it was sent like plenipotenciario minister to Argentina, where it initiated a shining diplomatic career. From 1919 to 1923 it studied the Right International in the Faculty of Right and Social Sciences of Buenos Aires; at the end of it it was assigned to the embassy of Mexico in Washington. In 1929 it was sent to London, where fungió as second Secretary of Legation and two years later were aid of Alberto J. Pani in the embassy of Mexico in Spain. In 1932 Narcissus Bassols it designated Undersecretary to it of Education; when accepting the position Padilla Nervo expressed: “Este work represents for me new ways to cross, reason why when leaving provisionally the outer service will be to me pleasing to work next to Salvador I novate, Xavier Villaurrutia, Jaime Bodet Towers and Jose Gorostiza, between otros”. After several months of work, he presented/displayed before the Congress a project that would modify the article third constitutionalist, in that one settled down the socialist education and he incorporated the sexual education to the plans and training programs. The critics and protests of the civil and ecclesiastical society by the tried introduction of so radical changes in the Mexican education, forced it to resign to their position to return to the diplomatic footpath. In 1933 he was plenipotenciario minister in the United States and Costa Rica, in 1934 in Panama and El Salvador, in 1936 in Paraguay and Uruguay, in 1938 in Holland and 1940 in Cuba, distinguishing themselves always by his capable performance and deep knowledge of the international right. In 1946 he was representing of Mexico before UNESCO. Also it comprised of the Security Council of the UN, where it defended the principle of non-intervention. In 1952 president Ruiz Cortines named secretary of Outer Relations. In 1958 he returned to the UN like delegate of Mexico, position that occupied until shortly before its death.Gildardo Magaña Bristle. - (1891-1939), it was born in Zamora the 7 of March of 1891. It died in the city of Mexico the 13 of December of 1939. He was son of a accommodated retailer, who in his youth had been collaborating of the Philosopher of the Reformation, Don Melchor Ocampo. His first studies make them in the seminary of this city, but to his gentleman father they do not satisfy the lessons him with religious type and chooses to command to his son to study commerce in Temple College, as the city of Filadelfia (a school supported by masones templarios of the United States) where graduates like public accountant, even though then “Tenedores of Libros” were denominated;. Soon it returns and one settles down in the capital of the Republic, with a dedicated office to take accounting to diverse houses of commerce. By that then (1908) they begin to bloom the antirreleeccionistas clubs, that requested an effective democracy. Gildardo came “picado” of the democratic ideas that he learned in the neighboring country and for that reason is one of most enthusiastic those in favor and is as well as begins to conspire against the porfirista dictatorship, being related to important personages like Juan Sanchez Axcona (that soon would have to be Private secretary of Don Francisco l. Madero), Francisco J. Mújica, Mangel Edges, Cossío Robelo and the Vázquez brothers Go'mez. Taking starts off in several combats against the federals and then it demonstrates value, but mainly, logistic dowries that are element to win battles, reason why the Caudillo of the South, promotes to Lieutenant Colonel. When the differences between Madero and Zapata come, Gildardo Magaña is a species of diplomat, who proposes and directs the tendientes activities to “componer cosas” and although it does not obtain, given it the stubborness of Zapata, our personage continues believing in the cause; but like individual that brings imbuidos the principles of loyalty, he remains faithful to the zapatista cause. In an occasion that came to the capital of the country to carry out missions diplomatic, inferior civil employees apprehend it and lock up in the military prison of Tlatelolco. In the same prison one was shut in Francisco Villa, to whom he explains the plans and desires to him of the zapatistas. And as account occurs that Villa is illiterate, is dedicated to teach it to read, to write and to make accounts arithmetical. To Gildardo one is due to credit to him that the Centaur of the North, had the elementary education. When they are released by order of Log, each one of them returns to its troops. To the murder of Log, Magaña convinces Zapata to fight against Orchard. During years thirteen and fourteen, Magaña return to the load to obtain that they are recognized mutually, the zapatistas and Pancho Villa supporter forces, which obtains. When in October of 1914 the Convention of Aguascalientes is celebrated, Magaña is the personal delegate of Zapata, the one that did not have in its intellectually prepared equipment the anybody best one. During the brief government of the ephemeral Roque González Heron, Gildardo Magaña is named head of the Federal District. It is his first position of importance, the one that it has to carry out with energy, because therefore they demand the circumstances. He was implacable against attackers, thieves and homicidas. Its assignment is so successful, that it is called to be Secretary of Interior. Whenever it can, it presents the ideals the zapatismo. At the end of 1917 one promotes Brigadier general to him. When in April of 1919 the revolting murder of Zapata is staged, it thinks that the movement had finished, but Magaña runs of a side for another one, conferenciando with the zapatistas generals, trying to organize them so that the movement does not die. Once again we found the irreplaceable Magaña military man-diplomat, ordered to platicar (to arrange) with General Francisco Villa, obtaining who this one is put under the government, in 1920 July. Always active the Gral. Magaña, has obsession to instruct itself in the military science and thus we see it consuetudinariamente attending the sporadic “cursos for generales” that they were distributed in all the forms in which it is possible to him to get to be an authentic general. It carries out the Commandant's office in several zones, among them the one of its native state Michoacán and both then Baja California territories. In 1936 the michoacana citizenship chooses with satisfaction to the Gral. Gildardo Magaña, like its Governor, in whose position it achieves successes that still are remembered by the michoacanos, that were proud to have a governor with the as remarkable curriculum as the one of Magaña. When it is the moment of the succession of Cardinal red President Lazaro, the Gral Gildardo Magaña appears in the list of precandidates next to as remarkable figures as generals Andrés Figueroa, Francisco J. Mújica, Manuel Avila Camacho, Joaquin Clary, among others. The death prevented to finish its mandate him like governor of Michoacán, having passed away in the Military Central Hospital in the city of Mexico, the 13 of December of 1939. An old affection cardiac, to which never it gave importance him, nor was put under medical treatment, cut the life of this michoacano. It was the Gral. de Div. Gildardo Magaña Bristle, an important one to pound of the Revolution. Nonsingle it emphasized in the combats with the arms, but also in the battles of the internal diplomacy. It had the honor of being the successor of Emiliano Zapata, and it is insisted, was the alfabetizador of the Centaur of the North, Francisco Villa; being a intransigente with its ideology. Alfonso Garci'a Oaks (1911-), was born in Zamora, Mich., in 1911. Diplomat. He initiated the race of Right in the Independent National University of Mexico and he finished it in the University of Paris, with specialization in the Right International (1936); he also obtained the diploma of the Academy of Right of Is it (1938). He entered to the Mexican outer service in 1939, has been Ambassador of Mexico in Brazil, Permanent Representative of Mexico before the United Nations, Delegate of Mexico in more than 100 international and inter-American conferences, President of the Delegation from Mexico to the conference of the Committee of Disarmament, with seat in Geneva (1967 to the date), Secretary of Outer Relations (1975-1976). He has published more than 20 books, between which they emphasize: “México in the Postguerra” (1944), “Política the International of México” (1946), “Mésures of Désarmement Dans DES Zones Pariticulieres” (1971). The Committee Nobel de Oslo, chose to Alfonso deserving Garci'a Oaks to the Nobel prize of La Paz (1987, same one that shared with Alva Myrdal, of Sweden.
Chronology of historical facts
1470. Purépechas put under all the inhabitants of this valley. 1574. 18 of January, Seat and foundation of the villa of Zamora. 1810. In the month of October, captain Ruperto Mier Huidobro, seized of Villa de Zamora. 1810. Don Miguel Hidalgo and Costilla, grants the title of city the 21 of November. 1811. The 15 of January, realistic Don Pedro Negrete Celestine, establish in this city their operations center. 1827. The title of city is ratified, with decree no. 10 of the second legislature. 1838. During the insurrection of Lopez of Santa Anna, Zamora is attacked by the military services of Gordiano Guzmán. 1854. Proclaimed the Plan of Ayutla, generals Epitacio Orchard and Manuel Garci'a Pueblita, they are introduced in the population and they found one of the bells of the temple of San Francisco. 1855. After fleeing the troops of the lieutenant Miguel Negrete, general Santa Anna enters the city triunfalmente. 1858. The 29 of May, liberal colonel Manuel “El Pico”, after three days of fight, he took the city and the winners made a wild sacking. 1863. The 22 of December, the French troops seized of Zamora. 1867. After a bloody one it battles the 5 of February, the republican forces occupied the city. 1875. Felix Vargas, secundó the Christian revolt in Zamora. 1877. After a bitter combat, general Frank Francisco, takes the city. 1898. The 2 of February, Cázares bishop, put the first stone of which it would be later the unfinished work of the neogothic cathedral. 1899. From the 4 to the 8 of September, sesionó in this city the third Mexican agricultural congress, supported by the bishop Jose Moor. 1953. The 17 of November, the Congress of Michoacán grants the title of Zamora de Hidalgo.
At this Valley, the tribes arrived thecas and they were fused with the previous settlers. Later, in 1470, purépechas put under all the inhabitants, calzontzi, put a cacique or caracha capacha. With the arrival from the Spaniards to the region purépecha and the subsequent distribution of the same one, in charges to the conquering captains, the valley is given to Don Juan de Albornoz.

Illustrious personages
Fray Manuel Martinez de Navarrete- Poet (1768-1809). Atenógenes Segale- Dramatutgo and poet (1865-1903).Jose Alvarez- Delegated constituent, (1885-). Melesio de Jesus Garci'a- Poet (1814-).Antonio Labastida and Dávalos- Archbishop (1826-1891).Perfect Méndez Padilla- Lawyer and ascritor (1875-1942). Alfonso Méndez Plancarte- Humanist and philosopher (1909-1955). Fernando Méndez Velasquez- Composer and musician (1883-). Francisco Orozco and Jiménez- Archbishop (1864-1936).Antonio Plancarte and Labastida- Beneficient, on Jacona he founded educational establishments (-1898).Francisco Plancarte and Navarrete- Archbishop and archaeologist. He investigated the origin of the civilization tarasca, got to form a rich archaeological collection. He died in Monterrey in 1920 (1856-1920).Jose Blond Rafael- Literato (1880-1916). Benito Diaz de Gamarra- He was born the 21 of March of 1745, son of Don Diego de Gamarra and Doña Anna de Balos. In 1770 priest by monsignor Sanchez de Tagle is ordered. He considers himself him like the introducer of the Modern Philosophy to our country. The Philosophical works of Gamarra are the following ones: Philosophical academies, Elementa Recentioris Philosophiae, Mexici, Errors of the Human, Memorial Understanding Fit, Of Very old Studiorum Ratione. 1o. of November of 1783 passed away, in the convent dedicated to San Felipe Neri, of San Miguel the Great one (of Beyond), Guanajuato. (1745-1783).Jose Sixto Verduzco- It was born in Zamora, Mich., in 1773, died in Mexico towards 1830. It made the sacerdotal race in the School of San Nicholas de Obispo and in the Seminary Conciliate of Valladolid; Doctor in the Real and Pontifical University of Mexico was titled. Along with Ignacio Lopez Rayon, decided to form the Meeting of Zitácuaro, to similarity of which they had formed the Spaniards against the French. That same meeting ordered the organization to him of Michoacán. In 1813, with a considerable army, it tried to take Valladolid, being defeated this fact, separated to the members of the Meeting, before which Morelos promoted a National Congress that initiated workings in Chilpancingo (1813). Verduzco represented Michoacán and was named member of the Assembly, with that character participated until the Constitution of Apatzingán in October of 1814 was signed. From 1818 to 1820, he remained imprisoned. Pardoned, it promised not to return to take the arms. After completed Independence it professed and it exerted positions in San Luis Potosí (1773-1830).Jose Maria Cabadas- It was born in Zamora, Mich., in 1795. It died being canon of the cathedral of Morelia, Mich. in 1844. Being it cures of the Mercy, constructed in 20 months with the help of the neighbors, the bridge of rubblework on the Lerma River (1832), the best one of the virreinato. The city, in honor his, is called the Mercy of Cabadas now. Also the Parish of Zamora is work hers (today cathedral), initiated in 1838. He was he who introduced the lightning rods in Guadalajara Fernando Castilian R. (1889-1918), poet and lawyer. He was born in Zamora in 1889. Prisoner in Pátzcuaro was taken the 16 of June of 1918, to where he had been going to fulfill a commission of the executive, by the brigands of Ines Chávez the Garci'as, who took it until Cuanajo, hanging it the 17 of the same month. (1795-1844).Luis Padilla Nervo. - (1894-1985), he was born in the city of Zamora, Mich., the 19 of August of 1894. He died in the city of Mexico, the 9 of September of 1985. He belonged to a family of middle-class. Were his parents Luis Padilla and Angela Nervo, who always wished that his son was lawyer, thus animated it so that she was transferred to the city of Mexico, to study in the National School of Jurisprudendia of the National University of Mexico, where she graduated in 1918. In that same year it entered the Secretariat of Outer Relations like protocol assistant, and later it was sent like plenipotenciario minister to Argentina, where it initiated a shining diplomatic career. From 1919 to 1923 it studied the Right International in the Faculty of Right and Social Sciences of Buenos Aires; at the end of it it was assigned to the embassy of Mexico in Washington. In 1929 it was sent to London, where fungió as second Secretary of Legation and two years later were aid of Alberto J. Pani in the embassy of Mexico in Spain. In 1932 Narcissus Bassols it designated Undersecretary to it of Education; when accepting the position Padilla Nervo expressed: “Este work represents for me new ways to cross, reason why when leaving provisionally the outer service will be to me pleasing to work next to Salvador I novate, Xavier Villaurrutia, Jaime Bodet Towers and Jose Gorostiza, between otros”. After several months of work, he presented/displayed before the Congress a project that would modify the article third constitutionalist, in that one settled down the socialist education and he incorporated the sexual education to the plans and training programs. The critics and protests of the civil and ecclesiastical society by the tried introduction of so radical changes in the Mexican education, forced it to resign to their position to return to the diplomatic footpath. In 1933 he was plenipotenciario minister in the United States and Costa Rica, in 1934 in Panama and El Salvador, in 1936 in Paraguay and Uruguay, in 1938 in Holland and 1940 in Cuba, distinguishing themselves always by his capable performance and deep knowledge of the international right. In 1946 he was representing of Mexico before UNESCO. Also it comprised of the Security Council of the UN, where it defended the principle of non-intervention. In 1952 president Ruiz Cortines named secretary of Outer Relations. In 1958 he returned to the UN like delegate of Mexico, position that occupied until shortly before its death.Gildardo Magaña Bristle. - (1891-1939), it was born in Zamora the 7 of March of 1891. It died in the city of Mexico the 13 of December of 1939. He was son of a accommodated retailer, who in his youth had been collaborating of the Philosopher of the Reformation, Don Melchor Ocampo. His first studies make them in the seminary of this city, but to his gentleman father they do not satisfy the lessons him with religious type and chooses to command to his son to study commerce in Temple College, as the city of Filadelfia (a school supported by masones templarios of the United States) where graduates like public accountant, even though then “Tenedores of Libros” were denominated;. Soon it returns and one settles down in the capital of the Republic, with a dedicated office to take accounting to diverse houses of commerce. By that then (1908) they begin to bloom the antirreleeccionistas clubs, that requested an effective democracy. Gildardo came “picado” of the democratic ideas that he learned in the neighboring country and for that reason is one of most enthusiastic those in favor and is as well as begins to conspire against the porfirista dictatorship, being related to important personages like Juan Sanchez Axcona (that soon would have to be Private secretary of Don Francisco l. Madero), Francisco J. Mújica, Mangel Edges, Cossío Robelo and the Vázquez brothers Go'mez. Taking starts off in several combats against the federals and then it demonstrates value, but mainly, logistic dowries that are element to win battles, reason why the Caudillo of the South, promotes to Lieutenant Colonel. When the differences between Madero and Zapata come, Gildardo Magaña is a species of diplomat, who proposes and directs the tendientes activities to “componer cosas” and although it does not obtain, given it the stubborness of Zapata, our personage continues believing in the cause; but like individual that brings imbuidos the principles of loyalty, he remains faithful to the zapatista cause. In an occasion that came to the capital of the country to carry out missions diplomatic, inferior civil employees apprehend it and lock up in the military prison of Tlatelolco. In the same prison one was shut in Francisco Villa, to whom he explains the plans and desires to him of the zapatistas. And as account occurs that Villa is illiterate, is dedicated to teach it to read, to write and to make accounts arithmetical. To Gildardo one is due to credit to him that the Centaur of the North, had the elementary education. When they are released by order of Log, each one of them returns to its troops. To the murder of Log, Magaña convinces Zapata to fight against Orchard. During years thirteen and fourteen, Magaña return to the load to obtain that they are recognized mutually, the zapatistas and Pancho Villa supporter forces, which obtains. When in October of 1914 the Convention of Aguascalientes is celebrated, Magaña is the personal delegate of Zapata, the one that did not have in its intellectually prepared equipment the anybody best one. During the brief government of the ephemeral Roque González Heron, Gildardo Magaña is named head of the Federal District. It is his first position of importance, the one that it has to carry out with energy, because therefore they demand the circumstances. He was implacable against attackers, thieves and homicidas. Its assignment is so successful, that it is called to be Secretary of Interior. Whenever it can, it presents the ideals the zapatismo. At the end of 1917 one promotes Brigadier general to him. When in April of 1919 the revolting murder of Zapata is staged, it thinks that the movement had finished, but Magaña runs of a side for another one, conferenciando with the zapatistas generals, trying to organize them so that the movement does not die. Once again we found the irreplaceable Magaña military man-diplomat, ordered to platicar (to arrange) with General Francisco Villa, obtaining who this one is put under the government, in 1920 July. Always active the Gral. Magaña, has obsession to instruct itself in the military science and thus we see it consuetudinariamente attending the sporadic “cursos for generales” that they were distributed in all the forms in which it is possible to him to get to be an authentic general. It carries out the Commandant's office in several zones, among them the one of its native state Michoacán and both then Baja California territories. In 1936 the michoacana citizenship chooses with satisfaction to the Gral. Gildardo Magaña, like its Governor, in whose position it achieves successes that still are remembered by the michoacanos, that were proud to have a governor with the as remarkable curriculum as the one of Magaña. When it is the moment of the succession of Cardinal red President Lazaro, the Gral Gildardo Magaña appears in the list of precandidates next to as remarkable figures as generals Andrés Figueroa, Francisco J. Mújica, Manuel Avila Camacho, Joaquin Clary, among others. The death prevented to finish its mandate him like governor of Michoacán, having passed away in the Military Central Hospital in the city of Mexico, the 13 of December of 1939. An old affection cardiac, to which never it gave importance him, nor was put under medical treatment, cut the life of this michoacano. It was the Gral. de Div. Gildardo Magaña Bristle, an important one to pound of the Revolution. Nonsingle it emphasized in the combats with the arms, but also in the battles of the internal diplomacy. It had the honor of being the successor of Emiliano Zapata, and it is insisted, was the alfabetizador of the Centaur of the North, Francisco Villa; being a intransigente with its ideology. Alfonso Garci'a Oaks (1911-), was born in Zamora, Mich., in 1911. Diplomat. He initiated the race of Right in the Independent National University of Mexico and he finished it in the University of Paris, with specialization in the Right International (1936); he also obtained the diploma of the Academy of Right of Is it (1938). He entered to the Mexican outer service in 1939, has been Ambassador of Mexico in Brazil, Permanent Representative of Mexico before the United Nations, Delegate of Mexico in more than 100 international and inter-American conferences, President of the Delegation from Mexico to the conference of the Committee of Disarmament, with seat in Geneva (1967 to the date), Secretary of Outer Relations (1975-1976). He has published more than 20 books, between which they emphasize: “México in the Postguerra” (1944), “Política the International of México” (1946), “Mésures of Désarmement Dans DES Zones Pariticulieres” (1971). The Committee Nobel de Oslo, chose to Alfonso deserving Garci'a Oaks to the Nobel prize of La Paz (1987, same one that shared with Alva Myrdal, of Sweden.
Chronology of historical facts
1470. Purépechas put under all the inhabitants of this valley. 1574. 18 of January, Seat and foundation of the villa of Zamora. 1810. In the month of October, captain Ruperto Mier Huidobro, seized of Villa de Zamora. 1810. Don Miguel Hidalgo and Costilla, grants the title of city the 21 of November. 1811. The 15 of January, realistic Don Pedro Negrete Celestine, establish in this city their operations center. 1827. The title of city is ratified, with decree no. 10 of the second legislature. 1838. During the insurrection of Lopez of Santa Anna, Zamora is attacked by the military services of Gordiano Guzmán. 1854. Proclaimed the Plan of Ayutla, generals Epitacio Orchard and Manuel Garci'a Pueblita, they are introduced in the population and they found one of the bells of the temple of San Francisco. 1855. After fleeing the troops of the lieutenant Miguel Negrete, general Santa Anna enters the city triunfalmente. 1858. The 29 of May, liberal colonel Manuel “El Pico”, after three days of fight, he took the city and the winners made a wild sacking. 1863. The 22 of December, the French troops seized of Zamora. 1867. After a bloody one it battles the 5 of February, the republican forces occupied the city. 1875. Felix Vargas, secundó the Christian revolt in Zamora. 1877. After a bitter combat, general Frank Francisco, takes the city. 1898. The 2 of February, Cázares bishop, put the first stone of which it would be later the unfinished work of the neogothic cathedral. 1899. From the 4 to the 8 of September, sesionó in this city the third Mexican agricultural congress, supported by the bishop Jose Moor. 1953. The 17 of November, the Congress of Michoacán grants the title of Zamora de Hidalgo.
Average Physicist
Location It is located to the northwest of the State, in 19 coordinatesº59’ of North latitude and 102º17’ of west longitude, to a height of 1.560 meters on the level of the sea. It limits the north with Ixtlán and Ecuandureo, the east with Churintzio and Tlazazalca, the south with Juárez and Tangancícuaro, and the west with Chavinda and Tangamandapio. Its distance to the State Capital is of 144 km, by the federal highway No.15, Morelia-Zamora.
Extension Its surface is of 330,97 km² and it represents the 0,56 percent of the total of the State.
Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system and hills of the Very devout woman, the Beatilla, the Encinar, Tecari, the Aryan and the Great one.
Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted mainly by the rivers Duero and Celio, the streams Dark, Deep and White, the prey of Alvarez, of the Colorín and the one of Down, in addition temporary streams exist.
Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1.000 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 1,2 and 39,2º centigrade ones.
Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the prairie, with huisache, mezquite, thorny cardonal, nopal and scrubs. Its fauna is satisfied by dove, quail, tordo, magpie, coyote, tlacuache, vixen and tejón.
Natural resources The logable forest surface, is occupied by encino and the nonlogable one by shrubs of different species.
Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary and Pliocene, they correspond mainly to those of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally cattle dealer and agriculturist in smaller forest proportion.
Extension Its surface is of 330,97 km² and it represents the 0,56 percent of the total of the State.

Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system and hills of the Very devout woman, the Beatilla, the Encinar, Tecari, the Aryan and the Great one.
Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted mainly by the rivers Duero and Celio, the streams Dark, Deep and White, the prey of Alvarez, of the Colorín and the one of Down, in addition temporary streams exist.
Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1.000 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 1,2 and 39,2º centigrade ones.
Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the prairie, with huisache, mezquite, thorny cardonal, nopal and scrubs. Its fauna is satisfied by dove, quail, tordo, magpie, coyote, tlacuache, vixen and tejón.
Natural resources The logable forest surface, is occupied by encino and the nonlogable one by shrubs of different species.
Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary and Pliocene, they correspond mainly to those of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally cattle dealer and agriculturist in smaller forest proportion.
Sociodemográfico Profile
Ethnic groups They do not exist in the municipality, his presence is of floating type, because they move from the Purépecha Plateau to the municipality with commercial aims. 
Demographic evolution In the Municipality of Zamora in 1990, the population represented the 4,08 percent of the total of the State. For 1995, a population of 160.079 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 2,10 annual percent and the density of population is of 483,70 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of men. For 1994, 4.932 births and 713 deaths were registered.
Religion The predominant religion is the catholic, followed of evangelical and mormona.

Demographic evolution In the Municipality of Zamora in 1990, the population represented the 4,08 percent of the total of the State. For 1995, a population of 160.079 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 2,10 annual percent and the density of population is of 483,70 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of men. For 1994, 4.932 births and 713 deaths were registered.
Religion The predominant religion is the catholic, followed of evangelical and mormona.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education In the municipality centers of education prescholastic, primary, secondary, preparatory, qualification for the work, technique, normal and professional are had. In addition they receive the services of INEA at the primary and secondary level.
Health The demand of medical services is taken care of by 2 medical units of the Secretariat of Health, one of U-06 type, located in Zamora and another one of R-01 type in Aryan of Rayón;una clinic-hospital of the ISSSTE, in addition to particular doctor's offices, clinics and hospitals.
Supply The commercial supply centers are: two tianguis weekly, five markets public, a power station of supply, a receiving basic product center, a municipal sign, 4 commercial seats with departmental warehouses of supermarket and, in addition to misceláneas stores.
House In 1990 the municipality counted on 27.611 houses, the majority are own and of the fixed type, the materials used mainly for its construction, in order of importance are, floors: mosaic and other coverings, cement, earth; in walls: Partition, block, marinate, cardboard laminae, metallic asbestos wood, mud, lamina or; in ceilings; slab of concrete, partition or brick, tile, cardboard lamina, metallic asbestos lamina or, palm or shake and wood.
Services public Potable Water 90 % Drainage 70 % Electrification 90% Paving 65 % Public Lighting system 90 % Garbage collection 80 % Cloración of water 90 % Public Security 80 % Pantheon 100 %In addition, the City council administers to the services of parks and gardens, buildings public, sport and recreational units, monuments and sources, among others.
Mass media A local newspaper of weekly circulation, 4 matutinal newspapers, a monthly newspaper of the H. Ayuntamiento is published; it counts on 3 local radio stations A.M., a FM, a local channel of television and an ample newspaper cover and regional, state and national magazines, as well as of repeaters of radio AM-FM, state and national television channels.
Routes of communication The municipality is communicated with the State Capital by federal highway no. 15 in its Morelia-Zamora section. The municipal head is to 15 km of the Ecuandureo relationship of the freeway of the Mexico-Guadalajara West. The municipal interconnection is carried out by means of 54,7 km of paved local roads, in its majority. It crosses a railroad, Zamora-Guadalajara section. It has service of mail, telegraph, telephone, telex, cover of cellular telephony, fax; service of taxi, urban, suburban and foreign transport and a aeropista.
Health The demand of medical services is taken care of by 2 medical units of the Secretariat of Health, one of U-06 type, located in Zamora and another one of R-01 type in Aryan of Rayón;una clinic-hospital of the ISSSTE, in addition to particular doctor's offices, clinics and hospitals.
Supply The commercial supply centers are: two tianguis weekly, five markets public, a power station of supply, a receiving basic product center, a municipal sign, 4 commercial seats with departmental warehouses of supermarket and, in addition to misceláneas stores.
House In 1990 the municipality counted on 27.611 houses, the majority are own and of the fixed type, the materials used mainly for its construction, in order of importance are, floors: mosaic and other coverings, cement, earth; in walls: Partition, block, marinate, cardboard laminae, metallic asbestos wood, mud, lamina or; in ceilings; slab of concrete, partition or brick, tile, cardboard lamina, metallic asbestos lamina or, palm or shake and wood.
Services public Potable Water 90 % Drainage 70 % Electrification 90% Paving 65 % Public Lighting system 90 % Garbage collection 80 % Cloración of water 90 % Public Security 80 % Pantheon 100 %In addition, the City council administers to the services of parks and gardens, buildings public, sport and recreational units, monuments and sources, among others.
Mass media A local newspaper of weekly circulation, 4 matutinal newspapers, a monthly newspaper of the H. Ayuntamiento is published; it counts on 3 local radio stations A.M., a FM, a local channel of television and an ample newspaper cover and regional, state and national magazines, as well as of repeaters of radio AM-FM, state and national television channels.
Routes of communication The municipality is communicated with the State Capital by federal highway no. 15 in its Morelia-Zamora section. The municipal head is to 15 km of the Ecuandureo relationship of the freeway of the Mexico-Guadalajara West. The municipal interconnection is carried out by means of 54,7 km of paved local roads, in its majority. It crosses a railroad, Zamora-Guadalajara section. It has service of mail, telegraph, telephone, telex, cover of cellular telephony, fax; service of taxi, urban, suburban and foreign transport and a aeropista.
Economic Activity
Agriculture The main cultures in the municipality are: it mills, Pope, tomato, onion, sorghum, wheat, maize, etc.
Cattle ranch In the municipality one grows up in importance order, bovine, pig, goat, equino, ovine cattle and beehives.
Industry Congeladoras of fruits and vegetables, industry of the construction of wood, the dress, assembles and repair of machinery and smaller equipment, in addition to nutritional units of product.
Tourism By its natural conditions and of services, the municipality takes own places for the tourist development, constituting an activity of vital importance for the economic development of the municipality.
Commerce The municipality has become the more important commercial center of the michoacano northeast, near four thousand establishments are dedicated to the commerce. Mueblerías, jewelry shops, zapaterías, photographic ironworks, shopkeepers, accessories and spare parts for automobiles, materials for construction, articles, armories, articles of skin and plastic, paintings, real estate, bakeries, restaurants, pharmacies, perfumerías, stationery stores, blacksmith shops, carpentries, tanneries, gift shops, undertakers, the presses, stores of clothes, chemical agents and fertilizing, balanced foods, laboratories, factories of all type and loncherías that sell all type of foods, and stores that sell of a whole poquito, are the most usual commerce.
Services The capacity of these in the municipal head, is sufficient to take care of the demand, offering: Nocturnal hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, halls conventions, centers, travel agencies, banking renting of cars, services, aeropista, aerotaxis, local transport, service of cranes and powerboats, etc.
Cattle ranch In the municipality one grows up in importance order, bovine, pig, goat, equino, ovine cattle and beehives.

Industry Congeladoras of fruits and vegetables, industry of the construction of wood, the dress, assembles and repair of machinery and smaller equipment, in addition to nutritional units of product.
Tourism By its natural conditions and of services, the municipality takes own places for the tourist development, constituting an activity of vital importance for the economic development of the municipality.
Commerce The municipality has become the more important commercial center of the michoacano northeast, near four thousand establishments are dedicated to the commerce. Mueblerías, jewelry shops, zapaterías, photographic ironworks, shopkeepers, accessories and spare parts for automobiles, materials for construction, articles, armories, articles of skin and plastic, paintings, real estate, bakeries, restaurants, pharmacies, perfumerías, stationery stores, blacksmith shops, carpentries, tanneries, gift shops, undertakers, the presses, stores of clothes, chemical agents and fertilizing, balanced foods, laboratories, factories of all type and loncherías that sell all type of foods, and stores that sell of a whole poquito, are the most usual commerce.
Services The capacity of these in the municipal head, is sufficient to take care of the demand, offering: Nocturnal hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, halls conventions, centers, travel agencies, banking renting of cars, services, aeropista, aerotaxis, local transport, service of cranes and powerboats, etc.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Monuments Architectonic: the unfinished cathedral of gothic style; the Federal Palace, old enclosure of the episcopado one, baroque style; the church of the Calvario, beautiful construction of neoclassic style; the temple of San Francisco and the Cathedral of Zamora, both of baroque style.
Celebrations, dances and traditions Popular celebrations:8 of March. Celebration of the Immaculate one; in Easter, procession of allegorical cars, with live representation of scenes of the Passion of Christ; Thursday of Corpus, fair of the artisan city with tianguis, and in December, celebrations guadalupanas, with pastorelas and put.
Music Band of wind and mariachi.
Crafts Regional wax figures, candies (of fruits, sugar and milk) and adornments for the supervisory celebrations (paper flowers).
Gastronomy Foods: Tamales, enchiladas, pozole and other antojitos; chicken to the furnace of exquisite condimentación and subjects of gossip with Pope. The strawberry is the fruit that takes place in the municipality and by that it is located to Zamora. Root of chayote, well-known like “chilchayote”. Candies: several types of milk candies and famous “chongos zamoranos”.
Tourist centers Natural landscapes.
Celebrations, dances and traditions Popular celebrations:8 of March. Celebration of the Immaculate one; in Easter, procession of allegorical cars, with live representation of scenes of the Passion of Christ; Thursday of Corpus, fair of the artisan city with tianguis, and in December, celebrations guadalupanas, with pastorelas and put.
Music Band of wind and mariachi.
Crafts Regional wax figures, candies (of fruits, sugar and milk) and adornments for the supervisory celebrations (paper flowers).
Gastronomy Foods: Tamales, enchiladas, pozole and other antojitos; chicken to the furnace of exquisite condimentación and subjects of gossip with Pope. The strawberry is the fruit that takes place in the municipality and by that it is located to Zamora. Root of chayote, well-known like “chilchayote”. Candies: several types of milk candies and famous “chongos zamoranos”.
Tourist centers Natural landscapes.
Municipal head: Zamora de Hidalgo.This located to 183 km of the State Capital by the Mexico-Guadalajara freeway. Their main economic activities are the commerce, agriculture and agriculturist. Its population in 1995 was of 121.181 inhabitants.
Main localities: Rayon Aryan. Its distance to the municipal head is of 9 km. Its main economic activity is the agriculturist, followed of the cattle ranch. Its population in 1995 was of 8.198 inhabitants.
Atecucario of the Constitution. Its distance to the municipal head is of 11 km. Its main activity is the agriculture, followed of the cattle ranch. Its population in 1995, was of 3.823 inhabitants.
The Rinconada. Its distance to the municipal head is of 7,0 km Its main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch. The population in 1995 was of 3.418 inhabitants.
The Sauceda. Its distance to the municipal head is of 18 km. Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. Its population in 1995 was of 2.962 inhabitants.
Atacheo de Regalado. Its distance to the municipal head is of 13 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 2.254 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Chaparaco. Its distance to the municipal head is of 4 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.787 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Lindavista. Its distance to the municipal head is of 8 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.689 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Stay of Amezcua. Its distance to the municipal head is of 8 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.668 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Serdán Aquilles. Its distance to the municipal head is of 10 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.512 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
The Sauz de Abajo. Its distance to the municipal head is of 13 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.313 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Chronology of the municipal presidents1939 - 1940 Juan Gutiérrez Flowers 1941 - Everardo Contreras Owners 1941 - Manuel Ayala 1943 - Enrique Piece Ruiz 1944 - 1945 Vicente Perez 1945 - Rubén Silva 1945 - Lic. Vicente Chávez Chávez 1947 - Lic. Vicente Chávez Chávez 1947 - 1949 Francisco Cristóbal Ruíz 1950 - Dr Jose Gutiérrez Mejía 1951 - Luis Godinez of the River 1952 - 1953 Manuel Ayala Alfaro 1954 - Alfonso Valdez Fernandez 1954 - Francisco Cristóbal Ruíz 1955 - Lic. Eleazar Noriega Reina 1956 - Francisco Cristóbal Ruíz 1957 - Luis Godinez 1957 - Manuel Ayala 1958 - Alfonso Contreras Fertile valley 1959 - Lic. Vicente Chávez Chávez 1959 - Luis Méndez Victory 1960 - 1962 Reynaldo Valdés Rocha 1963 - 1965 Jesus Garci'a Lopez Nicholas Go'mez Garibay Jose González Eyebrow 1966 - 1968 Felipe Herrera Garci'a 1969 - 1971 Lic. Adolph Ruíz Melgarejo 1972 - 1974 Dr David Safe Guzmán 1975 - 1977 Dr Carlos Negrete Dwells 1978 - 1980 C.P. Alberto Valdés Mendoza 1981 - 1983 Dr Vicente Villa Fernandez 1984 - 1986 C.P. Ignacio Rock Garci'a 1987 - 1989 Arnulfo Vázquez Ramirez 1990 - 1992 C.P. Ignacio Rock Garci'a 1993 - 1994 Guilermo Alexander Go'mez Fertile valley 1994 - 1995 Javier Tamayo Rodriguez 1996 - Julio Castilian Ramirez 1999 - 2001 Samuel Navarrese Arturo Sanchez 2002 - 2004 Eduardo Curiel.
Main localities: Rayon Aryan. Its distance to the municipal head is of 9 km. Its main economic activity is the agriculturist, followed of the cattle ranch. Its population in 1995 was of 8.198 inhabitants.
Atecucario of the Constitution. Its distance to the municipal head is of 11 km. Its main activity is the agriculture, followed of the cattle ranch. Its population in 1995, was of 3.823 inhabitants.
The Rinconada. Its distance to the municipal head is of 7,0 km Its main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch. The population in 1995 was of 3.418 inhabitants.
The Sauceda. Its distance to the municipal head is of 18 km. Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. Its population in 1995 was of 2.962 inhabitants.
Atacheo de Regalado. Its distance to the municipal head is of 13 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 2.254 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Chaparaco. Its distance to the municipal head is of 4 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.787 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Lindavista. Its distance to the municipal head is of 8 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.689 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Stay of Amezcua. Its distance to the municipal head is of 8 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.668 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Serdán Aquilles. Its distance to the municipal head is of 10 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.512 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
The Sauz de Abajo. Its distance to the municipal head is of 13 km. In 1995 it counted on a population of 1.313 inhabitants. Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch.
Chronology of the municipal presidents1939 - 1940 Juan Gutiérrez Flowers 1941 - Everardo Contreras Owners 1941 - Manuel Ayala 1943 - Enrique Piece Ruiz 1944 - 1945 Vicente Perez 1945 - Rubén Silva 1945 - Lic. Vicente Chávez Chávez 1947 - Lic. Vicente Chávez Chávez 1947 - 1949 Francisco Cristóbal Ruíz 1950 - Dr Jose Gutiérrez Mejía 1951 - Luis Godinez of the River 1952 - 1953 Manuel Ayala Alfaro 1954 - Alfonso Valdez Fernandez 1954 - Francisco Cristóbal Ruíz 1955 - Lic. Eleazar Noriega Reina 1956 - Francisco Cristóbal Ruíz 1957 - Luis Godinez 1957 - Manuel Ayala 1958 - Alfonso Contreras Fertile valley 1959 - Lic. Vicente Chávez Chávez 1959 - Luis Méndez Victory 1960 - 1962 Reynaldo Valdés Rocha 1963 - 1965 Jesus Garci'a Lopez Nicholas Go'mez Garibay Jose González Eyebrow 1966 - 1968 Felipe Herrera Garci'a 1969 - 1971 Lic. Adolph Ruíz Melgarejo 1972 - 1974 Dr David Safe Guzmán 1975 - 1977 Dr Carlos Negrete Dwells 1978 - 1980 C.P. Alberto Valdés Mendoza 1981 - 1983 Dr Vicente Villa Fernandez 1984 - 1986 C.P. Ignacio Rock Garci'a 1987 - 1989 Arnulfo Vázquez Ramirez 1990 - 1992 C.P. Ignacio Rock Garci'a 1993 - 1994 Guilermo Alexander Go'mez Fertile valley 1994 - 1995 Javier Tamayo Rodriguez 1996 - Julio Castilian Ramirez 1999 - 2001 Samuel Navarrese Arturo Sanchez 2002 - 2004 Eduardo Curiel.
1 comentario:
Por que usaron fotos de Zamora España? Y bueno, el ingles deja mucho que desear.
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