It means “Piedra” or to “lugar pedregoso”, he is of origin chichimeca.
ShieldThe Shield is quartered in cross, that is the participation of more harmonic plasticity in the civil heráldica.
Quarter first: In field of gules, that denotes strength, victory, osadía, are the petroglifos of the culture purépecha, that are located pié of which outside the vestibule of the great Cué in the archaeological zone of “The Crucita”, site to where every year came the emperor to render cultured to the Cueropperi Mother (the Nature) and to Querenda-Angápeti (the father Sun, under its double aspect of totémica rock and star of the day and the light).Quarter second: In gold field, that in the heráldica symbolize nobility, wealth, power, light, certainty and wisdom, and in natural colors. The Fort of Jaujilla, like symbol of participation of Zacapu, not only in the fight by the Independence of Mexico, but in all the fights that our Mother country has maintained in the search of a more and more right society. Quarter third: In field of gules and natural colors, the farming aspect, represented by the worked field in which the tractor like progress symbol is used; the maize plant and the product already empacado. To the bottom it emphasizes the silhouette of the majestic hill of “Tecolote” whose shade has been born, grown and progressed Zacapu. Quarter fourth: In gold field, the simbología suggests the industry, that in harmonic union with the effort of the workers, it looks for and it is obtaining the permanent ascent by the route of the progress. Complement: The shield has the space that separates the quarters, in silver, that means the happiness. Around they ornan lambrequines to him of gold like streamlined leaves of acanto. Under the Shield it is the strip with ascending flight, in which it is ***reflxed mng: Zacapu, Mich.
Esteem that was more ago than thousand years when a tribe headed by Ireri-Ticateme arrived and conquered the neighboring population of Naranxán, governed by Zirán-Zirán-Camaru. They had as main deity to the Curicaveri goddess and soon began to expand and to control the region until arriving at the borders of the lake of Pátzcuaro, on where they founded among other towns, Tzintzuntzan, that was its capital and later it would become the center of the great Tarasco Empire. By the previous Zacapu tarasca is considered like the first seat of the race, that later would populate all those that today is Michoacán and part of Guanajuato and Querétaro.
According to they refer chronicles, on 1548 Fray Jacobo Daciano, of the order of the franciscanos, founded the present Zacapu, taking care of a disposition given by the Virrey Antonio de Mendoza. During the colony, the Spaniards constituted it in Republic of Indians and was given in charge to Hernando Sherry. Zacapu was center of important fights during the war of Independence. Immediate to population of Zacapu, existed lagoon dried by the end of century XIX, in this lagoon had small barren island called Jaujilla, which it was fortified by the insurgents and in whom a Governing body settled down who tried to control the action of all the insurgent parties, after the dissolution of the Congress that had summoned Morelos. In this region of Zacapu, it operated Don Eustaquio Aryan, sostenedor of the federalismo during the years from 1829 to 1844. Zacapu, constituted in municipality the 10 of December of 1831 and 1859 the title of Villa occurred him to its head, being its name “Villa de Mier”, in honor of Don Ruperto Mier, insurgent of this region. The 20 of November of 1861, him change the denomination, staying oneself as “Zacapu de Mier”. At the moment the municipality and its head, take the name of Zacapu. Illustrious personages
Eduardo Bucio Cypress- Military man and lawyer (1922 -). Jose Aguilar Angel- Writer (1916 -). Juan B. Guido- Poet (1872-). Ruperto Mier- Insurgent. Luciano Navarrete- Insurgent. Fray Jacobo Daciano- franciscano Priest, was born in Denmark, I arrive at Mexico in 1542, arrives at Michoacán as guard of the convent of Tzintzuntzan, were important piece for the religious conquest of Zacapu. (-1542). Prime Mud wall de la Cruz- He was born in Orange the 9 of June of 1885, union leader, formed a union of agrarian communities against the landowners of the time, was assassinated in the community of the Chirimoyo, municipality of Coeneo the 27 of April of 1926. (1885-1926).Chronology of historical facts1814. In the small barren island of Jaujilla, an Insurgent Governing body settles down 1829. Approximately of this year to 1844, Don Eustaquio Aryan fight by the federalismo. 1831. The 10 of Zacapu December are constituted in Municipality. 1859. The head receives the title of Villa de Mier. 1861. The 20 of November Zacapu de Mier is denominated to him.
Esteem that was more ago than thousand years when a tribe headed by Ireri-Ticateme arrived and conquered the neighboring population of Naranxán, governed by Zirán-Zirán-Camaru. They had as main deity to the Curicaveri goddess and soon began to expand and to control the region until arriving at the borders of the lake of Pátzcuaro, on where they founded among other towns, Tzintzuntzan, that was its capital and later it would become the center of the great Tarasco Empire. By the previous Zacapu tarasca is considered like the first seat of the race, that later would populate all those that today is Michoacán and part of Guanajuato and Querétaro.

According to they refer chronicles, on 1548 Fray Jacobo Daciano, of the order of the franciscanos, founded the present Zacapu, taking care of a disposition given by the Virrey Antonio de Mendoza. During the colony, the Spaniards constituted it in Republic of Indians and was given in charge to Hernando Sherry. Zacapu was center of important fights during the war of Independence. Immediate to population of Zacapu, existed lagoon dried by the end of century XIX, in this lagoon had small barren island called Jaujilla, which it was fortified by the insurgents and in whom a Governing body settled down who tried to control the action of all the insurgent parties, after the dissolution of the Congress that had summoned Morelos. In this region of Zacapu, it operated Don Eustaquio Aryan, sostenedor of the federalismo during the years from 1829 to 1844. Zacapu, constituted in municipality the 10 of December of 1831 and 1859 the title of Villa occurred him to its head, being its name “Villa de Mier”, in honor of Don Ruperto Mier, insurgent of this region. The 20 of November of 1861, him change the denomination, staying oneself as “Zacapu de Mier”. At the moment the municipality and its head, take the name of Zacapu. Illustrious personages
Eduardo Bucio Cypress- Military man and lawyer (1922 -). Jose Aguilar Angel- Writer (1916 -). Juan B. Guido- Poet (1872-). Ruperto Mier- Insurgent. Luciano Navarrete- Insurgent. Fray Jacobo Daciano- franciscano Priest, was born in Denmark, I arrive at Mexico in 1542, arrives at Michoacán as guard of the convent of Tzintzuntzan, were important piece for the religious conquest of Zacapu. (-1542). Prime Mud wall de la Cruz- He was born in Orange the 9 of June of 1885, union leader, formed a union of agrarian communities against the landowners of the time, was assassinated in the community of the Chirimoyo, municipality of Coeneo the 27 of April of 1926. (1885-1926).Chronology of historical facts1814. In the small barren island of Jaujilla, an Insurgent Governing body settles down 1829. Approximately of this year to 1844, Don Eustaquio Aryan fight by the federalismo. 1831. The 10 of Zacapu December are constituted in Municipality. 1859. The head receives the title of Villa de Mier. 1861. The 20 of November Zacapu de Mier is denominated to him.
Average Physicist
Location It is located to the north of the State, in 19 coordinatesº49’ of North latitude and 101º47’ of west longitude, to a height of 1.990 meters on the level of the sea. It limits the north with Jiménez, Penjamillo, Tlazazalca and Panindícuaro, to the east with Coeneo, the south with Nahuatzen, Cherán and Erongarícuaro, to the west with Purépero and Chilchota. Its distance to the State Capital is of 80 kms.
Extension Its surface is of 455,96 Km² and it represents the 0,77 percent of the total of the State.
Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system and hills of the Tecolote and Tule.
Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted mainly by the Angulo river, Lagoon of Zacapu and Zarcita, springs and numerous irrigation channels.
Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1.068,9 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 7,6 and 24,7 degrees Celsius.
Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the mixed forest, with pine, encino, aile and to liquidámbar. Its fauna is satisfied by fox, cacomixtle, hare, wild cat, tlacuache, zorrillo, coyote, weasel and duck.
Natural resources The logable forest surface, is occupied by pine and encino, the nonlogable one, is occupied by diverse scrubs.
Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary, tertiary and Pliocene, they correspond mainly to those of the podzólico type and chernozem. Their uses are fundamentally forest and in smaller cattle proportion and agricultural.
Location It is located to the north of the State, in 19 coordinatesº49’ of North latitude and 101º47’ of west longitude, to a height of 1.990 meters on the level of the sea. It limits the north with Jiménez, Penjamillo, Tlazazalca and Panindícuaro, to the east with Coeneo, the south with Nahuatzen, Cherán and Erongarícuaro, to the west with Purépero and Chilchota. Its distance to the State Capital is of 80 kms.
Extension Its surface is of 455,96 Km² and it represents the 0,77 percent of the total of the State.

Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system and hills of the Tecolote and Tule.
Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted mainly by the Angulo river, Lagoon of Zacapu and Zarcita, springs and numerous irrigation channels.
Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1.068,9 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 7,6 and 24,7 degrees Celsius.
Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the mixed forest, with pine, encino, aile and to liquidámbar. Its fauna is satisfied by fox, cacomixtle, hare, wild cat, tlacuache, zorrillo, coyote, weasel and duck.
Natural resources The logable forest surface, is occupied by pine and encino, the nonlogable one, is occupied by diverse scrubs.
Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary, tertiary and Pliocene, they correspond mainly to those of the podzólico type and chernozem. Their uses are fundamentally forest and in smaller cattle proportion and agricultural.
Sociodemográfico Profile
Ethnic groups According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 1.373 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 686 are men and 687 are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention purépecha and náhuatl.
Demographic evolution In the municipality of Zacapu in 1990, the population represented the 1,77 percent of the total of the State. For 1995, a population of 69.001 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 1,87 annual percent and the density of population is of 151,33 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of men. For the year of 1994, 1.965 births have occurred and 388 deaths, the population has stayed in increase in spite of the emigration in the United States and the main cities of the country.
Religion The religion that predominates in this municipality is the Catholic, followed in smaller scale by Evangelical and the Judaica or Testigos de Jehovah.
Ethnic groups According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 1.373 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 686 are men and 687 are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention purépecha and náhuatl.

Demographic evolution In the municipality of Zacapu in 1990, the population represented the 1,77 percent of the total of the State. For 1995, a population of 69.001 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 1,87 annual percent and the density of population is of 151,33 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of men. For the year of 1994, 1.965 births have occurred and 388 deaths, the population has stayed in increase in spite of the emigration in the United States and the main cities of the country.
Religion The religion that predominates in this municipality is the Catholic, followed in smaller scale by Evangelical and the Judaica or Testigos de Jehovah.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education It is counted on 125 educative centers of which 36 are of prestudent, 52 primary, 19 secondary ones, 4 preparatory ones, 3 of professional means, 11 of qualification for the work, as well as the services of INEA and CONAFE.
Health It has clinics of the Secretariat of Health, particular IMSS, COPLAMAR, ISSSTE, doctors and clinics.
Supply The municipality of Zacapu counts on 2 markets, tianguis Thursdays, supermarkets, misceláneas, tendejones, put fixed and semi-portable, in addition to the informal commerce (traveling).
Sport The municipal head account with a sport unit, municipal stage and a rustic club; fields of basquetbol and soccer in each community of the municipality and some colonies of Zacapu.
House According to statistical data of 1990, the municipality counted on 12.455 houses. The constructions in their majority are of partition and tabicón, follows those to him of marinates and finally those of wood. In its totality they are almost particular, single a 0,57 % of the total are collective, the majority counts on its basic services.
Services publicPotable Water 85% Drainage 85 % Electrification 95% Paving 75% Public Lighting system 90% Garbage collection 70% Market 80% Sign 80% Public Security 70% Buildings Public 85% Pantheon 85% Parks and Gardens 70%
Mass media The municipality has cover of main newspapers of state circulation, as well as of radio stations AM-FM and television channels; it counts on telecable system and some houses count on service of satellite dish.
Routes of communication It is located to 79 km of the Be in favor of federal highway no. 15 Morelia-Zamora, has communication to his localities by ways of terracería; by Zacapu they cross iron routes, has railway station. Account with telephone, collective cover of cellular telephony, telegraph, post office, taxis, trucks and local and foreign buses; in addition to power station of buses.
Education It is counted on 125 educative centers of which 36 are of prestudent, 52 primary, 19 secondary ones, 4 preparatory ones, 3 of professional means, 11 of qualification for the work, as well as the services of INEA and CONAFE.
Health It has clinics of the Secretariat of Health, particular IMSS, COPLAMAR, ISSSTE, doctors and clinics.
Supply The municipality of Zacapu counts on 2 markets, tianguis Thursdays, supermarkets, misceláneas, tendejones, put fixed and semi-portable, in addition to the informal commerce (traveling).
Sport The municipal head account with a sport unit, municipal stage and a rustic club; fields of basquetbol and soccer in each community of the municipality and some colonies of Zacapu.
House According to statistical data of 1990, the municipality counted on 12.455 houses. The constructions in their majority are of partition and tabicón, follows those to him of marinates and finally those of wood. In its totality they are almost particular, single a 0,57 % of the total are collective, the majority counts on its basic services.
Services publicPotable Water 85% Drainage 85 % Electrification 95% Paving 75% Public Lighting system 90% Garbage collection 70% Market 80% Sign 80% Public Security 70% Buildings Public 85% Pantheon 85% Parks and Gardens 70%
Mass media The municipality has cover of main newspapers of state circulation, as well as of radio stations AM-FM and television channels; it counts on telecable system and some houses count on service of satellite dish.
Routes of communication It is located to 79 km of the Be in favor of federal highway no. 15 Morelia-Zamora, has communication to his localities by ways of terracería; by Zacapu they cross iron routes, has railway station. Account with telephone, collective cover of cellular telephony, telegraph, post office, taxis, trucks and local and foreign buses; in addition to power station of buses.
Economic Activity
The economically active population, represented in 1995, the 27,57% of the total of the population and it was located mainly in the tertiary sector, following primary and the secondary one to him respectively. The leisure index does not reach 1% of the population.
Agriculture The main cultures are: maize, alfalfa, lentil, chick-pea and frijol, with a surface of weather of 5.7396 You have and 7.308 of irrigation.
Fruitgrowing One takes place peach tree and capulín mainly, and of sporadic way the pear.
Cattle ranch One mainly grows up birds, pig, bovine, goat, ovine cattle and beehives.
Fishing A center of acuícola production exists, with species like potbellied Israel carp and in the community of Good Vista.
Mining It has diatomita deposits.
Logging The logable surface is of 16.822 You have and is occupied by pine and encino, the nonlogable one is by diverse scrubs.
Industry In the productive branch, it counts on industries like Mexican CELANESE, NOVACEL, Zacapu Promoter, that are focused to products and the impression of polypropylene and the envelope of cigarette, rubbers and plastic, also counts on hardwood floor, furniture factories, packer of milk, processor of derivatives of the alcohol, sawmill and industrial park opened to the investors.
Tourism Zacapu counts on some archaeological zones as they are: The Crucita, the Churches, High Hill that reflect the life of Purépechas ancestors. Architectonic constructions of century XVI like the franciscano convent in Zacapu and Naranja de Tapia. Recreational account with several springs, bath with cold water (º19 Cs) and centers as they are: Lagoon of Zacapu, in process of declaration of ecological reserve for its rescue. The Narrowness, in where crystalline water eyes exist next to the lagoon of Zacapu. The Cypresses, on the foot of the Lagoon of Zacapu. The water Zarcita, eye to pié of the hill of the Crucita. Lagoon of Morelos, turned instead of familiar stroll of the villagers and visitors. The Tank, water eye of the community of Santa Gertrudis. Lagoon of Tarejero, place of familiar stroll.
Commerce Account with small, medium and great commerce in which are articles of first and second necessity.
Services Account with 5 hotels with 280 rooms; banking services of several branches, nocturnal travel agencies, centers, tourist transport, etc.
The economically active population, represented in 1995, the 27,57% of the total of the population and it was located mainly in the tertiary sector, following primary and the secondary one to him respectively. The leisure index does not reach 1% of the population.
Agriculture The main cultures are: maize, alfalfa, lentil, chick-pea and frijol, with a surface of weather of 5.7396 You have and 7.308 of irrigation.
Fruitgrowing One takes place peach tree and capulín mainly, and of sporadic way the pear.
Cattle ranch One mainly grows up birds, pig, bovine, goat, ovine cattle and beehives.
Fishing A center of acuícola production exists, with species like potbellied Israel carp and in the community of Good Vista.
Mining It has diatomita deposits.
Logging The logable surface is of 16.822 You have and is occupied by pine and encino, the nonlogable one is by diverse scrubs.
Industry In the productive branch, it counts on industries like Mexican CELANESE, NOVACEL, Zacapu Promoter, that are focused to products and the impression of polypropylene and the envelope of cigarette, rubbers and plastic, also counts on hardwood floor, furniture factories, packer of milk, processor of derivatives of the alcohol, sawmill and industrial park opened to the investors.
Tourism Zacapu counts on some archaeological zones as they are: The Crucita, the Churches, High Hill that reflect the life of Purépechas ancestors. Architectonic constructions of century XVI like the franciscano convent in Zacapu and Naranja de Tapia. Recreational account with several springs, bath with cold water (º19 Cs) and centers as they are: Lagoon of Zacapu, in process of declaration of ecological reserve for its rescue. The Narrowness, in where crystalline water eyes exist next to the lagoon of Zacapu. The Cypresses, on the foot of the Lagoon of Zacapu. The water Zarcita, eye to pié of the hill of the Crucita. Lagoon of Morelos, turned instead of familiar stroll of the villagers and visitors. The Tank, water eye of the community of Santa Gertrudis. Lagoon of Tarejero, place of familiar stroll.
Commerce Account with small, medium and great commerce in which are articles of first and second necessity.
Services Account with 5 hotels with 280 rooms; banking services of several branches, nocturnal travel agencies, centers, tourist transport, etc.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Monuments Architectonic: Parish of Santa Ana, sanctuary of the virgin of Guadalupe, chapel of San Juan Baptist and franciscano convent of century XVI. In the locality of Orange of Mud wall, franciscano convent. Archaeological: Extensive zone, that includes part of the place where the municipal head is based. Historical: To Benito Juárez, Don Melchor Ocampo and General Ca'rdenas.
Museums The proceedings are being made to obtain an immovable property of National Railroads to establish a museum Celebrations, dances and traditions Popular Celebrations:24 of June Celebration of San Juan Baptist 26 of Julio Festividad in honor to Santa Ana. 15 of September Celebration of the traditional cycling race, that has projected to cycling outstanding and that have prevailed at local and national level as They were arming it Martinez and Rodolfo Vitela among others. November agricultural, cattle and commercial Fair traditional. 12 of December Celebration in honor to the virgin of Guadalupe, made in the municipal head and most of the communities.
Traditions One of the extinct traditions at the present time, is the ceremony of the duck flying, similar to the one of the rockets of Papantla that represent the form in which the Gods descended to the Earth; Topa, regional celebration of origin purépecha, also called celebration of the arrows, in where the victims who ofrendaban themselves to the Gods were assaulted by the benefits of the good harvests, Fray Jacobo Daciano I transform it into festival of the 9 primitive districts, granting to each one a holiday to him. At the moment it is not celebrated in the CD of Zacapu for reasons of security, single in some communities where animals adorn themselves and the people get dressed to usanza and they put juergas of fruit, concluding in an pleasant jaripeo that is repeated by 3 days consecutive.
Music Wind mariachi and bands.
Crafts Vegetal fiber pottery, vasijas and objects.
Gastronomy Foods: The traditional kitchen of the region is represented by “Churipo”, ancestral food that consists of broth of head of cattle in red Chile, accompanied by maize tamales called corundas and “atole of grano”. Drinks: Tepache, is traditional in some communities of the municipality, prepared in mud pot, containing water, you cracked of fragmentation hand grenade and piloncillo, until its fermentation during 3 days. This drink is accustomed in celebrations, and is also known in some communities like Carape.
Tourist centers Franciscano convent of century XVI in Zacapu; in Orange of Mud wall, archaeological zone; springs, bath with thermal waters and fry; craters; House of the Culture; lagoons in Zacapu, Tarejero, the Narrowness, the Cypresses, the Zarcita, the Crucita, Tarejero and the Lagoon of Morelos; The church high Hill, that reflects ancestors purépechas.
Monuments Architectonic: Parish of Santa Ana, sanctuary of the virgin of Guadalupe, chapel of San Juan Baptist and franciscano convent of century XVI. In the locality of Orange of Mud wall, franciscano convent. Archaeological: Extensive zone, that includes part of the place where the municipal head is based. Historical: To Benito Juárez, Don Melchor Ocampo and General Ca'rdenas.
Museums The proceedings are being made to obtain an immovable property of National Railroads to establish a museum Celebrations, dances and traditions Popular Celebrations:24 of June Celebration of San Juan Baptist 26 of Julio Festividad in honor to Santa Ana. 15 of September Celebration of the traditional cycling race, that has projected to cycling outstanding and that have prevailed at local and national level as They were arming it Martinez and Rodolfo Vitela among others. November agricultural, cattle and commercial Fair traditional. 12 of December Celebration in honor to the virgin of Guadalupe, made in the municipal head and most of the communities.
Traditions One of the extinct traditions at the present time, is the ceremony of the duck flying, similar to the one of the rockets of Papantla that represent the form in which the Gods descended to the Earth; Topa, regional celebration of origin purépecha, also called celebration of the arrows, in where the victims who ofrendaban themselves to the Gods were assaulted by the benefits of the good harvests, Fray Jacobo Daciano I transform it into festival of the 9 primitive districts, granting to each one a holiday to him. At the moment it is not celebrated in the CD of Zacapu for reasons of security, single in some communities where animals adorn themselves and the people get dressed to usanza and they put juergas of fruit, concluding in an pleasant jaripeo that is repeated by 3 days consecutive.
Music Wind mariachi and bands.
Crafts Vegetal fiber pottery, vasijas and objects.
Gastronomy Foods: The traditional kitchen of the region is represented by “Churipo”, ancestral food that consists of broth of head of cattle in red Chile, accompanied by maize tamales called corundas and “atole of grano”. Drinks: Tepache, is traditional in some communities of the municipality, prepared in mud pot, containing water, you cracked of fragmentation hand grenade and piloncillo, until its fermentation during 3 days. This drink is accustomed in celebrations, and is also known in some communities like Carape.
Tourist centers Franciscano convent of century XVI in Zacapu; in Orange of Mud wall, archaeological zone; springs, bath with thermal waters and fry; craters; House of the Culture; lagoons in Zacapu, Tarejero, the Narrowness, the Cypresses, the Zarcita, the Crucita, Tarejero and the Lagoon of Morelos; The church high Hill, that reflects ancestors purépechas.
Municipal head: ZacapuTheir main economic activities are agriculture, trains, commerce, cattle ranch and the crafts. Its distance to the State Capital is of 80 Kms. It has a population considered in 49,000 inhabitants.
Main localities: Cantabria Their main economic activities are agriculture, and the cattle ranch. Its distance to the municipal head is of 7 Kms. It has a population considered in 6,000 inhabitants.
Tiríndaro Their main economic activities are agriculture, cattle ranch and crafts. Its distance to the municipal head is of 7 Kms. It has a population considered in 3,500 inhabitants.
Orange of Mud wall Their main economic activities are agriculture, cattle ranch, fishes, commerce, tourism and crafts. Its distance to the municipal head is of 4 Kms. It has a population considered in 4,000 inhabitants.
Tariacuri Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch. Its distance to the municipal head is of 14 Kms. It has a population considered in 2,500 inhabitants.
Santa Gertrudis Their main economic activities are agriculture, cattle ranch and commerce. Its distance to the municipal head is of 8 Kms. It has a population considered in 1,200 inhabitants.
The Virgin Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch. Its distance to the municipal head is of 9 Kms. It has a population considered in 1,100 inhabitants.
The Hidden One Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch. Its distance to the municipal head is of 10 Kms. It has a population considered in 1,000 inhabitants. Chronology of the municipal presidents
1940 - CAP. Rosendo Hernandez 1940 - Enrique Vela'zquez 1941 - Ezequiel de la Cruz 1942 - Ricardo Sanchez Orozco 1943 - Leonardo Rock 1943 - Otilio Rodriguez 1944 - Jose Ortega 1944 - Jose Cypress Garci'a 1945 - Hernan Cypress Garci'a 1945 - 1946 Alfonso Gutiérrez Guzmán 1947 - Dr Teodoro Go'mez 1948 - Delfino Creek Martinez 1949 - Jose Alcaraz Verduzco 1950 - Alberto Verduzco Fields 1950 - Jose Calf González 1950 - Gabriel Fields 1951 - Lieutenant Colonel Ca'ndido Rangel 1952 - 1953 Lieutenant Colonel Víctor Salcedo Espinoza 1954 - 1955 Lic. Ernesto Kings Rodriguez 1955 - Fidel Dwells Perez 1956 - 1957 Profr. Jose Ambriz Castle 1958 - Martian Breeding grounds Alvarez 1959 - Emilio Ambriz Cross 1959 - Adolph Calderón 1960 - 1962 Javier González Talavera 1962 - J. Jesus Rodriguez 1962 - Baltazar González Rodriguez 1963 - 1965 Luis Sanceda Heredia 1966 - 1968 Jose Arredondo Magaña 1968 - Benign Garci'a Juárez 1969 - 1971 Ricardo Dwells Bañales 1971 - Lic. Carlos Stream Cheek 1972 - 1974 Profr. Leopoldo Hernandez Cross 1975 - 1977 Dr Epigmenio Cuellar González 1978 - 1980 Miguel Martinez The Seine 1981 - Lic. Jose Chávez Ruíz 1981 - 1983 Lorenzo Martinez Go'mez 1984 - 1986 J. Socorro Rodriguez Side 1987 - 1989 Lic. Ezequiel de la Cruz Perez 1990 - 1992 Profr. Martín Orozco Rodriguez 1993 - 1995 Dr Gonzalo de la Cruz Elvira 1996 - 1998 Profr. Raymundo Juárez Mud wall 1999 - 2001 Mario Magaña Juárez 2002 - 2004 Samuel Fields .
Main localities: Cantabria Their main economic activities are agriculture, and the cattle ranch. Its distance to the municipal head is of 7 Kms. It has a population considered in 6,000 inhabitants.
Tiríndaro Their main economic activities are agriculture, cattle ranch and crafts. Its distance to the municipal head is of 7 Kms. It has a population considered in 3,500 inhabitants.
Orange of Mud wall Their main economic activities are agriculture, cattle ranch, fishes, commerce, tourism and crafts. Its distance to the municipal head is of 4 Kms. It has a population considered in 4,000 inhabitants.
Tariacuri Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch. Its distance to the municipal head is of 14 Kms. It has a population considered in 2,500 inhabitants.
Santa Gertrudis Their main economic activities are agriculture, cattle ranch and commerce. Its distance to the municipal head is of 8 Kms. It has a population considered in 1,200 inhabitants.
The Virgin Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch. Its distance to the municipal head is of 9 Kms. It has a population considered in 1,100 inhabitants.
The Hidden One Their main economic activities are agriculture and the cattle ranch. Its distance to the municipal head is of 10 Kms. It has a population considered in 1,000 inhabitants. Chronology of the municipal presidents
1940 - CAP. Rosendo Hernandez 1940 - Enrique Vela'zquez 1941 - Ezequiel de la Cruz 1942 - Ricardo Sanchez Orozco 1943 - Leonardo Rock 1943 - Otilio Rodriguez 1944 - Jose Ortega 1944 - Jose Cypress Garci'a 1945 - Hernan Cypress Garci'a 1945 - 1946 Alfonso Gutiérrez Guzmán 1947 - Dr Teodoro Go'mez 1948 - Delfino Creek Martinez 1949 - Jose Alcaraz Verduzco 1950 - Alberto Verduzco Fields 1950 - Jose Calf González 1950 - Gabriel Fields 1951 - Lieutenant Colonel Ca'ndido Rangel 1952 - 1953 Lieutenant Colonel Víctor Salcedo Espinoza 1954 - 1955 Lic. Ernesto Kings Rodriguez 1955 - Fidel Dwells Perez 1956 - 1957 Profr. Jose Ambriz Castle 1958 - Martian Breeding grounds Alvarez 1959 - Emilio Ambriz Cross 1959 - Adolph Calderón 1960 - 1962 Javier González Talavera 1962 - J. Jesus Rodriguez 1962 - Baltazar González Rodriguez 1963 - 1965 Luis Sanceda Heredia 1966 - 1968 Jose Arredondo Magaña 1968 - Benign Garci'a Juárez 1969 - 1971 Ricardo Dwells Bañales 1971 - Lic. Carlos Stream Cheek 1972 - 1974 Profr. Leopoldo Hernandez Cross 1975 - 1977 Dr Epigmenio Cuellar González 1978 - 1980 Miguel Martinez The Seine 1981 - Lic. Jose Chávez Ruíz 1981 - 1983 Lorenzo Martinez Go'mez 1984 - 1986 J. Socorro Rodriguez Side 1987 - 1989 Lic. Ezequiel de la Cruz Perez 1990 - 1992 Profr. Martín Orozco Rodriguez 1993 - 1995 Dr Gonzalo de la Cruz Elvira 1996 - 1998 Profr. Raymundo Juárez Mud wall 1999 - 2001 Mario Magaña Juárez 2002 - 2004 Samuel Fields .
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