It means “Escudilla” or “container”, comes from word chichimeca Tiquiche or Tiquicheo
Town lived from the pre-Hispanic time, in it was based tribes náhuas, matlazincas and tarascas, being located in the border of the empire tarasco with the Aztec. They paid to Tzintzuntzanalgodón, maize and fruits of hot earth. The spiritual conquest was realised by the friars Augustinian which from its arrival to Michoacán they expanded to the hot Earth to establish his it indoctrinates, its properties and trapiches. The Augustinian ones were lead by Fray Juan Moya Baptist, known like " the hot earth Apostle ". In 1553, they settled down in Tuzantla, that was the head parochial and greater mayorship, to the one than was it holds Tiquicheo.
In this population, the Augustinian ones established his hospital that was sharp by the inhabitants with its work. The doctrine administered in tarasco and nahua, conserving the groups its general characteristics until entering century XVII. During the period colonial, they settled down in the region great properties and trapiches. Tiquicheo comprised of an intense regional commerce between the populations ofHuetamo, Tuzantla and Zitácuaro, reason why great part of its population was dedicated to arriería by the end of the colonial time. Tiquicheo, formed part of the heróica route of east during time of fight by independence, since it participated with the insurgent army commanded by Benedicto Lopez who operated of Zitácuaro to Huetamo. The carriers of the population, transported foods and arms for the army rebel.
Later of Independence, in 1822, it happened to comprise of the party of Zitácuaro, with a population of the city council ofTuzantlaIt produced plum, maize, cotton and its inhabitants, 281, they dedicated to agriculture. For 1831, it happened to form part like possession of Huetamo by the Territorial Law. During the French armed intervention in Michoacán, it is in Tiquicheo where Don Vicente Riva Palace received the appointment of Governor of Michoacán the 11 of January of 1865, taking possession until the 21 from May, also it received the control of thirdDivisión of the Republican Army of the Center. Also this population was witness of the capture in (the Lemon of Papatzindan) of Nicholas Rosemary, one of the main defenders of the national sovereignty in Michoacán, which was made prisoner the 11 of January of 1865, it was streamlining in Mexico the 18 of March.
Tiquicheo one constituted in municipality the 12 of March of 1907. During the Revolution, it participated in the route of the michoacano east, Huetamo to Zitácuaro, under the orders of the michoacanos revolutionary heads, likeGertrudis Sanchez Rentería Luviano and Clary. They participate in the recovery of place of Huetamo in 1914.
Personages I illustrate
José Solórzano Kings. - President of the Commissariat of the Regional Committee, CNC and President Municipal.
Chronology of historical facts
1553Spanish conquest realised by the Augustinian friars. It belongs to Tuzantla. 1831It happens to be possession of Huetamo. 1865In Tiquicheo, the 11 of January, Don Vicente Riva Palace receives the appointment of Governor of Michoacán. Brave Nicholas is caught. 1907It is constituted in municipality. 1914Tiquicheo participates in the recovery of the place of Huetamo.
Half Physicist
LocationIt is located to the east of the State, in the coordinates 18º54' of North latitude and 100º44' of west longitude, to one height of 380 meters on the level of the sea. It limits north with Tzitzio, to the east with Tuzantla and the State of Mexico, to the south with the State of Guerrero, San Lucas and Huetamo, to the west with Carácuaro and Madero. His distance to the State Capital is of 277 km.

Extension Its surface is of 1.429,65 km² and it represents 4,89 percent of the total of the State.
OrographyIts relief is constituted by the system volcanic cross-sectional, and by hills of Palmeros, Silleta, Twist of the Gorges, Timbé, Pylon, Cucha and Purungueo.
Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the rivers: Purungeo, Tuzantla, Pungarancho and San Carlos; and by streams: Tapatío, Good Vista, Canoes, Curangueo, Cirícuaro and Tzentzénguaro.
Clima Its climate is tropical with rains in summer. It has one annual pluvial precipitation of 879,8 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate of 20,8 to 35,1 degrees Celsius.
Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates to the tropical forest deciduo. His fauna is satisfied by tiger, wild boar, tlacuache, coyote, carp of Israel, mojarra and catfish.
Resources natural The forest surface timber is occupied by pine and encino, the nontimber one is occupied by scrubs, chaparral thorny and by low forest.
Characteristics and use of the groundThe grounds of the municipality date from the periods mesozoic and cretáceo inferior, corresponds mainly to those of the type chernozem and the prairie. Its use is dedicated mainly to the cattle activity and in proportion minim to the forest agriculturist and.
Profile Sociodemográfico
Groups ethnic According to the General Census Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 31 people who speak some índigena language, and of which 19 they are men and 12 are women. Within the main índigenas languages we can mention the Mazahua and the Mayan.
Evolution demographic In the municipality of Tiquicheo in 1990, the population it represented the 0,45 percent of the total of the State. For 1995, a population of 16.367 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 0,49 annual percent and the densidad of population is of 11,44 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women he is relatively greater to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, to 869 births and 47 deaths have occurred, also therefore the migration and immigration in the municipality it has been to regulate.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by The Pentecostés and Testigos de Jehovah.
Infrastructure Social and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on education establishments initial Pre-school, primary, eg: secondary and for the mean level superior the school of Bachelors.
HealthThe demand of medical services of the population of the municipality public is taken care of by organisms and prevailed in eg: Clinical means rural and urban of the IMSS and Centers of Health besides the Doctor's offices Individuals
Abasto The municipality counts on a municipal market, stores of packings and tianguis once per week.
Sport The municipality counts on sport unit, fields of basquetbol, volibol and soccer distributed in all the localities of the municipality, as well as in the municipal head.
House In the municipality 2.800 houses of construction exist of adobe, followed of the one of reed bamboo, palm, partition, brick, stone and cement.
Services public Potable water 60_ Drainage 60_ Electrification 70_ Paving 50_ Public lighting system 80_ Garbage collection 40_ Market 10_ Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 60_ Public security 60_ Parks and Gardens 40_ Buildings Public 70_
Means of communication The municipality counts on the following mass media: newspapers, radio and television.
Routes of communication One communicates by the Zitácuaro-Huetamo highway, it tells on 30 km of hard road and the distance of the municipal head to Zitácuaro it is of 105 km. In addition it counts on suburban service of 2a. class, mail and telephone. Besides service of taxis.
Activity Economic
Agriculture The main cultures are: the maize, sesame, watermelon and handle.
Cattle ranch Bovine and goat cattle grows up mainly.
Commerce The municipality counts on small and medium commerce where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity. Account with clothes stores, mueblerías, worn, huaraches, ironworks, construction equipments and stationery stores.
Services The capacity of these in the municipal head it is sufficient to take care of the demand, offering itself lodging and feeding in the hotels and restaurants of the place.
Education The municipality counts on education establishments initial Pre-school, primary, eg: secondary and for the mean level superior the school of Bachelors.
HealthThe demand of medical services of the population of the municipality public is taken care of by organisms and prevailed in eg: Clinical means rural and urban of the IMSS and Centers of Health besides the Doctor's offices Individuals
Abasto The municipality counts on a municipal market, stores of packings and tianguis once per week.
Sport The municipality counts on sport unit, fields of basquetbol, volibol and soccer distributed in all the localities of the municipality, as well as in the municipal head.
House In the municipality 2.800 houses of construction exist of adobe, followed of the one of reed bamboo, palm, partition, brick, stone and cement.
Services public Potable water 60_ Drainage 60_ Electrification 70_ Paving 50_ Public lighting system 80_ Garbage collection 40_ Market 10_ Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 60_ Public security 60_ Parks and Gardens 40_ Buildings Public 70_
Means of communication The municipality counts on the following mass media: newspapers, radio and television.
Routes of communication One communicates by the Zitácuaro-Huetamo highway, it tells on 30 km of hard road and the distance of the municipal head to Zitácuaro it is of 105 km. In addition it counts on suburban service of 2a. class, mail and telephone. Besides service of taxis.
Activity Economic
Agriculture The main cultures are: the maize, sesame, watermelon and handle.
Cattle ranch Bovine and goat cattle grows up mainly.
Commerce The municipality counts on small and medium commerce where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity. Account with clothes stores, mueblerías, worn, huaraches, ironworks, construction equipments and stationery stores.
Services The capacity of these in the municipal head it is sufficient to take care of the demand, offering itself lodging and feeding in the hotels and restaurants of the place.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Celebrations, dances and traditions 1º of October. Celebration in honor of Santa Teresita. 20 of November. Anniversary civic act of Mexican revolution. 31 Enero. Anniversary civic act of the Death of Nicholas Rosemary. 18 of October. Religious celebration.
Music Music essentially is of character popular.
Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: aporreadillo, cream mince, chimpa, mass, chicken and iguana.
Head Policeman: Tiquicheo de Nicholas Rosemary
Main localities:
Lemon of Papatzindan Their main economic activities are agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 20 km of the Head Policeman.
Ceibas of Trujillo Their main economic activities are agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 30 km of the Head Policeman.
Mojarras Their main economic activities are agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 20 km of the Head Policeman
Tzetzénguaro Their main economic activities are agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 30 km of the Head Policeman.
Chronology of the municipal presidents
1939 - 1941 Rogelio Patiño 1942 - 1944 Joaquin Gaona Villegas 1945 - 1947 Donaciano Hernandez Benitez 1948 - 1950 Agustín Garduño Santa Cruz 1951 - 1953 Natalia of the Tower 1954 - 1956 Jose Solórzano Kings 1957 - 1959 Raymundo Solórzano Oak thicket 1960 - 1962 Jose Solórzano Kings 1963 - 1965 Thin Servando Grove 1966 - 1968 Ramiro Luviano Chávez 1969 - 1971 Daniel Macedo Stream 1972 - 1974 Filemón Kings Solórzano 1975 - 1977 Gelacio Gaona Soda 1978 - 1980 Cirano Aguilar Colín 1981 - 1983 Daniel Perez Negrón S. 1984 - 1986 Luis Herrera Stream 1987 - 1989 Leopoldo Kings Grove 1990 - 1992 Jose Eligio Kings González 1993 - 1995 Enio Hinojosa Garci'a 1996 - 1998 Ismael Solórzano Perez Negrón 1999 - 2001 Gustavo Sanchez Chávez 2002 - 2004 Juan Carranza.
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