It means “Place of adoration”, is a town of pre-Hispanic origin.
Escudo The shield is framed in sinople with lianas and leaves of encino and the aguacatero, natural of these earth. In the high part, a ribbon with flight ascendant in which the word is read " Tzinguitzuri ", the old name of Tingüindín that in language purépecha means " Place of adoration ", or the act to kneel down to adore.
The shield in himself, is trimmed in target and is distributed in three horizontal strips; in the one of above in field of gules symbol of the strength is intuited ontológicamente the name ofTin-güin-dín in the voice of it receives of the three bells. Blue the free one from the sky of Michoacán, it gives bottom main to the intermediate strip where one is the figure inclined in attitude of adoration of one of the first native ones that inhabited these earth, to kneel down in order to give thanks to its main God.
In the part inferior, it is represented a scene of mythology purépecha crowned by the majestic silhouette of the hill ofPatamban on whose skirt our town was founded.
In orange and yellow the four rays with which the God main Curicaveri (creative of everything) fertilized the Earth, that it gave to light, the nature. In center of this scene, means circle represents to our red earth or charapiti and an open book symbol of our Magna Carta with the year 1917 and that according to the illustrious writer and teacher radical and revolutionary ofFrancisco J. Múgicael famous tingüindinense general.
Poblado as pre-Hispanic origin, their inhabitants served alos tarascos under the command of Tanganxoán, in the fights freed against the Aztecs. During colony, the place was conquered by Cristóbal of Olidthey en 1533 and it was constituted in “Republic of Indians ", settling Greater Mayorship andCorregimiento tributary. The doctrine was administered to them by Hernando of Alfaro, that the Castilian taught to them so that they entered an early commerce with the Spaniards, interchanging indigos, maize, wheat and vegetables.
In 1581, the town counted on parochial temple and hospital, 460 Indians paid the king and the population had disminuído by plagues and other diseases. It stops century XVII the population continued being head of the party of Indians and administered the religion in its language (tarasca). They depended onTingüindín the towns of Santiago subject Atupan to charge, San Miguel Tacatzcuaro San Juan Pamatácuaro y Santiago TzicuichoAll these populations counted with chapel and hospital.
In 1822, were member of the party of Jiquilpan, counted with 3.443 inhabitants and City council due to the number of its settlers. The parish had two priests. One says that after independence, in Tingüindín copper currencies were coined. The town was elevated to the category of municipality by the Territorial Law of 1831 and he was integral of the department of Zamora. During the French intervention, it was scene of one of the combats between French and the forces of generalGarcía Pueblita, the 17 of June of 1865. In 1862 the title was granted to him of Villa and from the 18 of January of that year it took the name of " Tingüindín of Argandos ", in honor to one of the deputies to the Constituent Congress of 1814.
19 of June of 1869, stopped comprising of the district of the Kings and it was integrated to the one of Jiquilpan. In time of the porfirista dictatorship, its communities natives underwent despoliation of earth and conflicts agrarian. In contrast to this situation, in municipal head improvements when using were introduced to the prisoners like manpower. In 1892, Tingüindín it counted on electricity and 10 years more behind schedule, in 1902, the railroad arrived. In la Revolution,sus settler participated in the armed warfare. The population was attacked several times byInés Chávez Garci'a.
A to weigh of the Revolution they continued despoliation agrarian and it was until 1930, that was grant of Ejidales earth toRincón Chinese and Guáscuaro. In 1940, one equipped San Angel, the Litigation and Aquilles Serdán. In 1944 to Tingüindín, 1952 to Tacatzcuaro and in 1966 to the Tecolote.
Illustrious personagesManuel Ochoa (1868 - 1938). Francisco Jose Múgica Vela'zquez. - Revolutionary and constituent, Governing general of Tabasco and Michoacán, Constituent Deputy to Congress of Querétaro, the whose Magna Carta of 1917 I sign (1884-1954). Miguel Prado Paz. - Musical (1905). Serafín Contreras Manzo. - Professor (1914 ). Ponciano Pulido. - Revolutionary (1842 - 1930). Francisco of P. Mendoza and Herrera. - Archbishop (1852-1923). Manuel Ochoa. - Lawyer and poet (1868-1938).Ponciano Pulido. - Engineer and writer, published the book “Catholic Education” that he was sensational in its time (1915). (1882-1890).
Chronology of historical facts1530Nuño de Guzmán, occupied east place that it was constituted in “Republic of Indians " settling a greater mayorship and tributary group of judges. 1533It conquers by Cristóbal of Olid. 1831It is constituted in municipality. 1862The title is granted to him of Villa with the name of Tingüindín de Argados. 186517 of June, fight between French and troops of general Garci'a Pueblita. 1869It happens to comprise of the district of Jiquilpan.1902The railroad arrives. 1910The revolutionary movement explodes in that the inhabitants of Tingüindín participate.1930Earth grant to farmers. 1940Earth grant to farmers. 1944Earth grant to farmers. 1952Earth grant to farmers.1966Earth grant to farmers.
Half Physicist
Location It is located to the northwest of the State, in the coordinates 19º44' of North latitude and 102º29' of length the west, to a height of 1.700 meters on the level of sea. It limits the north with Villamar, the northwest with Tangamandapio, and to the east with Tangancícuaro, the south with the Kings and Tocumbo, and to the West with Tocumbo. Its distance to the capital of the S-state of 190 km.

Extension Its surface is of 174,24 km² and it represents the 0.29 percent of the total of the State.
Orography Its relief is constituted by the system volcanic cross-sectional, the mountain range of Patambam and the hills Great and of it Cows.
Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the rivers San Antonio, Of the Dead and the Tequila.
Clima Its climate is tropical and tempering, with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1,100 cubical millimeters and temperatures that oscillate of 6 to 21º degrees Celsius.
Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates to the tropical forest deciduo, with parota, cirián, guaje, ceiba, guayan, cascalote and the mixed forest with pine, encino, aile, brake and cedar. Its fauna is satisfied by hare, zorrillo, tlacuache, cacomixtle, weasel, tejón, tusa, armadillo, coyote, rabbit, squirrel, deer, wild duck and guajolote.
Resources natural The forest surface timber is occupied by pine and encino, the nontimber one by scrubs mainly.
Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary inferior and Miocene, correspond mainly to those of the type chernozem and podzólico. Its use is fundamentally forest cattle dealer and, and minor proportion, agriculturist.
Profile Sociodemográfico
Groups ethnic According to the General Census Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 229 people who speak some índigena language, and of which 112 are men and 117 are women. Within the main languages índigenas we can mention the Purépecha and the Otomí.
Evolution demographic In the municipality of Tingüindín in 1990, population represented the 0,35 percent of the total of the State. For 1995, a population has itself of 18.330 inhabitants, its rate of growth is of -0.368 annual percent, the negative rate of growth must to factors such as the emigration to the interior and outside of the country mainly and the densidad of population it is of 71 inhabitants by kilometer squared. The number of women is relatively major to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, they have given to 472 births and 80 deaths, also thus the migration in the municipality has been important towards other centers of population.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by Witnesses of Jehovah and the Pentecostés.
Infrastructure social and of communications
Education The municipality counts on education establishments initial Pre-school, primary, eg: secondary and for the mean level superior exists a preparatory one incorporated to the Michoacana University of San Nicholas of Noble.
Salud The demand of medical services of the population in the municipality it is taken care of by official organisms and deprived in urban means eg: the Center of Health assigned to the Secretariat of Health and the Clinics of IMSS, besides the Particular Doctor's offices.
Abasto The municipality counts once on tianguis per week, slaughters, ironworks and grocer's where the population it acquires articles of first necessity.
Sport The municipality counts on sport units, fields of basquetbol, soccer and volibol in all the localities of the municipality as well as in its municipal head.
House In the municipality 2.650 built houses exist, of which predominate the construction of adobe, followed in smaller proportion by the one of materials eg: partition, block, stone, cement and other materials.
Services public Potable water 65_ Drainage 70_ Electrification 80_ Paving 40_ Public lighting system 65_ Garbage collection 50_ Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 70_ Public security 95_ Parks and Gardens 95_ Buildings Public 95_
Means of communication The municipality counts on the following mass media: newspapers, radio stations and television channels.
Routes of communication The head communicates with the state highway Zamora - The Kings and some communities like Guascuaro, San Juanico, and at Tactzcuaro, is arrived by the Tocumbo highway - Cotija and to the other communities with ways of terracería, in addition it counts on services of railroad, telephone, public houses, telegraphs and mail.
Activity Economic
Agriculture It is the main activity has cultures of: maize, sugar Pope, chick-pea, cane. In addition, it counts on fruit kitchen gardens of pear, peach tree, plum, níspero and avocado.
Cattle ranch The cattle activity is smaller, grows up mainly cattle: bovine, pig, goat and birds.
Industry The municipality has an established industry account with factories of huaraches, wood furniture, by-products forest as resins, coal and the elaboration of bread.
Tourism By its natural conditions, it counts on own places for the tourist development.
Commerce In the municipality one is small commerce and medium, where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity.
Services It offers feeding in the restaurants solely of place.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Monuments historical The municipality counts on architectonic monuments like: The Parish of San Miguel Arcángel, the chapel of our Lady of Asuncio'n and the chapel of San Miguel.
Celebrations, dances and traditions 28 and 29 of June. Supervisory celebration in Honor of San Pedro and San Pablo 1º to the 15 of August. Celebration in honor of Our Lady of Asuncio'n 3 September. Civic act Natalicio of the General Francisco J. Múgica 13 September. Civic act in honor to the Children Heroes 15 and 16 of September. Celebrations Mother countries 20 of November. Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution December. Fair of the Bread and the Avocado
CraftsEmbroiderings of cross point, wool strips with decoration geometric, embroidered blouses of cotton of one and two points with diverse colors and design with flowers.
Gastronomytypical food of the municipality is: churipo, corundas and cornflour drinks.
Tourist centers
Landscapes natural and sale of crafts.
Head Policeman: Acuitzio of the Exchange
Tingüindín It is located to 190 km of the State Capital. Its main one activity is agriculture, cattle ranch and the commerce, being the main cultures maize, cane of sugar and chick-pea. Bovine cattle grows up, goat ovine and. Account with approximately 5.761 inhabitants (INEGI 1990).
Main localities:
Tactzcuaro Its main activity is agriculture, cattle ranch and commerce, being its main cultures: the maize, chick-pea, fruit trees like peach tree, níspero and avocado; in addition bovine, pig cattle grows up and poultries. It is located to 15 km of the municipal head. Account with approximately 988 inhabitants (INEGI 1990).
Guascuaro Its main activity is agriculture, cattle ranch and commerce, being its main cultures: the cane of sugar, maize and chick-pea, in addition one grows up bovine, pig cattle and poultries. It is located to 7 km of the municipal head. It counts on approximately 2.170 inhabitants (INEGI 1990).
Aquilles Serdán Their main activities are agriculture and cattle ranch being its main cultures: the maize, chick-pea and kidney bean, in addition grows up bovine cattle, pig and poultries. It is located to 18 km of the head policeman. Account with approximately 885 inhabitants (INEGI 1990).Chronology of the municipal presidents
1941 - 1942 Jose Oseguera Corrals 1943 - Pedro Palafox 1944, 1946, 1947 Francisco Carabez 1945 - Antonio Diego Estrada 1948 - Jesus Quintero Godinez 1949 - Francisco Zepeda Rooms 1951 - 1953 Alfredo Avalos Sanchez 1954 - 1957 Jose Guizar Méndez 1957 - Francisco González Méndez 1958 - Alfonso Lopez Cañedo 1959 - 1964 Polished Luis Carabez 1965 - 1967 Ramon Quintero Oseguera 1968 - 1969 Francisco Avalos Sanchez 1970 - 1971 Jesus Arevalo Garci'a 1972 - 1974 Alfonso Zepeda Guizar 1975 - 1977 Javier Quintero Alvarez 1978 - 1980 Alfonso Zepeda Guizar 1981 - 1983 Elías Oseguera Arevalo 1984 - 1986 Marcelino Vela'zquez Guizar 1987 - 1989 Salvador Polished Andrade 1990 - 1992 Jose Polished Andrade 1993 - 1995 Arnulfo Julian Bolaños 1996 - 1998 Ma. Brown Guadalupe Zepeda 1999 - 2001 Reynaldo Herrera Ayala 2002 - 2004 Zeferino Andrade.
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