Tuzantla nahua is an origin word and it is translated by “in where they abound tuzas”.
ShieldIn the part superior has a ribbon where it is read: “Tuzantla, Michoacán”, with which it identifies the name of the head of the town and the municipality, like integral part of the state of Michoacán.
The shield is formed by three quarters in noticeable by a bordura in gold that contains the diverse names that the municipal head has had through his history: Kutsaro, in tarasco; Tozantla, in nahua and San Francisco que it is the invocation of santo employer, imposed by the secular clergy. The two stars symbolize the two possessions in which it is practically divided the municipality. In the bottoms or linings of these quarters they were used the colors blue, red and green with the gold exteriors and black, the five heráldicos colors universally accepted. In the first quarter that is half superior of the blazon, several figures can be appreciated; in the first term the famous “tips of cucha” and the historical one “Cerro of the Cabildo”, two of the main characteristic orographic prominencias of the region, a little more down are appraised the rivers very small of great Tiripetío and of Taracatío, those that when being united, conform what it knows like an archaeological zone to which they were tie different settlers at the pre-Hispanic time; to the right of the own quarter interlaced hands are appraised that they mean, on the one hand La Paz and the civilidad with the one that knew to live our ancestors, despite belonging to different cultures; on the other, the friendship and hospitality that the inhabitants of the municipality offer the visitor. To the center and occupying great part of the shield one is located it makes a torch ignited that has two meaning: one sends to us to remember that the municipality always has been safe refuge and permanent defender of the libertarias fights in which it has been always meant, as they are the Revolución of Independence, Guerra of the Reformation y the Mexican Revolución de 1910. The torch also remembers to us that 17 of February of 1917, the fire completed to the head policeman, when zapatistas forces to the control of the major Innocent Quintanillaincendiaron the population, appearing again this one of its ashes, like the Bird Fénix. In the quarter right inferior it appears the figure of the doctor in theology, Jose Sixto Verdusco, who exerted as parish priest of the doctrine of Tuzantla of 1807 cures to 1811, of such luck that in to that surprised it place the beginning of the independentista fight of the country. His love by this earth was showed when, later of completed independence, it returns to Tuzantla to reconstruct the parish and to offer I graze spiritual to its feligreses. Finally, in the quarter left inferior they appear the animal and vegetal species that characterize and have deserved dice fame to the municipality: the bovine cattle ranch, the catfish and the fruits like the melon, the watermelon, the handle and the banana, among others.
Tuzantla it is a pre-Hispanic population founded by the Aztecs. During the conquest it was given in charge aThey Juan Ortega, the franciscan friars of Zitácuaro they were ordered to take Christian to the region, approximately in 1533. The parish I raise Fray Marks Ramirez of the Prado en 1648. Franciscan and the Augustinian ones concentrated during the colony great territorial properties and occupied the manpower of the inhabitants of this zone. The doctor José Sixto Verdusco, was it cures of Tuzantla, in the place met Ignacio Lopez Rayon and rose in arms in favor of Independence. For 1822, it had 175 dedicated inhabitants to the production of sweet cane, maize, plum and other fruits that they commercialized. In 1831, in agreement with the Territorial Ley of the 10 of diciembre, it comprises of Susupuato in quality of possession and it was constituted in municipality10 of April of 1868
Illustrious personages Agustín Red Guadalupe, was united to Morelos at the time of they nicknamed it to the insurrection “the Colero”, acted like Sergeant in an insurgent guerrilla, was imprisoned in the real jail of Mexico
Chronology of historical facts
1553The franciscan ones administered doctrine in the region where Tuzantla is located 1648Formation of the parish of Tuzantla 1811Encounter of Sixto Verdusco and Lopez Rayon 1831 Is possession of Susupuato 1859 the municipality of Tuzantla Adquiere the rank of Head of Municipality by decree of the Governor Epitacio Kitchen garden. 1868 Adquiere the rank of Municipality.
Tuzantla it is a pre-Hispanic population founded by the Aztecs. During the conquest it was given in charge aThey Juan Ortega, the franciscan friars of Zitácuaro they were ordered to take Christian to the region, approximately in 1533. The parish I raise Fray Marks Ramirez of the Prado en 1648. Franciscan and the Augustinian ones concentrated during the colony great territorial properties and occupied the manpower of the inhabitants of this zone. The doctor José Sixto Verdusco, was it cures of Tuzantla, in the place met Ignacio Lopez Rayon and rose in arms in favor of Independence. For 1822, it had 175 dedicated inhabitants to the production of sweet cane, maize, plum and other fruits that they commercialized. In 1831, in agreement with the Territorial Ley of the 10 of diciembre, it comprises of Susupuato in quality of possession and it was constituted in municipality10 of April of 1868
Illustrious personages Agustín Red Guadalupe, was united to Morelos at the time of they nicknamed it to the insurrection “the Colero”, acted like Sergeant in an insurgent guerrilla, was imprisoned in the real jail of Mexico
Chronology of historical facts
1553The franciscan ones administered doctrine in the region where Tuzantla is located 1648Formation of the parish of Tuzantla 1811Encounter of Sixto Verdusco and Lopez Rayon 1831 Is possession of Susupuato 1859 the municipality of Tuzantla Adquiere the rank of Head of Municipality by decree of the Governor Epitacio Kitchen garden. 1868 Adquiere the rank of Municipality.
Half Physical
Location It is located to the east of the State, in the coordinates 19º12' of North latitude and 100º34' of west longitude, to a height of 580 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Jungapeo and Hidalgo, to the east with Juárez and Susupuato, to the south with the State of Mexico and Tiquicheo. Its distance to the State Capital is of 215 km.
Extension Its surface is of 1.018,49 Km² and it represents the 1.73 percent of the total of the State. Orography Their relief constitutes the cross-sectional volcanic system, the hills Tips of Cucha, Town hall and Rich Table. Hydrography Their hydrography constitutes the Tuzantla rivers, Very small and Copándaro, the streams of Chirangangueo, of the Apple tree, of Chile, Grande and Cascalote count in addition with some thermal water springs. Climate Its climate is tropical with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 1.184.5 millimeters and temperatures that 19,9 to 36.7º oscillate between centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates to the tropical forest deciduo with species of cuéramo, sweet wood, cactus and huisache. Its fauna they conform the vixen, tejón, armadillo, tlacuache, raccoon and zorrillo. Natural resources The logging timber is occupied by pine and encino, the nontimber one by diverse scrubs and species of low forest. The municipality counts on deposit of copper. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary inferior and the Eocene, correspond mainly to those of the type of prairie and chernozem. Its use is fundamentally cattle dealer and in smaller forest and agricultural proportion.
Profile Sociodemográfico
Groups ethnic According to the General Census Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 43 people who speak some índigena language, and of which 24 are men and 19 are women. Within the main índigenas languages we can mention the Mazahua and the Mayan. Demographic evolution In the municipality of Tuzantla in 1990, the population it represented the 0,46 percent of the total of the State. It stops 1995, a population of 17.620 inhabitants has itself by square kilometer. The number of women he is relatively greater to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, to 1255 births and 72 deaths have occurred, also therefore the migration and immigration in the municipality he has been considerable. Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic followed in smaller proportion by the Gospeller.
Groups ethnic According to the General Census Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 43 people who speak some índigena language, and of which 24 are men and 19 are women. Within the main índigenas languages we can mention the Mazahua and the Mayan. Demographic evolution In the municipality of Tuzantla in 1990, the population it represented the 0,46 percent of the total of the State. It stops 1995, a population of 17.620 inhabitants has itself by square kilometer. The number of women he is relatively greater to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, to 1255 births and 72 deaths have occurred, also therefore the migration and immigration in the municipality he has been considerable. Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic followed in smaller proportion by the Gospeller.
Infrastructure Social and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education pre-school, primary and eg: secondary. Salud The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality public is taken care of by organisms and deprived eg: the assigned Centers of Health to Secretary of Health besides the particular doctor's offices. Abasto The municipality once counts on tianguis per week and stores of packings where the population acquires articles of first necessity. Sport Account with sport units, football grounds and fields of basquetbol, distributed in the localities of the municipality as well as in its municipal head. House The municipality counts approximately on 3.000 houses built of which the construction predominates of adobe, followed in smaller proportion by the one of partition and slab of concrete, bamboo, reed, wood and palm.Services public Potable water 80_ Drainage 60_ Electrification 50_ Paving 60_ Public lighting system 60_ Garbage collection 40_ Market 10_ Sign IF Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water IF Public security 60_ Parks and Gardens 40_ Buildings Public 70_
Means of communication The municipality counts on the following mass media: radio and television. Communication channelsOne communicates with the highway Zitácuaro- Huetamo a 55 km, 35 km, of asphalt highway in the municipality that one communicates to Melchor Ocampo the meetings, lampasos, Passage of the Virgin, the Organista, the Guajes of Section, in addition it counts on service of mail, telephone house, fax and taxis.
Agriculture Main cultures: maize, sorghum, sesame, watermelon, magician and banana. Cattle ranch Cattle grows up bovine, goat, pig, equine and hinny. Industry It is not counted on industries in the municipality. Tourism Archaeological zones and architectonic monuments Commerce Account with small and medium commerce like stores of clothes, zapaterías, ironworks, stationery stores and construction equipments, where the population it acquires articles of first and second necessity Services The capacity of these in the municipal head is sufficient in order to take care of the demand offering itself: lodging and feeding in the hotels and restaurants of the place.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Monuments historical The municipality counts on several architectonic monuments and an archaeological zone. Museums The municipality at the moment does not count on museum some. Celebrations, dances and traditions April 10 Anniversary of the Foundation of the Municipality September 16 Celebration of the celebrations mother countries October 4 Celebration of Passover November 20 Anniversary Civic Act of the Revolution MexicanMusic Music essentially is of character popular. Crafts Crafts in the municipality are not elaborated. Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: Broth of the Virgin, red uchepos, Cheese Mess orderly, Tamales, Red Mass of Pot, Nopales Tier to us, Broth of Iguana, Green Chimpa, cornflour drink of Milk, Cornflour drinks of Bitter and sweet Plum, Chile de Ciruela Bitter and Sweet, Chile de Mango, Broth of Fungi and cornflour drink of capulín. Tourist centers Archaeological zone, architectonic monuments and natural landscapes.
Head Policeman: Tuzantla
Main localities:
Melchor Ocampo Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 17 km., of the municipal head. Olivo Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 15 km., of the municipal head. Great solitude Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 30 km. of the municipal head. Taracatío Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 7 km., of the municipal head The Saltpeter Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 10 km., of the municipal head The Huacaz Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 12 km., of the municipal head Francisco Villa Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 14 km., of the municipal head.Chronology of the municipal presidents
1944 - Red Thin Praise 1944 - Incarnation Creek 1944 - Red Thin praise 1944 - Incarnation Creek 1944 - Red Thin praise 1954 - 1956 Thin Jose Castle 1957 - 1959 Francisco Quintana 1960 - 1962 Enrique Perez Suárez 1963 - 1965 Raul Ocampo Perez Negrón 1966 - 1968 Julían Rodriguez Sesmas 1969 - 1971 Rubén Medrano Jaimes 1972 - 1974 Elí Martinez Jaimes 1975 - 1977 Enrique Perez Suárez 1978 - 1980 Rufino Jiménez Tavira 1981 - 1983 Jose Holy Duarte Towers 1984 - 1986 Rafael Esquivel Lopez 1987 - 1989 Simitrio Benitez Sesmas 1990 - 1992 Ricardo Guzmán Ruiz 1993 - 1995 Teodoro Robles Jiménez 1996 - 1998 Baldemar Souza Stream 1999 - 2001 Octavio Ocampo Rock 2002 - 2004 J.J. Eleazar Flowers.
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