Tzintzuntzan it means “place of colibríes”.
Escudoshield of arms of the city of Tzintzuntzanestá started off in three quarters; in the one of above they are the three tarascos kings painted still on even more underneath the waist, with its real clothes, whose names are: to the centerRey Tzintzicha, el last great caltzontzin with the sceptre in the hand left, alongside straight isRey Chiguacua, with an arc in the right hand and sceptre in the left hand, and alongside left is king Chiguangua, having a flower in the right hand and the sceptre in the left.
In one of the quarters that finish the shield, the right it means the triumph of the Spanish arms, where are other three personages in Spanish suit, whereas the other is us great caltzontzi,Tzintzicha Tanganxoán, fitted the head with it crowns and the body covered with the purple and ermine real, in gesture to persuade to his vasallas to that they admit the faith, presenting/displaying to them crucifijo that it has in his right hand, and in the one to indicate its power, having in its left hand inclined the leaf of its sword on his heads and to píe three temples, meaning cúes of the old or yácatas Gods of the king, with a legend that it says “Caltzontzin requested the baptism and it embraced the true Law of Jesus Christ ". A box inferior presents/displays two mountains to us with those that they surround to the city, one of them surrounded by waters of the lake and in its peak a Christian temple, alluding to the chapel of Santa Ana who was in the skirts ofcerro TariaqueriEverything is framed in the middle of a means arc point maintained by columns dóricas. The trimming of the shield is floreada of blue, framed in gold. It takes the imperial crown above and both sides the sun and the moon with two standards are seen matched up. The label of down says: " Arms of señorío of the City of Tzintzuntzan.
Tzintzuntzan he was capital of the old tarascos, that descended of primitive tribes who arrived at the lacustrine zone from Pátzcuaro, in century XII and that they conquered to those who they inhabited that region and they conformed empire tarasco, which extended from Tzintzuntzan, its capital before dyingTariácuri, in 1400, it divided the empire between its descendantsthey IrepanHiquingare and Tanganxoán, to that it distributedPátzcuaro, Ihuatzio and TzintzuntzanOnly Tanganxoán stayed in the power, centralizing it in Tzintzuntzan, that became in center ceremonial more important, where the production was concentrated of the tributary ones of hot earth and it fries, existed such splendor in the capital city, that was more great of the empire tarasco and the most colonised. To the arrival of the Spaniards, it governed the empire Tanganxoán II, that it was burned byNuño of Guzmánthey en 1529, who when arriving at Michoacán, it initiated one of the most bloody stages of it conquers and lawsuits between the Spaniards took place by the earth possession. Vasco of Quirogallegó to Tzintzuntzan as oidor and it transferred the capital of the province of Michoacán to Pátzcuaro, that property to Tzintzuntzan and he was considered a district of the city, in spite of the lawsuits and complaints of the native Spaniards and domiciled in the place. The city lost its splendor and economic importance and social in 1539, although the title had been conferred of City in 1523 and this title he was recognized by the own king emitted who it. Later, that rank was granted to him to Pátzcuaro, that in fact it already had the ecclesiastical administration and civilian, leaving to reduced and left Tzintzuntzan. It depended from the conquest to independence of the city of Pátzcuaro. With reacomodo republican, it was possession of Quiroga in 1831. In memory of which it was in another time and for being first of Michoacán, it granted the title to him of Primitive City,27 of April of 1861

Personages I illustrate
Tanganxoán, last cazonzi of señorío tarasco (? -1529) José Ignacio Arciga Ruiz de Chávez, archbishop of Michoacán (1830-1900) Filiberto Kings Villagómez, Musician (1928-1964)
Chronology of historical facts
1324Approximated foundation of Tzintzuntzan 1400Death of Tariácuri 1522Arrival of the Spaniards 1529The conquest of the territory finishes of Michoacán 1534The title of City is granted to him of Michoacán 1539It loses its political power - economic 1831 By Territorial Law happens to form part like possession of the municipality of Quiroga 1861The title of City is granted to him Primitive 1930 is constituted in municipality.
Half Physical
Location It is located to the north of the State, in the coordinates 19º38' of North latitude and 101º35' of west longitude, to a height of 2.050 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Quiroga, the northwest with Morelia, the east with Lagunillas, to the southwest with Huiramba, the south with Pátzcuaro, and to the west with Erongarícuaro. Its distance to the capital of the S-state of 53 km.

Extension Its surface is of 165,15 Km² and it represents the 0.28 percent of the total of the State. Orography Their relief conforms the cross-sectional volcanic system and the depression of Pátzcuaro and the hills Lizard, Tariácuri and Patambicho. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the Lake of Pátzcuaro mainly. Climate Its climate is tempered, with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 989,8 millimeters and temperatures that they oscillate between 7,9 to 23.4º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the mixed forest with pine, encino and cedar. Its fauna represents coyote mainly, squirrel, armadillo, rabbit and weasel. Natural resources The forest surface timber is occupied by pine and encino and the nontimber one is occupied by shrubs of different species. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary, tertiary and Pliocene, corresponds mainly to those of the type prairie and mountain. Its use is fundamentally forest and in smaller agricultural proportion and cattle.
Profile Sociodemográfico
Groups ethnic According to the General Census Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 2548 people who speak some índigena language, and of which 1200 are men and 1348 are women. Within the main índigenas languages we can to mention the Purépecha and the Ixcateco. Demographic evolution In the municipality of Tzintzuntzan in 1990, the population percent of total of the State represents 0,32 _. It stops 1995, a population of 12.408 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 1,69 annual percent and densidad of population is of 75 inhabitants by kilometer squared. The number of women is relatively greater to of the men. For the year of 1994, they have occurred 391 births and 51 deaths, also thus the migration and immigration in the municipality it has been to regulate. Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic.

Infrastructure Social and of Communications
Educación The municipality counts on establishments of initial education pre-school, primary, secondary, eg: telesecundaria, in addition it counts on the services of the National Institute of Education for Adultos (INEA).

Services publicPotable water 80_ Drainage 20_ Electrification 95_ Paving 20_ Public lighting system 95_ Garbage collection 10_ Market 100_ Sign 100_ Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 40_ Public security 50_ Parks and Gardens 100_ Buildings Public 100_
Means of communication The municipality counts on the following mass media: Radio
Communication channels One communicates by the highway Morelia - Quiroga - Tzintzuntzan - Pátzcuaro in addition counts on: telephone, telegraph and mail.
Activity Economic
Agriculture Their main cultures are: maize, wheat, kidney bean and bean Cattle ranch Its main young of cattle: bovine, pig and birds. Industry Account with one trains established in the manufacture of foods, wood products and cork (except furniture) and mineral products nonmetalists (except petroleum and coal). Tourism Account with several Islands eg: Pacanda, Yunuén, Tecuén, Lake of Pátzcuaro, Yácatas of Tzintzuntzan and Ihuatzio and a Market of Crafts Commerce Account with small and medium commerce eg: factories of pottery in loss and high temperature, textiles, embroiderings with pre-Hispanic reasons, fiber works vegetable, baskets, screen and figures with religious reasons. Services The capacity of these in the municipal head is sufficient in order to take care of the demand offering itself lodging and feeding in hotels, motels, restaurants, bungalows, in addition tourist transport.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Monuments historical Account with several architectonic monuments like they are: The Franciscan Convent, dates from century XVI owns one obicita chapel worked by natives, the temple of the Solitude,

GovernmentMunicipal head: Tzintzuntzan
Main localities
Ihuatzio Its main economic activity is the fishing and sale of crafts. It is located to 7 km, of the head policeman. Account with approximately 3204 inhabitants. (INEGI 1990) Cucuchuchu Its main economic activity is agriculture, the fishing and the sale of crafts. A is located 8 km, of the municipal head. Account with approximately 1080 inhabitants (INEGI 1990). The Corrals Its main economic activity is agriculture. It is located to 6 km, of the municipal head. It counts on approximately 525 inhabitants (INEGI 1990)
Chronology of the municipal presidents 1940 - J. Jesus Guillen R. 1941 - Leopoldo Cuiris 1942 - J. Jesus Medina Rock 1942 - Leopoldo Cuiris 1943 - J. Jesus Medina Rock 1943 - 1944 J. Jesus Domínguez Chichipan 1945 - Zeferino Villagómez G. 1946 - Martial Gerónimo C. 1947 - Ignacio Estrada Rendón 1948 - Jose Calderón Rangel 1949 - Bald Jose Chichipan 1950 - Jose Ma. Domínguez R. 1951 - Genaro Rendón Morals 1952 - J. Holy Villagómez Angel 1953 - Bernardine Zaldivar Happy 1954 - Jose Márques Aparicio 1955 - 1956 Ignacio Estrada Rendón 1957 - Patricio Estrada Alonso 1957 - Bernardine Zaldivar Happy 1958 - Pedro Hipólito Fraga 1959 - Rafael Estrada Villagómez 1960 - Valentin Patiño Chávez 1961 - Salomón Villagómez Sanchez 1962 - Miguel Courteous Márques 1962 - Salomón Villagómez Sanchez 1963 - 1965 Ignacio Estrada Rendón 1966 - 1968 Manuel Estrada Villagómez 1969 - 1971 Adalberto Estrada Rendón 1972 - 1974 Baldomero Zaldivar Tzintzún 1975 - 1977 Jose Cornelio Estrada 1978 - 1980 Carlos Espinoza Arredondo 1981 - 1983 Carlos Villagómez Calderón 1983 - 1986 Arsenio Hernandez Estrada 1987 - 1989 Adalberto Estrada Villagómez 1990 - 1992 Jesus Huipe Zaldivar 1993 - 1995 J. Herculano Garci'a Nambo 1996 - 1998 Elesban Aparicio Cuiriz 1999 - 2001 Eligio Cornelio Aparicio2002 - 2004 Ricardo Estrada.
Main localities
Ihuatzio Its main economic activity is the fishing and sale of crafts. It is located to 7 km, of the head policeman. Account with approximately 3204 inhabitants. (INEGI 1990) Cucuchuchu Its main economic activity is agriculture, the fishing and the sale of crafts. A is located 8 km, of the municipal head. Account with approximately 1080 inhabitants (INEGI 1990). The Corrals Its main economic activity is agriculture. It is located to 6 km, of the municipal head. It counts on approximately 525 inhabitants (INEGI 1990)

Chronology of the municipal presidents 1940 - J. Jesus Guillen R. 1941 - Leopoldo Cuiris 1942 - J. Jesus Medina Rock 1942 - Leopoldo Cuiris 1943 - J. Jesus Medina Rock 1943 - 1944 J. Jesus Domínguez Chichipan 1945 - Zeferino Villagómez G. 1946 - Martial Gerónimo C. 1947 - Ignacio Estrada Rendón 1948 - Jose Calderón Rangel 1949 - Bald Jose Chichipan 1950 - Jose Ma. Domínguez R. 1951 - Genaro Rendón Morals 1952 - J. Holy Villagómez Angel 1953 - Bernardine Zaldivar Happy 1954 - Jose Márques Aparicio 1955 - 1956 Ignacio Estrada Rendón 1957 - Patricio Estrada Alonso 1957 - Bernardine Zaldivar Happy 1958 - Pedro Hipólito Fraga 1959 - Rafael Estrada Villagómez 1960 - Valentin Patiño Chávez 1961 - Salomón Villagómez Sanchez 1962 - Miguel Courteous Márques 1962 - Salomón Villagómez Sanchez 1963 - 1965 Ignacio Estrada Rendón 1966 - 1968 Manuel Estrada Villagómez 1969 - 1971 Adalberto Estrada Rendón 1972 - 1974 Baldomero Zaldivar Tzintzún 1975 - 1977 Jose Cornelio Estrada 1978 - 1980 Carlos Espinoza Arredondo 1981 - 1983 Carlos Villagómez Calderón 1983 - 1986 Arsenio Hernandez Estrada 1987 - 1989 Adalberto Estrada Villagómez 1990 - 1992 Jesus Huipe Zaldivar 1993 - 1995 J. Herculano Garci'a Nambo 1996 - 1998 Elesban Aparicio Cuiriz 1999 - 2001 Eligio Cornelio Aparicio2002 - 2004 Ricardo Estrada.
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