Tanhuato chichimeca is an origin word that means close “ of the hill”.
At the pre-Hispanic time, Tanhuato was a small one town pertaining to the empire tarasco. In 1530 it is put under, like all the towns of that region. To the Spanish dominion, by the forces to the control ofNuño of Guzmán. During the colony he was subject to the large estates of environs. In 1754 it comprised of the parish of La Piedad, like Yurécuaroy was made up of 112 families of Indians and one of Spaniards. Its name he was Tanhuato. In 1769, they trained 16 families of Spaniards and mestizos and 110 of Indians. In 1862 it counted on city councils and some services. Many of its neighbors they stayed to burn lime. In 1831 it was constituted in municipality. The title of Villa one granted the 20 to him of April of 1902, with the name ofTanhuato of Guerrero, in honor to the General Vicente Guerrero. At the moment its municipal head it conserves this nomination.
Illustrious personages Manuel Ponce.Rafael Méndez Aguirre. - Educating. Luis Mora Tovar. - Politician and writer. Vicente Sanchez Cervantes. - Politician. Refugio Galician Baeza. - Magistrate. José Náres Fields. - Magistrate. Jaime Cazares Cheek. - General Constitucionalista. (1893-1959) Chronology of historical facts 1530Spanish conquest. 1754 Forma leaves from the parish of the Mercy. 1831 is constituted in Municipality. 1902Title of Villa occurs him.
Half Physicist
Illustrious personages Manuel Ponce.Rafael Méndez Aguirre. - Educating. Luis Mora Tovar. - Politician and writer. Vicente Sanchez Cervantes. - Politician. Refugio Galician Baeza. - Magistrate. José Náres Fields. - Magistrate. Jaime Cazares Cheek. - General Constitucionalista. (1893-1959) Chronology of historical facts 1530Spanish conquest. 1754 Forma leaves from the parish of the Mercy. 1831 is constituted in Municipality. 1902Title of Villa occurs him.
Half Physicist
Location It is located to the southwest of the State, in the coordinates 20º00' of North latitude and 101º25' of west longitude, to a height of 2, 280 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with the State of Jalisco, to the east with Yurécuaro, to the south with Ecuandureo and Ixtlán and to the west with Vista Beautiful. Its distance to the State Capital is of 172 km. 
Extension Its surface is of 226,23 Km² and it represents the 0.38 percent of the total of the state. Orography Its relief is constituted by the depression of the Lerma and the Pelón hills and the Dark one. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the river of the Otters, by streams the Inándiro, and Drought and by the Prey of the Honda Lagoon and the Pond.
Clima Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 700 millimeters with temperatures that they oscillate between 2,5 to 40.0º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the prairie with huisache, nopal and mezquite. Its fauna is conformed by vixen, hare, rabbit, tlacuache, zorrillo, deer, güilota, duck, carp and charal. Natural resources In the municipality the sand mines are operated. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary, quaternary and Pliocene, they correspond mainly to those of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally agriculturist and in smaller cattle proportion.

Extension Its surface is of 226,23 Km² and it represents the 0.38 percent of the total of the state. Orography Its relief is constituted by the depression of the Lerma and the Pelón hills and the Dark one. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the river of the Otters, by streams the Inándiro, and Drought and by the Prey of the Honda Lagoon and the Pond.
Clima Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 700 millimeters with temperatures that they oscillate between 2,5 to 40.0º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the prairie with huisache, nopal and mezquite. Its fauna is conformed by vixen, hare, rabbit, tlacuache, zorrillo, deer, güilota, duck, carp and charal. Natural resources In the municipality the sand mines are operated. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary, quaternary and Pliocene, they correspond mainly to those of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally agriculturist and in smaller cattle proportion.
Profile Sociodemográfico
Ethnic groups According to the General Census Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 20 people who speak some índigena language, and of which 15 are men and 5 they are women. Within the main índigenas languages we can mention the Purépecha. Demographic evolution In the municipality of Tanhuato in 1990, the population represented the 0,39 percent of the total of the State. For 1995 it is had a population of 14.514 inhabitants, its rate of growth it is of the 0,93 annual percent and the densidad of population it is of 64,15 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women he is relatively greater to the one of the men. It stops the year of 1994, 395 births had been registered and 76 deaths.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah and Light of the World.
Infrastructure Social and of Communications
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah and Light of the World.
Infrastructure Social and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education, pre-school, primary, secondary, special education, occupational center and for the mean level superior counts on the preparatory one distributed through School of Bachelors. The matriculation taken care of for cycle 1994-1995 was of 3,378 students. In addition the INEA takes care of alphabetization groups in the primary and secondary level. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality public is taken care of by organisms and deprived eg: the assigned Centers of Health to the Secretariat of Health and the particular doctor's offices. Supply The municipality eg: counts on supply centers the store CONASUPO, tianguis once per week and grocer's, where the population acquires articles of first necessity. Sport The municipality counts on sport facilities, an audience policeman, fields of basquetbol, soccer and baseball. Besides recreational centers in the communities thus like in the municipal head.
House The municipality counts approximately on 2688 built houses of which the construction of adobe predominates, followed in smaller proportion by the one of partition, wood, covers with roofing tile, lamina of asbestos, concrete slab of and lamina of cardboard. Services public Potable water 90_ Drainage 75_ Electrification 85_ Paving 65_ Public lighting system 80_ Garbage collection 80_ Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 70_ Public security 70_ Parks and Gardens 90_ Buildings Public 80_ Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: cover in syntony of Radio A.M. and FM, channels of edition television, newspapers and magazines state and regional. Communication channels One communicates to the relationship in Churintzio with the freeway of the Mexico-Guadalajara West, by the federal highways 15 and 37, in its sections Morelia-Zamora and Carapan-La Mercy, it has communication to its communities by had ways by the order of 32 km. In addition it counts on services of mail, telephone, telegraph and cover of cellular telephony.
House The municipality counts approximately on 2688 built houses of which the construction of adobe predominates, followed in smaller proportion by the one of partition, wood, covers with roofing tile, lamina of asbestos, concrete slab of and lamina of cardboard. Services public Potable water 90_ Drainage 75_ Electrification 85_ Paving 65_ Public lighting system 80_ Garbage collection 80_ Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 70_ Public security 70_ Parks and Gardens 90_ Buildings Public 80_ Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: cover in syntony of Radio A.M. and FM, channels of edition television, newspapers and magazines state and regional. Communication channels One communicates to the relationship in Churintzio with the freeway of the Mexico-Guadalajara West, by the federal highways 15 and 37, in its sections Morelia-Zamora and Carapan-La Mercy, it has communication to its communities by had ways by the order of 32 km. In addition it counts on services of mail, telephone, telegraph and cover of cellular telephony.
Activity Economic
Agriculture The agricultural activity is the main economic activity of the municipality being its main cultures: the wheat, sorghum, maize and kidney bean. Cattle ranch The cattle activity is second in importance being the main young of: bovine, pig, goat, birds and beehives.
Industry The municipality counts on micro industries established like they are the milky product manufacture. Tourism By its natural conditions, the municipality takes places own for the tourist development, constituting economic a vitally important activity for municipality. Commerce The municipality counts on small and medium commerce where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity. Services The capacity of these in the municipal head is sufficient in order to take care of the demand, offering itself: lodging, feeding, professional attendance, foreign powerboats, taxis, buses and suburban service.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Industry The municipality counts on micro industries established like they are the milky product manufacture. Tourism By its natural conditions, the municipality takes places own for the tourist development, constituting economic a vitally important activity for municipality. Commerce The municipality counts on small and medium commerce where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity. Services The capacity of these in the municipal head is sufficient in order to take care of the demand, offering itself: lodging, feeding, professional attendance, foreign powerboats, taxis, buses and suburban service.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Celebrations, dances and traditions May 3 Celebration in honor to the Miraculous Christ. Julio 25 Celebration in honor to Santo Santiago. June 29 Celebration in honor to San Pedro. Music Popular, wind bands and mariachi. Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: birria of head of cattle, of cabrito, broth mich, carnitas of pig, chicharrones and slight.
Tourist centers Natural landscapes.
GovernmentMunicipal head: Tanhuato of Guerrero Its main economic activity is agriculture and the commerce. It is located to 172 km. of the State Capital. Account with 8259 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995).Main localities The PoolsIts main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 7 km. of the municipal head. Whatever with 1540 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995). The Cieneguitas Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 12 km. of the municipal head. It counts on 1110 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995). Tanajo de Vargas Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 20 km. Of the municipal head. It counts on 950 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995). San jOse de Vargas Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 20 km. of the municipal head. It counts on 823 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995). Tarimoro Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 4 km. of the municipal head. It counts on 819 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995).
Chronology of the municipal presidents 1940 - Elías Rodriguez 1941 - Valentin Lara 1942 - 1943 J. Trinidad Rosemary 1944 - 1945 Tamayo Youngest child 1946 - Jose Guillen M. 1947 - Felipe Lopez Ramirez 1948 - Jose Maria Tinajero Garci'a 1949 - 1950 Onofre Vázquez Fertile valley 1951 - 1952 Luis Fields Alvarez 1953 - Mario Hernandez Hernandez 1954 - Rafael Godinez Hernandez 1955 - Rafael Galician Squares 1956 - Jose Sanchez Fields 1957 - Raul Náres Rock 1958 - Melitón Loving Rodriguez 1959 - Francisco Paniagua Arellano 1960 - Laureano Mendoza 1961 - Jesus Godinez Ochoa 1962 - Murillo hope Ruiz 1963 - 1964 Melitón Loving Rodriguez 1965 - 1966 J. Ascent Amezcua Squares 1967 - 1968 Rubén Fields Caves 1969 - Jose Fertile valley Fields 1970 - 1971 Graciela Abarca Barragán 1972 - Ambrosio Tamayo Fajardo 1973 - 1975 Antonio Nava Garci'a 1976 - 1978 Jose Ruiz Grove 1979 - 1981 Onofre Vázquez Ortiz 1982 - 1984 Daniel Castle Baptist 1985 - 1986 Joél Garibay Ochoa 1987 - Courteous Antonio Basurto 1988 - 1989 Manuel Ortiz Licea 1990 - 1992 Jaime Sanchez Fields 1993 - 1995 Agustín Sepúlveda Méndez 1996 - 1998 Jorge Navarrese Ruiz 1999 - 2001 Jaime Figueroa Figueroa2002 - 2004 Ramon Castle.
Tourist centers Natural landscapes.
GovernmentMunicipal head: Tanhuato of Guerrero Its main economic activity is agriculture and the commerce. It is located to 172 km. of the State Capital. Account with 8259 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995).Main localities The PoolsIts main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 7 km. of the municipal head. Whatever with 1540 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995). The Cieneguitas Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 12 km. of the municipal head. It counts on 1110 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995). Tanajo de Vargas Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 20 km. Of the municipal head. It counts on 950 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995). San jOse de Vargas Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 20 km. of the municipal head. It counts on 823 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995). Tarimoro Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 4 km. of the municipal head. It counts on 819 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995).
Chronology of the municipal presidents 1940 - Elías Rodriguez 1941 - Valentin Lara 1942 - 1943 J. Trinidad Rosemary 1944 - 1945 Tamayo Youngest child 1946 - Jose Guillen M. 1947 - Felipe Lopez Ramirez 1948 - Jose Maria Tinajero Garci'a 1949 - 1950 Onofre Vázquez Fertile valley 1951 - 1952 Luis Fields Alvarez 1953 - Mario Hernandez Hernandez 1954 - Rafael Godinez Hernandez 1955 - Rafael Galician Squares 1956 - Jose Sanchez Fields 1957 - Raul Náres Rock 1958 - Melitón Loving Rodriguez 1959 - Francisco Paniagua Arellano 1960 - Laureano Mendoza 1961 - Jesus Godinez Ochoa 1962 - Murillo hope Ruiz 1963 - 1964 Melitón Loving Rodriguez 1965 - 1966 J. Ascent Amezcua Squares 1967 - 1968 Rubén Fields Caves 1969 - Jose Fertile valley Fields 1970 - 1971 Graciela Abarca Barragán 1972 - Ambrosio Tamayo Fajardo 1973 - 1975 Antonio Nava Garci'a 1976 - 1978 Jose Ruiz Grove 1979 - 1981 Onofre Vázquez Ortiz 1982 - 1984 Daniel Castle Baptist 1985 - 1986 Joél Garibay Ochoa 1987 - Courteous Antonio Basurto 1988 - 1989 Manuel Ortiz Licea 1990 - 1992 Jaime Sanchez Fields 1993 - 1995 Agustín Sepúlveda Méndez 1996 - 1998 Jorge Navarrese Ruiz 1999 - 2001 Jaime Figueroa Figueroa2002 - 2004 Ramon Castle.
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