Taretan chichimeca is a word that it means “sementera”.
Shield In the part superior two cultures are represented predominant of the municipality:el maize and the cane of sugar. The shield is divided in four quarters: the quarter left superior presents/displays I devise sugar Lazaro Cardinal red whom he symbolizeslucha agrarian this region and its installation en in 1946; in the quarter right superior, it presents/displays the palace municipal construction of colonial type that represents the power of the municipal executive; in the quarter left inferior the more important geographic characters are shaped of the region: hill de la Cruz and a fall of called water “Las Goteras”; in the quarter right inferior, is based an open book indicating studies and culture as it bases of the progress, the pen and the inkpot it reflects that Taretan has been cradle of great writers, poets and literary of reputation; the stars represent the communities more important of the municipality. The legend says: “historical, future Past promissory”, that means that this municipality, it has crossed historical trajectory that will be had to translate in a better future for the new generations taretenses.
Laretan is a pre-Hispanic population, lived by tarascos before the Spanish conquest. To half-full of century XVI the evangelización was carried out of the place and one assumes that the one in charge of the same wasFray Juan Baptist of Moya, for being the evangelizador of the hot Earth of Michoacán. In agreement with 1754 registries, it comprised in quality of vicaría of the parish or indoctrinates of the mountain range with head inSanta Anna Tzirosto. Taretan one was made up in that then, of the town of San Idelfonso of Taretan, of the one of San Andrés Ziraquaretiro and the property of Taretan. They inhabited approximately 431 people, enters Spaniards, Indians, mulatos and slaves. In 1825, the state was divided in four departments and Taretán was head of party corresponding to Department of the South. The 10 of December of 1831, were constituted in municipality. The 20 of November, to their head occurred him the name of Taretan of Terán, in honor to the general Manuel Mier and Terán. At the moment the municipality conserves the name of Taretán, like its municipal head.
Illustrious personagesAlfredo Maillefert the Vidals, Writer (1889 - 1914) José J. Altamirano, Musician and composer (1860 - 1900) Manuel Red Garci'a, Writer and Poet (1853 - 1914) José Ortiz the Vidals, Poet (1880 - 1905) Lucas Ortiz Benitez, Writer and poet (1904 -1984) Emigdio Ruiz Bejar, Agrarista Fighter (1950) Rafael Alvarado Ponce, Filántropo (1898 - 1942) Encarnación Lopez Ponce, Musician and Writer (1880) Ma. Of the Refuge Garci'a, Defender National of the Rights of the Woman (1973) Chronology of historical facts 1754 Is vicar and it is lived by 431 people. 1825In agreement with the constitution the 5 of Julio of 1825 Taretan happen to be party head. 1831 is constituted in municipality.
Half Physicist
Location It is located to the west of the State, in the coordinates 19º20' of North latitude and 101º55' of west longitude, to a height of 1, 130 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Ziracuaretiro, the east with Santa Clara of Copper and Aryan of Rosales, to the south with New Urecho and Gabriel Zamora, and to the east with Uruapan. Its distance to the capital of the S-state of 158 km by the route to Uruapan.
Extension Its surface is of 185. 23 km² and it represents the 0.31 percent of the total of the State. Orography Its relief is constituted by the volcanic system cross-sectional, the mountain range of Santa Clara, the hills of cross, cobrero, Furnaces, Table of Garci'a, Table of Exhacienda, Palm, San Joaquin, Pelón and Guayabo and the Plain of the Llanito.

Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the rivers Acámbaro. Passage of the Clock, the Guayabo and Hoyo of the Air, and by streams and springs of cold water. Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 1, 560 millimeters and temperatures that they oscillate between 14. 4 to 29. 66 º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality deciduo with sapodilla predominates the tropical forest, tepeguaje, cirián, parota, guaje and handle. Its fauna one is satisfied by vixen, tejón, coyote, rabbit, hare, wanderer, güilota, duck and aguililla. Natural resources The forest surface timber is occupied by pine and encino, the nontimber one, by scrubs of different species. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary and Eocene, they correspond mainly to those of podzólico type. Its use is fundamentally forest and in similar proportion they are dedicated a the agricultural and cattle activity.
Profile Sociodemográfico
Ethnic groups According to the General Census Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 36 people who speak some índigena language, and of which 23 are men and 13 they are women. Within the main índigenas languages we can to mention the Purépecha and the Mixteco. Demographic evolutionIn the municipality in 1990, the population represented the 1 _ of the total of the state. For 1995 a population has itself of 12.777 inhabitants, its rate of growth is of the 1,0 _ annual and the densidad of population is of 68,98 inhabitants by km2 the number of women is relatively greater to of men. For the year of 1994, they had been registered 387 births and 60 deaths.
Religion The predominant religion in the municipality is the catholic, followed in smaller scale by the witnesses of Jehovah, pentecostés and mormona.
Infrastructure Social and of Communications
Education For the basic education, establishments exist of initial, pre-school, primary, secondary education, telesecundaria and of technical education the CECATI and CBTa. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality it is taken care of by official and deprived organisms. The municipality counts on 1 clinic of the IMSS, 2 clinics particular doctors, 5 doctor's offices and 3 pharmacies.
Supply The municipality counts on a municipal market, tianguis weekly and misceláneas. Sport It exists a sport unit, fields of basquetbol in main localities, there is in addition a rest center. House The municipality has 4 thousand houses predominating the construction of adobe followed of red partition, wood, perimo and lamina. Services public The cover of services public according to appreciations of the H. City council are: Potable water 95_ Drainage 40_ Paving 10_ Public lighting system 60_ Garbage collection 25_ Pantheon 100_ Public security 75_ Mass media The municipality counts on mass media like they are the Newspaper of Taretan, mail, telephone, railroad, service of buses and taxis. Communication channels The municipality counts on a highway that communicates to him with the municipality of Uruapan as well as ways of terracería within all the municipality. It counts railroad that communicates to the municipality with Cardinal red Morelia and Lazaro.
Activity Economic
Agriculture Agriculture is the main economic activity of the municipality, being its main cultures: the cane of sugar, magician, guava and other fruits. Cattle ranch It represents the second more important activity of municipality, grows up cattle mainly: bovine, goat, birds and equine. Representing these two sectors until 51 _ of its economic activity. Industry It represents an important activity, from the installation of Ingenio Lazaro Cardinal red where a takes end the sugar production. Representing the 25 _ of its economic activity.
Tourism Natural landscapes Commerce Small and medium commerce exists in the municipality eg: stores of clothes, footwear, stationery stores and mueblerías. Representing the 6 _ of its economic activity. Services In the municipal head are hotels and restaurants, that they offer lodging and feeding.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Historical monuments Parish of San Ildefonso. Celebrations, dances and traditions January 23 Celebration in honor of the employer of the town San Idelfonso Julio 25 Celebration in honor of Mr. Santiago.Julio 26 Celebration in honor to Santa Anita.Music Wind music.
Gastronomy The typical food of the place is regional kitchen a maize base like corundas and tamales in addition of the mass of guajolote. Tourist centers Natural landscapes (Cracked “the Leaks”).
Municipal head: Taretan one is 155 km of the State Capital. It counts on 6.052 inhabitants. Main Localities: Tomendan Its preponderant activity in this locality is agriculture and the cattle ranch is located to 10 km Of the municipal head. Account with 1.187 inhabitants. Air hole Its preponderant activity is the agriculture followed of fruitgrowing and cattle ranch are located to 8 km of the head policeman. Account with 456 inhabitants. Dry farm Its preponderant activity is agriculture, the fruitgrowing and importance cattle ranch in sequence is located to 10 km of the municipal head. Account with 470 inhabitants.
Chronology of Presidents Municipales 1999 - 2001 Pedro Contreras Perez 2002 - 2004 Rafael Garci'a.
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