Meaning: “Blooming and fructifying of a plant to the same time”, “uruapani” comes from the word tarasca and it means, reason why it has been translated like “place where the trees always have fruit”.
Shieldshield of the municipality was made by the lieutenant coronel Luis Valencia Madrigaly understands in the part superior, the profiles of the native Spanish and of this region. In the angle left superior, we found the chapels of the nine districts of which the city was based of Uruapuan andHuatáperao first Hospital of Latin America. In the angle right superior we found the Gods that they adored the tarascos, symbolized by the moon, the sun and a star, the colors of the National flag and the sores of at your service Franciscan Christ. In its angle inferior left we havevolcán of the Paricutín, surrounded by the vegetation whereupon Uruapan counts and Tzaráracua to the bottom by the river Cupatitzio. angle right inferior is dedicated toMártires of Uruapan. In the part inferior we found coffee plantation branches, that they leave of one jícara made and by hand well-known like “maque”, crossed by the inscription that says: “Safeguard of the spirit, the tradition and the mexicanidad”. The shield in the general, significa the defense of Indian.
Uruapan was an inhabited pre-Hispanic town mainly by tarascosThey have been located abundant archaeological rest that have not been studied, with exception of the Linen cloth of Jucutacato, that was in the community of Jicalán and that is the document more old for the study of the history of Michoacán. By year 1400 it was conquered and annexed to the triunvirato of the gentlemen of Pátzcuaro, Tzitzuntzan and Ihuatzio. To the arrival of the Spaniards and before the imminent conquest of the kingdom tarasco, last calzonci took refuge in Uruapan, reason by which the foreigners arrived a this place in 1522. The 25 of August of 1524 were given in charge Don Francisco de VillegasLater he was evangelizado by franciscanos, considering itself aFray Juan of San Miguel , founder of city, by its initiated city-planning work in 1534. In 1540 settle down like República of Indians. In 1754 the parish of Uruapan was made up of three towns: San Francisco Xicalán, with 60 Indians and Indians and 3 families of mulatos and one of color broken, San Francisco Jucutacato, with 100 Indian neighbors, Indian and 2 families of broken color and San Lorenzo, with 75 Indians and Indians. In addition one formed by one ranchería Tiamba call (composed by 20 mulatos), the property of Carasa (with 30 people where only the owner was Spanish) and San Marcos, with 30 inhabitants, all of them mulatos. The head of the parish was the town of San Francisco de Uruapan and one was made up of 6 districts with 600 Indians and Indians, 500 families “of reason people” and 300 families of people of broken color, black, mulatos, wolves and coyotes. In 1822 it counts already on Constitutional City council, and in 1825, the 15 of March, constitute head of party and subdelegation. It is constituted in Municipality by the Territorial Law of the 10 of December of 1831. Por la importancia que tuvo durante la guerra de independencia, el 28 de noviembre de 1858, se le da la nominación de Ciudad del Progreso. El 24 de noviembre de 1863 se decreta el traslado de la capital del Estado a la ciudad de Uruapan, ante el asedio del ejército francés sobre la ciudad de Morelia, manteniendo esta posición hasta el 18 de febrero de 1867. El 21 de octubre de 1865 fueron fusilados en Uruapan los republicanos Arteaga, Salazar, Villagómez y Díaz González, mejor conocidos como los Mártires de Uruapan.
Personajes ilustresManuel Ocarranza.- Pintor (1845 - 1882). Juan Delgado.- Educador (1830 - ). José María Izazaga.- Insurgente secretario de Morelos. Antonio Florentino Mercado.- Jurisconsulto liberal ( - 1855). Juan Valle.- Poeta. Francisco Hurtado Mendoza.- Profesor y Poeta. Tomás Rico Cano.- Poeta (1916 - ). Salvador Martínez Mercado.- Diplomático (1890 - ). Gonzalo Gutiérrez Guzmán.- Sacerdote Católico, construyó el Seminario Menor en Uruapan, fundó la Universidad Don Vasco y promovió la construcción del Hospital Civil de Uruapan. José María Pararedes Mendoza.- Profesor, Escritor y pintor (1912- ). Alfredo Márquez Campos.- Empresario, promocionó la construcción de Aeropuerto General Ignacio López Rayón (1923- ). Manuel Pérez Coronado.- Pintor y Grabador (1929-1970).Lic. Eduardo Ruiz.- Militar, Abogado y Escritor, donador del Parque Nacional que lleva su nombre (1839- ). Lic. Felipe Alvahuante.- Licenciado, Maestro y Político (1917- ).
Cronología de hechos históricos1528. Primer alzamiento de los indígenas ante la explotación de que eran objeto, llevan a cabo el asesinato de varios españoles. 1535. Fray Juan de San Miguel, inicia la construcción del convento e iglesia. El trazo de la ciudad queda definido en nueve barrios, cada uno con su respectiva capilla y patrono, y destinado respectivamente a cada pueblo. 1577. Una terrible peste diezmó a la población. 1766. Motín en Uruapan contra el violento reclutamiento que hacían los españoles para la integración de los nuevos cuerpos de milicias provinciales. 1767. Violenta represión y castigo para 39 vecinos de la comunidad de Uruapan, varios de los cuales son ahorcados y degollados, debido a los actos cometidos contra la corona, el año anterior, y por las protestas que hicieron ante la expulsión de los jesuitas. 1795. El 19 de diciembre, recibe encargo José María Morelos de impartir la enseñanza y permanecer aquí hasta el año de 1798. 1806El 25 de marzo, durante un temblor fue destruido el hospital. 1810. Durante el movimiento de independencia se incorpora el uruapense José María Izazaga. 1814En dos ocasiones se refugian aquí los miembros del Consejo Constituyente, antes de la redacción de la Constitución y posterior a su proclamación, ocupando varios edificios y emitiendo resoluciones, como formación de la Junta Subalterna Gubernativa, que asumió el poder ejecutivo a fines de 1815. 1817. Durante el movimiento insurgente, el padre Torres incendia el pueblo y la iglesia. 1842. El 22 de diciembre, Miguel Montaño, comandante militar de la Villa de Uruapan, se adhiere al pronunciamiento de San Luis Potosí en favor de Don Antonio López de Santa Anna y Don Nicolás Bravo. 1863. Se nombra al Gobernador del Estado en la ciudad de Uruapan. 1864. El 1º de enero es tomada la ciudad por las tropas imperialistas y a partir de este momento uno y otro bando, van apoderándose sucesivamente de la población. 1864. El 20 de diciembre, hay un alzamiento en favor de los imperialistas 1865. El 19 de junio, el general Nicolás Regules arrebata heroicamente la plaza principal a los imperialistas. El 23 de junio muere a manos de los franceses el general García Pueblita. El 21 de octubre, es fusilado el general José María Arteaga, jefe del ejército republicano del centro y cuatro oficiales más, conocidos como los Mártires de Uruapan. 1866. El 20 de febrero, se libró la Batalla de la Magdalena, donde fueron derrotadas las tropas republicanas que comandaban el general Vicente Rivapalacio. 1874. El 27 de julio, se establece la primera empresa textil. 1880Aparece el primer periódico local en Uruapan: “El Precursor Uruapanse” 1899. Es inaugurada la línea férrea que unió a Uruapan. 1900Se inaugura la línea del tranvía que corría de la estación del ferrocarril a la Plaza de los Mártires. 1910El 25 de abril, ocurre un incendio en la ciudad de Uruapan, destruyendo varias fábricas. 1914. Durante el movimiento revolucionario, encabezado primeramente por Madero, la ciudad es varias veces atacada, pasando de unas manos a otras de estos sucesos destacan las acciones del general constitucionalista Joaquín Amaro. 1932. En el mes de febrero se celebra en esta ciudad el primer congreso agrario. 1939. De este año al siguiente se lleva a cabo la creación y dotación definitiva de la mayoría de los ejidos del municipio. 1943. El día 20 de febrero, nace el Volcán Paricutín. 1947. El 1º de mayo, se crea la comisión de Tepalcatepec, con sede en Uruapan, y se da un impulso a toda la economía de la región. La ciudad se moderniza y amplía todos sus servicios.
Half Physical
Location It is located to the west of the State, in the coordinates 19º25' of North latitude and 102º03' of west longitude, to a height of 1, 620 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Charapan, Paracho and Nahuatzen, to the east with Tingambato, Ziracuaretiro and Taretan, to the south with Gabriel Zamora, and to the west with New Parangaricutiro, Peribán and the Kings. Its distance to the State Capital is of 120 km.

Extension Its surface is of 954,17 km² and it represents 1,62 by one hundred of the total of the State. Orography Their relief conforms the cross-sectional volcanic system, and the hills of Charanda, the Cross, Jicalán and Magdalena. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the river Cupatitzio, the Caltzontzin prey, Jump Escondido and Cupatitzio and well-known cascade like the Tzaráracua. Climate Its climate is tempered and tropical with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 1, 759. 3, millimeters and temperatures that oscillate between 8. 0 to 37. 5 degrees Celsius.
Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the mixed forest, with pine and encino, and the tropical forest deciduo, with parota, guaje, cascalote and cirián. Its fauna is satisfied mainly by coyote, zorrillo, deer, vixen, cacomixtle, hare, tlacuache, rabbit, duck, torcaza and chachalaca. Natural resources The forest surface timber is occupied by pine encino and oyamel, in the case of the nontimber one, is occupied by scrubs of different species. Ground characteristics and use The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary, quaternary and Eocene, they correspond mainly to those of the podzólico type. Its use is fundamentally forest and in smaller agricultural.
Profile Sociodemográfico
Ethnic groups According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 11.772 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 5.981 is men and 5.719 are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can to mention purépecha and zapoteco. Demographic evolution In the Municipality of Uruapan in 1990, the population represented the 6,12 percent of the total of the State. For 1996, it is had a population of 250.717 inhabitants, its rate of growth it is of the 3,1 annual percent and the densidad of population it is of 263 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women he is relatively greater to the one of the men.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by the Evangelical one and Pentecostés.
Infrastructure Social and of Communications
Education For the basic education establishments exist of Pre-school, primary, secondary, for the mean level superior the CBETIS, CECyT exists, Preparatory and for the level superior two universities exist one publishes and a private one. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality public is taken care of by organisms and deprived eg: the Units of External Consultation of IMSS, ISSSTE and of the assigned Centers of Health to the Secretariat of Health, besides the Particular Doctor's offices, General and Deprived hospitals. Supply The municipality counts on a power station of supply with 335 warehouses, 5 municipal markets with the 575 premises altogether and 1 market moving body (tianguis) with 690 locatarios.
Sport The municipality counts on sport units, tennis courts, basquetbol, soccer. Volibol, frontenis, fronton, clay fields, field of squash, audiences, stage of soccer, stage of baseball and track of athletics, in the communities as well as in the municipal head. House The municipality counts on approximately 42.235 built houses of which the 75 percent is own and the 25 are not it, the constructions of partition, followed in minor predominate proportion by the one of materials, marinates, lamina of cardboard and other materials.Services publicPotable water 98_ Drainage 45_ Electrification 95_ Paving 35_ Public lighting system 80_ Garbage collection If Market 60_ Sign 70_ Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 50_ Public security 40_ Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: Local, regional and state newspapers, television national and by cable, local, regional and national radio diffusing. Communication channels The municipality counts on railroad Salamanca line - Lazaro Cardinal red, 142 km, of highways of which 67 km, are paved routes, 63. 4 km, they are secondary roads and 11. 3 km, are rural ways. It is counted on an airport with a runway length of 2,400 mts., in addition counts on offices of telegraphs, postal offices and telephone.
Activity Economic
Agriculture It is a preponderant activity in the municipality, being his main cultures: the cane of sugar, maize, avocado, peach tree, coffee, guava and vegetables like tomato, Chile, courgette. Cattle ranch The cattle activity has a regular importance, in addition cattle grows up bovine, pig, goat, horse, bird-raising and bees. Industry The industry of the municipality this represented in 95 _ by micro industries as they are automotive factories, factory metal - metalists, factory of production of foods and factory of materials for the construction.
Tourism The tourist potential of the municipality is very important since the natural and architectonic resources with those that tells combined the quality of people do of Uruapan a pole of highly attractive tourist development. Commerce The municipality counts on approximately 1.158 classified commerce in 80 turns of which the 11,6 _ is of packings, 8_ pharmacies, the 6,6 _ packings with wine sale, the 5,7 _ stores of clothes, the 5,1 _ you would repair and accessories for cars and airplanes, the 4,8 _ are stationery store and the presses, 4.5_ of zapaterías and the 4,3 percent of ironworks. Services The capacity of these in the municipal head is sufficient in order to take care of the demand, counting on 378 companies of services represented of the following form: 15 _ cafeterias and restaurants, 9 _ hotels, 7,5 _ constructors, 7 _ of services the 5 professionals and _ pensions and parking.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Historical monuments The municipality counts on architectonic monuments like the Huatapera and several churches located in the communities. Museums In the municipality the “Museum of the House of the Culture” exists. Celebrations, dances and traditions 24 of June. Supervisory celebration in honor to San Juan Baptist. 29 of June. Supervisory celebration in honor to San Pedro and San Pablo. 22 of June. Supervisory celebration in honor to Maria Magdalena. 25 of July. Supervisory celebration in honor to the Santiago Apostle. 26 of July. Supervisory celebration in honor to Santa Ana. 10 of August. Supervisory celebration in honor to San Lorenzo. 29 of September. Supervisory celebration in honor to San Miguel. 4 of October. Supervisory celebration in honor to San Francisco of You take root. 1º and 10 of November. Celebration of the Day of Deads. 22 of Nov. to the 15 of Dic. Fair of the Avocado, exhibition commercial, industrial, cattle and cultural agriculturist.
Music Traditional native. Pirecuas and sones, music of wind. Crafts Their main maqueadas crafts are Bateas, jewel boxes, guajes, jícaras, masks, as well as blankets of pricked paper, rebozos, guanengos and gabanes. Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: churipo with corundas, carnitas, enchiladas placeras with chicken or cured meat, quelites and fungi, quesadillas of pumpkin flower, pozole, the slight one, the flour fish, huchepos, tamales and nacatamales, cornflour drinks of tamarind, rice, milk of cacao and grain, doughnuts with white cornflour drink, the candy pumpkin and sweet potato, bananas spanish stews, chocolate of metate, pasties of chilacayote. Tourist centers The tourist centers of greater importance in the municipality they are the following: The Cracked Tzararacua located to 7 km. by highway a Lazaro Cardinal red Located National park to the west of the city. The Caltzontzin Prey located in the exit to Cárapan. Cascade Hidden Jump. Hill de la Cruz to the west of the city. Hill of the Charanda to the northwest of the city.
Municipal head: Uruapan
Main localities:
Capacuaro Its main activity is the logging and agriculture. It is located to 15 km. of the municipal head. Angahuan Its main activity is the logging. It is located to 32 km. of the municipal head. San Lorenzo Its main activity is the logging. It is located to 16 km. of the municipal head. Caltzontzin Its main activity is the logging and agriculture. It is located to 3 km. of the municipal head. Jucutacato Its main activity is agriculture and the operation forest. It is located to 3 km. of the municipal head. Santa Ana Zirosto Its main activity is agriculture. A is located 40 km. of the municipal head. Corupo Its main activity is the logging and agriculture. It is located to 38 km. of the municipal head New Zirosto Its main activity is agriculture. A is located 45 km. of the municipal head.
Chronology of the municipal presidents1940 - Jesus Espinoza R. 1941 - Adolph Arceo Lopez 1942 - J. Trinidad Hernandez 1942 - Ramon Oak grove 1943 - Federico Ortiz Ayala 1944 - Valente Garibay P. 1945 - Mario Ramirez Perez 1945 - 1946 J. Jesus Fernandez 1947 - Robert Perez M. 1948 - Francisco Suárez V. 1949 - Jose Bejarano Arms 1949 - Red Miguel M. 1949 -1950 Jose Bejarano Arms 1950 - Eleazar Pedraza 1950 - Jesus Maria Cantú F. 1951 - Luis González Pineapple 1951 - 1952 Ignacio Valencia A. 1952 - 1953 Pelagio Rodriguez 1954 - Víctor Saucedo 1955 - 1956 Salvador Pedraza 1956 - Valente Garibay 1956 - Jose Rosemary C. 1957 - Isidoro Angels 1957 - 1958 Rafael Ledezma B. 1958 - 1959 Antonio Kings F. 1960 - 1962 Eduardo Martinez Lopez 1963 - 1965 Aureliano Aguirre A. 1966 - 1968 Carlos Barragán S. 1969 - 1971 Francisco Soli's H. 1972 - 1974 Arthur Apan Garci'a 1974 - Gilberto Hossfel 1974 - Jose Rodriguez A. 1975 - 1977 Francisco Barragán Cheers 1977- Salvador Go'mez Or 1978 - 1980 Eduardo Martinez Lopez 1981 - 1982 Jaime Millán 1982 - 1983 Arthur Crowned Perez 1984 - 1986 Federico Ruiz Lopez 1987 - 1989 Víctor M. Barragán G. 1990 - 1992 Agustín Maize Maldonado. Manuel Trejo Garci'a Anacleto Mendoza Maldonado 1993 - 1995 Jose Estrada Oak grove 1996 - 1998 Jesus Maria Doddoli Murguía 1999 - 2001 Juan Rafael Elvira Quezada 2002 - 2004 Jesus Maria Doddoli Murguía.
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