It means “Beautiful Place”, is an origin word chichimeca.
During the colony had dedicated invocation athey San GuillermoIn 1822 it was a small town of the group of judges ofCharoIts inhabitants they produced sweet cane, guava, sapodilla and others humid climate fruits and warm up. Also it was dedicated to do baskets or chiquihuites, that would come at a low price. In the Territorial Law of 1831 it appears like possession of Indaparapeo. 25 of March of 1936, was granted to him the category of Municipality and its conformation territorial one occurred from the land separation and colonised to the bordering municipalities, on all Indaparapeo. At the moment the municipality and the head they take the name of Tzitzio.
Chronology of historical facts 1831It is possession of the municipality of Indaparapeo. 1936The 25 of March, obtain the rank of Municipality.
During the colony had dedicated invocation athey San GuillermoIn 1822 it was a small town of the group of judges ofCharoIts inhabitants they produced sweet cane, guava, sapodilla and others humid climate fruits and warm up. Also it was dedicated to do baskets or chiquihuites, that would come at a low price. In the Territorial Law of 1831 it appears like possession of Indaparapeo. 25 of March of 1936, was granted to him the category of Municipality and its conformation territorial one occurred from the land separation and colonised to the bordering municipalities, on all Indaparapeo. At the moment the municipality and the head they take the name of Tzitzio.
Chronology of historical facts 1831It is possession of the municipality of Indaparapeo. 1936The 25 of March, obtain the rank of Municipality.
Half Physicist
Location It is located to the northeast of the State, in the coordinates 19º35' of North latitude and 100º56' of west longitude, to a height of 1.540 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Charo and Indaparapeo, to the east with Noble, Jungapeo and Tuzantla, to the south with Tiquicheo, and the west with Log and Morelia. Its distance to the State Capital is of 43 km.
Extension Its surface is of 941,60 Km² and it represents the 1.60 of the total of the State.

Profile Sociodemográfico
Groups ethnic According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 13 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 7 are men and 6 are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention the cachita and purepecha Demographic evolution In the municipality of Tzitzio in 1990, the population it represented the 0,29 percent of the total of the State. It stops 1995, a population of 11.511 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 1,76 annual percent and densidad of population is of 12,22 inhabitants by square kilometer.
The number of men is relatively greater to the one of the women for the year of 1994, to 714 births and 80 deaths have occurred, also thus the migration and immigration in municipality has been to regulate. Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic followed in smaller proportion by the Gospeller.
Groups ethnic According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 13 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 7 are men and 6 are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention the cachita and purepecha Demographic evolution In the municipality of Tzitzio in 1990, the population it represented the 0,29 percent of the total of the State. It stops 1995, a population of 11.511 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 1,76 annual percent and densidad of population is of 12,22 inhabitants by square kilometer.

Infrastructure Social and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education like between that they emphasize nieveles pre-school, primary and secondary. Salud The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality public is taken care of by organisms eg: the assigned Centers of Health to the Secretary of Health and the Clinics of IMSS-COPLAMAR. Abasto The municipality counts once on tianguis per week and grocer's where the population acquires articles of first necessity.

Activity Economic

Agriculture The main economic activity of the municipality being its main cultures: the maize, sorghum, tomato, blackberry, peanut, changunga. Cattle ranch The bovine, goat cattle grows up mainly and bird-raising. Industry In the municipality industrial plant does not exist. Tourism It is not had tourist places in the municipality. Commerce The commerce essentially is realised by means of “tianguis” , reason why it does not have an established commerce. Services The municipality does not count on tourist infrastructure.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Celebrations, dances and traditions 24 of January. Celebration in honor of Our Lady of La Paz.8 of April. Anniversary of the foundation of the municipality. 25 of June. Celebration in honor of San Guillermo. 30 of August. Celebration in honor of Santa Rosa of Lima.Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: barbecue, mass, cornflour drink of milk and cheese mess orderly.
Celebrations, dances and traditions 24 of January. Celebration in honor of Our Lady of La Paz.8 of April. Anniversary of the foundation of the municipality. 25 of June. Celebration in honor of San Guillermo. 30 of August. Celebration in honor of Santa Rosa of Lima.Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: barbecue, mass, cornflour drink of milk and cheese mess orderly.
GovernmentMunicipal head: Tzitzio
Main localities:
The Winding frame Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 35 km. of the municipal head. Tafetán Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 27 km. of the municipal head. Wide step Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 15 km. of the municipal head. Tiquihuitucha Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 12 km. of the municipal head.
Chronology of the municipal presidents 1940 - Blond Jose V. 1941 - Elfego Rodriguez 1942 - Isidro Araujo H. 1943 - Villaseñor youngest child 1944 - Courteous Luis Martinez 1945 - Luis Zetina Market 1946 - Ciro Villaseñor Morals 1947 - Isidro Araujo H. 1948 - Julian Caravantes Vieyra 1949 - Lorenzo Soli's Vergara 1950 - Ramon Zatina Rodriguez 1951 - Ignacio Vieyra R. 1952 - J. Trinidad Villaseñor V. 1953 - Julian Caravantes Vieyra 1954 - Luis Zetina Market 1955 - Ramon Zetina Rodriguez 1956 - Courteous Jose M. 1957 - J. Ignacio Garnica 1958 - 1959 Raymundo Towers 1960 - Jose Vieyra Quiroz 1961 - 1962 Courteous Nicholas Ruiz 1963 - 1965 Isidro Villaseñor V. 1966 - 1968 J. Luis Perez Garci'a 1969 - 1971 J. Guadalupe Perez Garci'a 1972 - 1974 Ramon Bartolo Natividad 1975 - 1977 Luis Solórzano Market 1978 - 1980 Miguel Courteous Araujo 1981 - 1983 Caesarean one I castrate Villaseñor 1984 - 1986 Samuel B. Ruiz Garci'a 1987 - 1989 Emilio Diaz Suárez 1990 - 1992 Samuel B. Ruiz Garci'a 1993 - 1995 Mario Villaseñor Zetina 1996 - 1998 Courteous Reynaldo Sandoval 1999 - 2001 Lazaro Martinez Patiño2002 - 2004 J. Rafael Perez.
Main localities:
The Winding frame Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 35 km. of the municipal head. Tafetán Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 27 km. of the municipal head. Wide step Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 15 km. of the municipal head. Tiquihuitucha Its main activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. It is located to 12 km. of the municipal head.

Chronology of the municipal presidents 1940 - Blond Jose V. 1941 - Elfego Rodriguez 1942 - Isidro Araujo H. 1943 - Villaseñor youngest child 1944 - Courteous Luis Martinez 1945 - Luis Zetina Market 1946 - Ciro Villaseñor Morals 1947 - Isidro Araujo H. 1948 - Julian Caravantes Vieyra 1949 - Lorenzo Soli's Vergara 1950 - Ramon Zatina Rodriguez 1951 - Ignacio Vieyra R. 1952 - J. Trinidad Villaseñor V. 1953 - Julian Caravantes Vieyra 1954 - Luis Zetina Market 1955 - Ramon Zetina Rodriguez 1956 - Courteous Jose M. 1957 - J. Ignacio Garnica 1958 - 1959 Raymundo Towers 1960 - Jose Vieyra Quiroz 1961 - 1962 Courteous Nicholas Ruiz 1963 - 1965 Isidro Villaseñor V. 1966 - 1968 J. Luis Perez Garci'a 1969 - 1971 J. Guadalupe Perez Garci'a 1972 - 1974 Ramon Bartolo Natividad 1975 - 1977 Luis Solórzano Market 1978 - 1980 Miguel Courteous Araujo 1981 - 1983 Caesarean one I castrate Villaseñor 1984 - 1986 Samuel B. Ruiz Garci'a 1987 - 1989 Emilio Diaz Suárez 1990 - 1992 Samuel B. Ruiz Garci'a 1993 - 1995 Mario Villaseñor Zetina 1996 - 1998 Courteous Reynaldo Sandoval 1999 - 2001 Lazaro Martinez Patiño2002 - 2004 J. Rafael Perez.
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