Meaning: San Pedro Expensive known initially, changed of name in 1935 by the one of Venustiano Carranza.
Shieldshield has oval form, that rescues the idea of history and the one that form in center appears también in target the three Indian crowns of three kings michoacanos, the shield is divided in cross, signal of harmony and plasticity in the heráldica civilian, who meansunión of, the past present and future. Cuartel Primero.In field of gules color red, it denotes the strength, victory and osadía, appears in the part superior two indigenous shields that represent both unique towns of indigenous ancestry, in plane EXPENSIVE superior, “To Lugar Seco” and in the middle PAXACUA “to Lugar of Hongos” it soothes present of the old town, under them appears the tower Hispanic like symbol of the Spanish nuclei founded during the Colony Palma and Cumuato (today Cumuatillo) the three elements represent as a whole, the mestization, product of two cultures, two worlds in fusion. Cuartel Secondly. Also in field of gules, it appears the bell of independence and under her three pavilions, first in green that the hope symbolizes of the freedom ofHéroes of the Bog, the second in target that symbolizes the freedom and La Paz that it bequeathed Cura Castilian Marks original of the Palm and soul of the insurgent movement commanded by the Marshal and General Don Luis Macías, old Landowner of the Palm and first head of the independentista movement. The three symbolize the triumph and independence and rest on legajo that it symbolizes the Constitution of 1917 and the name of municipality, with a sample of respect to our Magna Carta. Cuartel Tercero.In gold field, like symbol of the energy, the force and the entereza, are the elements that sustain the productive sector of ours municipality and that is agriculture and cattle ranch, in addition it appears an open book and from it emerges a gear, both they symbolize the conjunction ofEducación and Culture with the present Industry in the development of the municipality. Cuartel Quarter. In gold stand for casks, like symbol of the light it appears “Cerro Grande” of the mountain range of Pajacuarán as bottom and soon appears the Public square that keeps jealous the four cardinal points and the towers of the parish ofThey San Pedro Caro, that It symbolizes the Faith of the inhabitants of the municipality and a fish in the part inferior it represents the historical base of the inhabitants of the municipality that was conformed to old towns of fishermen. The shield has a bordura in blue that symbolizes the diafanidad of its sky and the hydraulic wealth of the municipality, they appear the nine stars in silver that represent communities and in the part superior appear in gold the star that it represents the Municipal Head. Under the shield it is the parchment in ascending flight of red color in which the currency is read: “with our past we forged the present and we see the future”.
In the colonial time the town was known likethey San Pedro Caro, not knowing itself if it has antecedents pre-Hispanic. In 1765 he was one of the four towns members of the parish of Sahuayo (Zahuayo). In the Territorial Law of the 10 of December of 1831, it appears like possession of the municipality of Jiquilpan. In 1919 its inhabitants they made a request of ejidales lands and they were to them denied. The municipality was satisfied from the segregation of territories of some towns of the municipalities of Sahuayo, Pajacuarán and Beautiful Vista. At the time at which it had quality of possession, it appeared solely like small ranchería. The 21 of January of 1935 was constituted in Municipality, changing the Expensive name of San Pedro, by the one ofVenustiano Carranza, nomination that at the moment conserves.
Illustrious personagesMarcos Castellanos.- Priest, fighter insurgent until 1816 in which one pardons (1747-1826). Lauro Carlos Rodriguez. -Miembro of the Unificadora Society of the Indigenous, first Race President of the Ejidal Commissariat (? -1926). Felipe Chestnut grove.- Sculptor, recognized internationally (1933 -? ). Abelardo Polished. - Musician. Luis Pulido.- Musical. María of Jesus Medina Estrada. - Professor. (1923 -? ).
Chronology of historical facts
1765Form leaves from the parish of Sahuayo. 1825San Pedro Expensive is elevated to the rank of possession of the municipality of Sahuayo. 1831It is possession of Jiquilpan. 1935It acquires the rank of Municipality.
Illustrious personagesMarcos Castellanos.- Priest, fighter insurgent until 1816 in which one pardons (1747-1826). Lauro Carlos Rodriguez. -Miembro of the Unificadora Society of the Indigenous, first Race President of the Ejidal Commissariat (? -1926). Felipe Chestnut grove.- Sculptor, recognized internationally (1933 -? ). Abelardo Polished. - Musician. Luis Pulido.- Musical. María of Jesus Medina Estrada. - Professor. (1923 -? ).
Chronology of historical facts
1765Form leaves from the parish of Sahuayo. 1825San Pedro Expensive is elevated to the rank of possession of the municipality of Sahuayo. 1831It is possession of Jiquilpan. 1935It acquires the rank of Municipality.
Half Physicist
Location It is located to the northwest of the State, in the coordinates 20º07' of North latitude and 102º39' of west longitude, to a height of 1.530 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with the State of Jalisco and Briseñas, to this with Pajacuarán, to the south with Villamar and Sahuayo, and to the west with You regulate. Its distance to the State Capital it is of 227 km.
Extension Its surface is of 226,89 Km² and it represents the 0.38 percent of the total of the State. Orography Their relief conforms the cross-sectional volcanic system, the depression of the Lerma Chapala, the mountain range of Pajacuarán and the hills the Cross, Great Small hat, the Coco, To go it and Palm. Hydrography Its hydrography constitutes the Lake of Chapala. Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 700,00 millimeters and temperatures that centigrades oscillate between 10,3 to 26.5º. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the prairie, with nopal, huisache and mezquite. Its fauna is represented by tlacuache, zorrillo, raccoon, hare, weasel, armadillo, duck, güilota, catfish, charal and refined galipot.
Natural resources The forest surface is not timber and scrubs occupy diverse. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary and the Pliocene, correspond mainly to of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally agriculturist and in smaller cattle proportion.
Extension Its surface is of 226,89 Km² and it represents the 0.38 percent of the total of the State. Orography Their relief conforms the cross-sectional volcanic system, the depression of the Lerma Chapala, the mountain range of Pajacuarán and the hills the Cross, Great Small hat, the Coco, To go it and Palm. Hydrography Its hydrography constitutes the Lake of Chapala. Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 700,00 millimeters and temperatures that centigrades oscillate between 10,3 to 26.5º. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the prairie, with nopal, huisache and mezquite. Its fauna is represented by tlacuache, zorrillo, raccoon, hare, weasel, armadillo, duck, güilota, catfish, charal and refined galipot.

Natural resources The forest surface is not timber and scrubs occupy diverse. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary and the Pliocene, correspond mainly to of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally agriculturist and in smaller cattle proportion.
Profile Sociodemográfico
Ethnic groups According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 46 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 26 are men and 20 they are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention the Purepecha and náhuatl. Demographic evolution In the municipality of Venustiano Carranza in 1990, the population it represented the 0,65 percent of the total of the State. It stops 1995, a population of 22,955 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the -0,106 annual percent, ( negative rate of growth must to factors such as the emigration to the interior and outside of the country mainly), and the densidad of population is of 101 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women he is relatively greater to the one of the men. It stops the year of 1994, 693 births and 141 were registered deaths.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education pre-school, primary and eg: secondary and for the level half superior counts on the School of Bachelors. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality public is taken care of by organisms and prevailed eg: clinical of the IMSS, Centers of Health, assigned to the Secretariat of Health, peripheral position of the particular ISSSTE and doctor's offices. Supply Rural account with Market, warehouses, tianguis once by article week, store for the home, zapaterías, ironworks and grocer's where the population it acquires articles of first necessity.
Sport The municipality counts on recreational centers, fields of basquetbol, track of athletics, fields of soccer and volibol in the communities of the municipality as well as in the head policeman. House The municipality counts approximately on 4395 built houses of which the construction of partition predominates, block, stone and cement, followed in smaller proportion by the one of adobe and other materials. Services publicWater potable 95_ Drainage 70_ Electrification 95_ Paving 50_ Public lighting system 95_ Garbage collection 75_ Market If Sign If Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 20_ Public security 95_ Parks and Gardens 95_ Buildings Public 95_ Mass media The municipality has the following mass media: Radio stations, television channels and newspapers. Communication channels One communicates with the state highway Briseñas - Sahuayo, as well as some communities the Fort, Cumuatillo Four Corners, the Palm is with paving access asphalt, old town by the Venustiano highway Carranza - Pajacuarán and the other communities with terracerías, service of asphalt freeway (650-20m.). In addition it counts on telephone, public houses, telegraphs, mail, and cover of telephony cellular.
Sport The municipality counts on recreational centers, fields of basquetbol, track of athletics, fields of soccer and volibol in the communities of the municipality as well as in the head policeman. House The municipality counts approximately on 4395 built houses of which the construction of partition predominates, block, stone and cement, followed in smaller proportion by the one of adobe and other materials. Services publicWater potable 95_ Drainage 70_ Electrification 95_ Paving 50_ Public lighting system 95_ Garbage collection 75_ Market If Sign If Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 20_ Public security 95_ Parks and Gardens 95_ Buildings Public 95_ Mass media The municipality has the following mass media: Radio stations, television channels and newspapers. Communication channels One communicates with the state highway Briseñas - Sahuayo, as well as some communities the Fort, Cumuatillo Four Corners, the Palm is with paving access asphalt, old town by the Venustiano highway Carranza - Pajacuarán and the other communities with terracerías, service of asphalt freeway (650-20m.). In addition it counts on telephone, public houses, telegraphs, mail, and cover of telephony cellular.
Activity Economic
Agriculture The agricultural activity is the main economic activity of the municipality being the main cultures: the maize, sorghum, alfalfa, tomato, wheat, chick-pea, canary seed, Chile, onion, courgette among others. Cattle ranch This activity is less representative, being the main ones young the cattle: Bovine, equine, pig, goat and birds. Industry Account with an established industry as it is the empacadora of fruits and vegetables, congealed and jam.
Tourism Multiple natural zones exist where it is possible to be practiced the campismo and eco-tourism, with colorful landscapes; also, the municipality has spas. Commerce Account with small and medium commerce where the population it acquires articles of first and second necessity. Services The municipality counts on several restaurants in the place. Fishing Mojarra, the white fish takes place, catfish, charal. In the creek of the lake of Chapala.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Historical monuments The municipality counts on the church of San Pedro in the head policeman. Celebrations, dances and traditions 29 of June. Supervisory celebration in honor to San Pedro. 1a. Week of August. Supervisory celebration in honor to the Divine Face. 15 of May. Supervisory celebration in honor to San Isidro. It completes week of January Celebration in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe. 15 and 16 of septiebre. Celebration of the celebrations mother countries. 20 of November. Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution.Music Music is mainly of popular character
Crafts Embroiderings and weaves, folders and napkins Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: Huevera, fillet empanizado, charal, broth of fish. Tourist centers Natural landscapes, lagoon of Chapala.
Crafts Embroiderings and weaves, folders and napkins Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: Huevera, fillet empanizado, charal, broth of fish. Tourist centers Natural landscapes, lagoon of Chapala.
Municipal head: Venustiano CarranzaHis main activity is farming and the commerce, predominating the culture of: maize, sorghum, alfalfa, tomato, wheat, chick-pea, Chile, onion and courgette. In addition they raise: bovines, pigs and poultries. It has a population of 11.114 inhabitants and one distance to the State Capital of 227 km.
Pricipales Localities: The Palm. Its main activity is agriculture, predominating culture of: maize, sorghum, alfalfa, tomato, wheat, chick-pea, Chile, onion and courgette. and the fishing. It is located to 8 km of the municipal head Cumuatillo. Its main activity is agriculture, predominating culture of: maize, sorghum, alfalfa, tomato, wheat, chick-pea, Chile, onion and courgette. and the cattle ranch. It is located to 5 km of the municipal head.
Chronology of the municipal presidents1940 - Francisco Fertile valley Alvarez 1940 - Alberto M. Gil 1941 - Fernando Brown Macías 1941 - Manuel Nuñez Eyebrow 1942 - 1943 Heleodoro Chávez Avalos 1944 - 1945 Eliodoro Hernandez Rodriguez 1946 - Heleodoro Chávez Avalos 1947 - Rafael Fertile valley Alvarez 1948 - Bernabé Navarrese Macías 1949 - Jesus Padilla Garci'a 1950 - Pantaleón Avalos Pink 1950 - Agustín Sanchez Sanchez 1951 - 1952 Luis the Pink Lopez 1952 - Luis Macías Nuñez 1953 - Miguel Lara Perez 1953 - Alberto Macías Rodriguez 1954 - Antonio Brown Aviña 1955 - 1956 Ezequiel Mancilla Estrada 1957 - 1958 Bernabé Navarrese Macías 1959 - Pedro Crushes Estrada 1960 - 1961 Enrique Sanchez Nuñez 1962 - Manuel Razo Lopez 1963 - 1965 Luis the Cardinal red Sanchez 1966 - 1968 Bernabé Navarrese Macías 1969 - 1971 Jesus the Pink Lopez 1972 - 1976 Salvador Cardinal red 1975 - 1977 Adam Macías Nuñez 1978 - 1980 Rogelio Navarrese Aviña 1981 - 1983 Luis Cardinal red Nuñez 1984 - 1986 David Chávez Fernandez 1987 - 1989 Gilberto Hernandez 1990 - 1992 Rubén Valencia Andrade 1993 - 1995 Ramiro Rodriguez Mejía 1996 - 1998 Jose Luis Barragán Jacinth 1999 - 2001 Miguel Amezcua Alejo2004 - 2004 Berbabé Martinez.
Pricipales Localities: The Palm. Its main activity is agriculture, predominating culture of: maize, sorghum, alfalfa, tomato, wheat, chick-pea, Chile, onion and courgette. and the fishing. It is located to 8 km of the municipal head Cumuatillo. Its main activity is agriculture, predominating culture of: maize, sorghum, alfalfa, tomato, wheat, chick-pea, Chile, onion and courgette. and the cattle ranch. It is located to 5 km of the municipal head.
Chronology of the municipal presidents1940 - Francisco Fertile valley Alvarez 1940 - Alberto M. Gil 1941 - Fernando Brown Macías 1941 - Manuel Nuñez Eyebrow 1942 - 1943 Heleodoro Chávez Avalos 1944 - 1945 Eliodoro Hernandez Rodriguez 1946 - Heleodoro Chávez Avalos 1947 - Rafael Fertile valley Alvarez 1948 - Bernabé Navarrese Macías 1949 - Jesus Padilla Garci'a 1950 - Pantaleón Avalos Pink 1950 - Agustín Sanchez Sanchez 1951 - 1952 Luis the Pink Lopez 1952 - Luis Macías Nuñez 1953 - Miguel Lara Perez 1953 - Alberto Macías Rodriguez 1954 - Antonio Brown Aviña 1955 - 1956 Ezequiel Mancilla Estrada 1957 - 1958 Bernabé Navarrese Macías 1959 - Pedro Crushes Estrada 1960 - 1961 Enrique Sanchez Nuñez 1962 - Manuel Razo Lopez 1963 - 1965 Luis the Cardinal red Sanchez 1966 - 1968 Bernabé Navarrese Macías 1969 - 1971 Jesus the Pink Lopez 1972 - 1976 Salvador Cardinal red 1975 - 1977 Adam Macías Nuñez 1978 - 1980 Rogelio Navarrese Aviña 1981 - 1983 Luis Cardinal red Nuñez 1984 - 1986 David Chávez Fernandez 1987 - 1989 Gilberto Hernandez 1990 - 1992 Rubén Valencia Andrade 1993 - 1995 Ramiro Rodriguez Mejía 1996 - 1998 Jose Luis Barragán Jacinth 1999 - 2001 Miguel Amezcua Alejo2004 - 2004 Berbabé Martinez.
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