Meaning: Villamar takes the name in honor a Don Eligio Villamar, hero of Churubusco during the North American intervention. Initially the Guarachita called, that means “guarache, footwear or sandal”.
Shield The shield counts on four quarters. In the quarter superior it shows, on enamel in toned down saber, the side efigie of very appraised daughter of GuarachitaDoña Felicitas Cecilia of the Amezcua River, that it exhibits in his arms a book that defines its personality of teacher of inspiring life and of the respect to the humanistic values. Mother of Cardinal red General Lazaro of the River call with reason “mexicano more notable of century XX”. In the skilful quarter, on toned down metal of sepia, it shows the authentic figure of a quepí used by Active Milicia of 1847, according to archives of the Mexican army it was used especially by Regiment of Brave to which the scientist belonged, poet, soldier, captain andLic. Eligio Villamar NicodemusIn the left quarter, on enamel in sepia, metal that it means firmness and good foundation, the symbolic lira of Science, the inspiration and the culture, branches in those that magnificently and with singular spirit of nobility and nationalism, distinguished themselves and continue distinguishing itself. The quarter inferior shows the figure of a plow, fundamental sign of the Earth work whose fruits have been the sustenance of the man. A listonado field limits the quarters of the shield in blue, it enamels on that mark small points illuminated, each gives to validity to the communities farmers that they include the municipality, also speaks of waters of the Prey of San Antonio Guaracha, the Xaripo, Mirrors, the Negritos and the Pond. In the part superior of the Shield, the timbre is pronounced of same and ample field of sinople the hieroglyphic ofMarharachitahati, word that means father dancer or the dancing head who along with Marhuchia or mother dancer. The figure of Marharachitahati is seizure of the Borbónico Code and is the primitive name, in form sincopada, the one that until for some years it took the population of Guarachita traditionally. The bordura of the shield, enameled in gules, is symbol of the patriotic fervor, creative spirit, fighter and of civic unit, virtues that cultivate on a daily basis and exemplarily the villamarenses. Right and left shield shines listonados his lambrequines in leonado enamel or gold and is the resemblance of the adornments that in clothes legionary it traditionally takes the image of the religious employer of the well-known community originally like San Miguel Guarachita. The currency emblem of the shield is an eloquent comumeo of everything previously set out and the Integra the Latin phrase: SCIENTIAS IF JUSTITIAS CENAPATIA that means “Progenitora of Science and Justice "refiriendo a Villamar and that is a repeated tribute to the illustrious men of the past it presents/displays and future of the municipality.
At the pre-Hispanic time it comprised of the chieftainship that extended by the creeks of the Lake of Chapala. In 1765 it belonged to the parish of Zahuayo (Sahuayo), he was well-known like San Miguel Guarachitay his vicaría administered more than 1.500 feligreses One constituted in Municipality the 10 of December of 1831, with the name ofGuarachitaIn 1900 it was registered a geologic phenomenon of importance, since small volcanos arose that threw sulfurous mud and boiling. It called them to the population “ Negritos”y when finishing the phenomenon the lagoon was full of sulfurous water that subsists to the date. In 1935 the denomination changed to him by of Villamar, name that at the moment conserves, in honor aDon Eligio Villamar, hero of Churubusco during the North American intervention.
Illustrious personages
Eligio Villamar. - Hero during the intervention North American (1825-1852). Agustín Leñero. -Abogado and Politician (1904 -? ). Rubén Leñero.- Doctor and Literate (1902-1942). Filiberto Ruiz. - First Agrarista Leader of the Guarachas and the West of Michoacán (1863-1931). María Cecilia Felicitas of the Amescua River. -Madre of Cardinal red the juarista continuator Lazaro of the River (1865 -? ). Alfonso Leñero Ruiz.- Literary and Politician (1894-1985).
Chronology of historical facts
1765It is a town pertaining to the parish of Sahuayo. 1831It is constituted in Municipality. 1917Definitive Presidential resolution by Don Venustiano Carranza in favor of San Miguel Guarachita by 1.398 You have. 1925The 25 of February, the name occurs him of Villamar.
At the pre-Hispanic time it comprised of the chieftainship that extended by the creeks of the Lake of Chapala. In 1765 it belonged to the parish of Zahuayo (Sahuayo), he was well-known like San Miguel Guarachitay his vicaría administered more than 1.500 feligreses One constituted in Municipality the 10 of December of 1831, with the name ofGuarachitaIn 1900 it was registered a geologic phenomenon of importance, since small volcanos arose that threw sulfurous mud and boiling. It called them to the population “ Negritos”y when finishing the phenomenon the lagoon was full of sulfurous water that subsists to the date. In 1935 the denomination changed to him by of Villamar, name that at the moment conserves, in honor aDon Eligio Villamar, hero of Churubusco during the North American intervention.
Illustrious personages

Eligio Villamar. - Hero during the intervention North American (1825-1852). Agustín Leñero. -Abogado and Politician (1904 -? ). Rubén Leñero.- Doctor and Literate (1902-1942). Filiberto Ruiz. - First Agrarista Leader of the Guarachas and the West of Michoacán (1863-1931). María Cecilia Felicitas of the Amescua River. -Madre of Cardinal red the juarista continuator Lazaro of the River (1865 -? ). Alfonso Leñero Ruiz.- Literary and Politician (1894-1985).
Chronology of historical facts
1765It is a town pertaining to the parish of Sahuayo. 1831It is constituted in Municipality. 1917Definitive Presidential resolution by Don Venustiano Carranza in favor of San Miguel Guarachita by 1.398 You have. 1925The 25 of February, the name occurs him of Villamar.
Half Physical
Location It is located to the northwest of the State, in the coordinates 20º01' of North latitude and 102º36' of west longitude, to a height of 1.540 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Venustiano Carranza and Pajacuarán, to this with Chavinda and Tangamandapio, to the south with Tingüindín and Tocumbo, and to the east with Cotija, Jiquilpan and Sahuayo. His distance to the State Capital is of 189 km.
Extension Its surface is of 352,39 Km² and it represents the 0.59 percent of the total of the State. Orography Their relief conforms the cross-sectional volcanic system and the hills Guaracha and target. Hydrography Its hydrography constitutes by the stream the Hare, the Lagoon of San Antonio Caracha, cold water springs and one of thermal water.
Clima Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 900 millimeters and temperatures that centigrades oscillate between 10,4 and 25.4º. Main ecosystems In the municipality the prairie predominates, with huisache, nopal and yucca. Its fauna is represented by deer, squirrel, hare, cacomixtle, zorrillo, fox, tlacuache, raccoon, duck, heron and güilota. Natural resources The forest surface timber is occupied by encino and oyamel, the nontimber one is occupied by the vegetation hydrophilia mainly. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary quaternary and, corresponds mainly to of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally cattle dealer and agriculturist and in smaller forest proportion.
Extension Its surface is of 352,39 Km² and it represents the 0.59 percent of the total of the State. Orography Their relief conforms the cross-sectional volcanic system and the hills Guaracha and target. Hydrography Its hydrography constitutes by the stream the Hare, the Lagoon of San Antonio Caracha, cold water springs and one of thermal water.
Clima Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 900 millimeters and temperatures that centigrades oscillate between 10,4 and 25.4º. Main ecosystems In the municipality the prairie predominates, with huisache, nopal and yucca. Its fauna is represented by deer, squirrel, hare, cacomixtle, zorrillo, fox, tlacuache, raccoon, duck, heron and güilota. Natural resources The forest surface timber is occupied by encino and oyamel, the nontimber one is occupied by the vegetation hydrophilia mainly. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, tertiary quaternary and, corresponds mainly to of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally cattle dealer and agriculturist and in smaller forest proportion.
Profile Sociodemográficos
Groups ethnic According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 34 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 20 are men and 14 are women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention purépecha and otomí. Demographic evolution In the municipality of Villamar in 1990, the population it represented the 0,61 percent of the total of the State. It stops 1995, a population of 22.086 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 0,32 annual percent and densidad of population is of 63 inhabitants by kilometer squared. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, they have occurred 793 births and 91 deaths, also thus the migration and immigration in the municipality it has been important towards other centers of population and to the foreigner.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education pre-school, primary, eg: secondary and for the level half superior exists preparatory (CBEM) and CBTA. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality public is taken care of by organisms and prevailed eg: Clinical of IMSS, Centers of Health, assigned to the Secretariat of Health and Doctor's offices Individuals. Supply The municipality counts once on tianguis per week, stationery stores, ironworks and grocer's where the population it acquires articles of first necessity. Sport The municipality counts on soccer fields, basquetbol and volibol in the communities as well as in their head policeman.
House The municipality counts approximately on 4.290 houses built of which the construction predominates of adobe followed in smaller proportion by the one of materials (partition, block, stone and cement) and other materials.
Services publicPotable water 85_ Drainage 75_ Electrification 80_ Paving 50_ Public lighting system 75_ Garbage collection 75_ Market No Sign No Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 80_ Public security 95_ Parks and Gardens 90_ Buildings Public 90_ Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: newspapers, radio stations and television channels Communication channels One communicates with federal highway no. 15 Mexico - Walnuts, besides some communities, Cerrito Colorado, Nicholas Rosemary, Salitre and Emiliano Zapata and by the state highway Jaripo - Cotija, in addition of already mentioned are San Miguel and Granados, counts with asphalted access the Zarquillas, San Antonio Guaracha and the Stakes those of are more of terracería, it counts on services of railroad, telephone service, public houses, telegraphs, post office and cover of cellular telephony.
Activity Economic
Agriculture It is the main activity of the municipality being its main ones cultures by importance order: the maize, sorghum, chick-pea, kidney bean, wheat and tomato. Cattle ranch The cattle activity is less significant being his main young of cattle: bovine, equine, pig, goat and on the other hand birds and beehives. Industry The municipality does not own an established industry.
Tourism Account with a geothermal zone “the Negritos”, hypothermal waters and natural landscapes. Commerce The municipality counts on small and medium commerce where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity. Services In the municipality are solely restaurants.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Monuments The church of Villamar that is an architectonic monument and the busts of the Dr. Rubén Leñero, in main place of Villamar, the Lic. Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, in the public square of San A. Guaracha, the General Jose Maria Morelos and Pavón, in the place main of San A. Guaracha, General Emiliano Zapata, in the Emiliano park Zapata, and General Jose Maria Morelos and Pavón, in garden CBTA in Emiliano Zapata.
Museums The municipality at the moment does not count on museum some. Celebrations, dances and traditions 12 of January. Supervisory celebration in honor to the Virgin of Guadalupe. 1º of May. Celebration in honor to San jOse Worker in C. Colorado. 3 of June. Celebration in honor to San Antonio in San Antonio Guaracha. 30 of August. Celebration in Honor to Santa Rosa of It files in E. Zapata. 15 and 16 of September. Celebration of the celebrations mother countries. 29 of September. Supervisory celebration in honor to San Miguel Arcángel.20 Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution. 3 of December. Celebration in honor to the Immaculate one Conception in Jaripo
Music Mainly the character music exists popular. Crafts Artisan activities are not developed. Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: the mass, capirotada, tamales, pozole, birria and carnitas. Tourist centers Account with hypothermal springs (the Negritos), activity of natural Fishing (the Platanal) and landscapes.
Head Policeman: VillamarIts main activity is the farming one excelling the cultures of: maize, sorghum, chick-pea, kidney bean, wheat and tomato; the young of bovine, pig cattle and bird-raising. Account with approximately 3.085 inhabitants. (INEGI 1990). It is located to 189 km, of the State Capital.
Main localities:E. Zapata Its main activity is the farming one excelling the cultures of: maize, sorghum and chick-pea; the young of bovine cattle, pig and bird-raising. It is located to 5 km of the municipal head. Account with approximately 3.923 inhabitants. (INEGI 1990). They San Antonio Guaracha Its main activity is the farming one excelling the cultures of: maize, sorghum and chick-pea; the young of bovine cattle, pig and bird-raising. It is located to 14 km of the municipal head. Account approximately with 2.235 inhabitants. (INEGI 1990) Cerrito Colorado Its main activity is the farming one excelling the cultures of: maize, sorghum, wheat and chick-pea; it raises of bovine, pig cattle and bird-raising. It is located to 10 km of the municipal head. Account approximately with 1.330 inhabitants (INEGI 1990) Jaripo Its main activity is the farming one excelling the cultures of: maize, sorghum and chick-pea; the young of bovine cattle, pig and bird-raising. It is located to 16 km of the municipal head. Account approximately with 641 inhabitants. (INEGI 1990)
Chronology of the municipal presidents1966 - 1968 Luis Castle Ruiz 1969 - 1971 Ramon Amezcua Méndez 1972 - 1974 J. Jesus Ruiz González 1975 - 1977 Francisco Nuñez Ruiz 1978 - 1980 Youngest child Ruiz Manzo 1981 - 1983 Courteous Joaquin Manzo 1984 - 1986 Youngest child Ruiz Manzo 1987 - 1989 Joaquin Courteous Sanchez 1990 - 1992 J. Jesus Mendoza González 1993 - 1995 Joaquin Courteous Sanchez 1996 - 1998 Gerald Acevedo Ravelo 1999 - 2001 Gonzalo Rodriguez Cendejas2002 - 2004 Sergio Ruíz.
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