Vista Hermosa
The Beautiful foundation of Vista data of second half of century XIX. The town and Beautiful municipality of Vista formed with the properties of Buenavista and the Mill. By the years of 1860 a rich landowner with preservative and monarchic ideas was owner of the property of Buenavista, Mr. Francisco Velarde, who during the French intervention was named by general Uraga, prefect and military commandant of the department of Zamora. To the death of Francisco Velarde, their goods were confiscated to him by the government, being who the property of the Mill bought Jose Maria Martinez Negrete, who constructed a building for the school there. The inhabitants who concentrated themselves in those properties carried out works mainly agriculturists in benefit of the landowners. These population centers conformed the Beautiful town of Vista with time. The 5 of November of 1921 Maria Negrete constituted itself in Municipality, being her Beautiful Vista head of Negrete in memory of Don Jose.
Illustrious personages
Jose Maria Negrete. - Landowner, in whose honor one named to the municipal head. Beautiful Vista of Negrete. Chronology of historical facts
1921. The 5 of November, its category of Municipality is decreed. 1930. Form leaves from the ex- district of Tanhuato. 1941. He is one of the 102 municipalities that integrate the State.
Average Physicist
Location It is located to the northwest of the State, in 20 coordinatesº17’ of North latitude and 102º29’ of west longitude, to a height of 1, 500 meters on the level of the sea. It limits the north with the State of Jalisco, the east with Tanhuato, the south with Ixtlán and Pajacuarán, and the west with Briseñas. Its distance to the State Capital is of 166 Kms.
Extension Its surface is of 146,53 Km² and it represents the 0,24 percent of the total of the State.Orography Their relief conforms the depression Lerma - Chápala and the hill of Gonzalo. Hydrography Its hydrography constitutes by the rivers Duero and Lerma and the prey of Gonzalo. Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 800 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate of 11 to 28º centigrade ones. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates sweet, nopal to the prairie, with huisache, and mezquite. Its fauna is represented by zorrillo, weasel, hare, tlacuache, duck and carp.
Natural resources The forest surface is not logable and scrubs occupy. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary and tertiary, they correspond mainly to those of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally agriculturist and in smaller cattle proportion.
Sociodemográfico Profile
Economic Activity
Agriculture The agricultural activity is the main economic activity of the municipality, counts on 13, 251 you have, of irrigation and 5, 679 you have, of weather, being its main cultures: sorghum, wheat, maize, cártamo, sweet potato, barley, brócoli, cucumber, tomato, pumpkin, tomato and
alfalfa. Cattle ranch The cattle activity is second in importance being its main young: Bovine, pig, goat, equine, asnal, to mular and bird-raising. Industry The municipality counts on an established industry as it is the milky product Manufacture, makes of partition and metallic products.
Tourism By its natural conditions, the municipality takes own places for the tourist development, constituting an activity of vital economic importance for the municipality. Commerce The municipality counts on medium and small commerce, where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity. Services The capacity of these in the municipal head is sufficient to take care of the demand, offering itself: lodging feeding, professional attendance, foreign powerboat, taxis, buses and suburban service among others.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Historical monuments Property of Negrete and Capillas of the Gentleman of the Pardon and the Refuge. Museums The municipality at the moment does not count on museum some Celebrations, dances and traditions March or April Celebration of the Easter 1º January Celebration of the Supervisory CelebrationMusic Band of wind and mariachi.
Crafts Crafts do not make in the municipality. Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: carnitas of yearling calf, carnitas of pig. Candies: chongos. Tourist centers Park the Pinitos, is located to 1 km of the municipal head; and particular bath.
The town and Beautiful municipality of Vista formed with the properties of Buenavista and the Mill. Its municipal head is Beautiful Vista of Negrete, name that takes in memory of Don Jose Maria Negrete, landowner of the region that constructed a building in its Property of the Mill for the school of the place.
The Beautiful foundation of Vista data of second half of century XIX. The town and Beautiful municipality of Vista formed with the properties of Buenavista and the Mill. By the years of 1860 a rich landowner with preservative and monarchic ideas was owner of the property of Buenavista, Mr. Francisco Velarde, who during the French intervention was named by general Uraga, prefect and military commandant of the department of Zamora. To the death of Francisco Velarde, their goods were confiscated to him by the government, being who the property of the Mill bought Jose Maria Martinez Negrete, who constructed a building for the school there. The inhabitants who concentrated themselves in those properties carried out works mainly agriculturists in benefit of the landowners. These population centers conformed the Beautiful town of Vista with time. The 5 of November of 1921 Maria Negrete constituted itself in Municipality, being her Beautiful Vista head of Negrete in memory of Don Jose.
Illustrious personages
Jose Maria Negrete. - Landowner, in whose honor one named to the municipal head. Beautiful Vista of Negrete. Chronology of historical facts
1921. The 5 of November, its category of Municipality is decreed. 1930. Form leaves from the ex- district of Tanhuato. 1941. He is one of the 102 municipalities that integrate the State.
Average Physicist
Location It is located to the northwest of the State, in 20 coordinatesº17’ of North latitude and 102º29’ of west longitude, to a height of 1, 500 meters on the level of the sea. It limits the north with the State of Jalisco, the east with Tanhuato, the south with Ixtlán and Pajacuarán, and the west with Briseñas. Its distance to the State Capital is of 166 Kms.

Extension Its surface is of 146,53 Km² and it represents the 0,24 percent of the total of the State.Orography Their relief conforms the depression Lerma - Chápala and the hill of Gonzalo. Hydrography Its hydrography constitutes by the rivers Duero and Lerma and the prey of Gonzalo. Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 800 millimeters and temperatures that oscillate of 11 to 28º centigrade ones. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates sweet, nopal to the prairie, with huisache, and mezquite. Its fauna is represented by zorrillo, weasel, hare, tlacuache, duck and carp.
Natural resources The forest surface is not logable and scrubs occupy. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary and tertiary, they correspond mainly to those of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally agriculturist and in smaller cattle proportion.
Sociodemográfico Profile
Ethnic groupsAccording to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 25 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 14 are men and 11 is women. Within the two main indigenous languages we can mention purépecha and náhuatl. Demographic evolution In the Beautiful municipality of Vista in 1990, the population represented the 0,51 percent of the total of the State. For 1995, a population of 18, 651 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 0,49 annual percent and the density of population is of 127,30 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, to 594 births and 113 deaths have occurred.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic. Followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education as they are: Preescolares, primary, secondary and for the mean level superior distributed account with Preparatory through the School of Bachelors. It registers it taken care of for cycle 1994-1995 was of 3, 987 students. In addition the INEA takes care of groups of alphabetization in primary
and secondary level. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality is taken care of by organisms deprived public and as they are: The clinics of the IMSS, the Centers of Health assigned to the Secretariat of Health and Particular Doctor's offices. Supply The municipality counts on the following centers of supply: A Public market, stores CONASUPO, tianguis once per week and grocer's.
Sport The municipality counts on sport facilities, fields of soccer, fields of basquetbol, and baseball fields, in its localities as well as in their municipal head. House The municipality counts approximately on 3515 built houses of which the construction of Partition predominates, followed in smaller proportion by the one of block, it marinates, asbestos lamina and cardboard, covered by asbestos lamina, metallic, tiles, cardboard concrete lamina and slab.
Services publicPotable water 95% Drainage 90% Electrification 95% Paving 65% Public Lighting system 90% Garbage collection 80% Market IF Sign does not have Pantheon 100% Cloración of Water 100% Public Security 80% Parks and Gardens 80% Buildings Public 80% Mass media The municipality counts on following mass media: Cover in syntony of radio A.M. and FM, television channels, national, state and regional edition newspapers and magazines. Routes of communication One communicates to the State Capital by federal highways 15 and 35 in his sections Morelia-Zamora and Zamora-La Boat, communicates with his localities by ways had by the order of 16 km Account with service of mail, telephone, telegraph and cover of cellular telephony.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic. Followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education as they are: Preescolares, primary, secondary and for the mean level superior distributed account with Preparatory through the School of Bachelors. It registers it taken care of for cycle 1994-1995 was of 3, 987 students. In addition the INEA takes care of groups of alphabetization in primary

Sport The municipality counts on sport facilities, fields of soccer, fields of basquetbol, and baseball fields, in its localities as well as in their municipal head. House The municipality counts approximately on 3515 built houses of which the construction of Partition predominates, followed in smaller proportion by the one of block, it marinates, asbestos lamina and cardboard, covered by asbestos lamina, metallic, tiles, cardboard concrete lamina and slab.
Services publicPotable water 95% Drainage 90% Electrification 95% Paving 65% Public Lighting system 90% Garbage collection 80% Market IF Sign does not have Pantheon 100% Cloración of Water 100% Public Security 80% Parks and Gardens 80% Buildings Public 80% Mass media The municipality counts on following mass media: Cover in syntony of radio A.M. and FM, television channels, national, state and regional edition newspapers and magazines. Routes of communication One communicates to the State Capital by federal highways 15 and 35 in his sections Morelia-Zamora and Zamora-La Boat, communicates with his localities by ways had by the order of 16 km Account with service of mail, telephone, telegraph and cover of cellular telephony.
Economic Activity
Agriculture The agricultural activity is the main economic activity of the municipality, counts on 13, 251 you have, of irrigation and 5, 679 you have, of weather, being its main cultures: sorghum, wheat, maize, cártamo, sweet potato, barley, brócoli, cucumber, tomato, pumpkin, tomato and

Tourism By its natural conditions, the municipality takes own places for the tourist development, constituting an activity of vital economic importance for the municipality. Commerce The municipality counts on medium and small commerce, where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity. Services The capacity of these in the municipal head is sufficient to take care of the demand, offering itself: lodging feeding, professional attendance, foreign powerboat, taxis, buses and suburban service among others.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Historical monuments Property of Negrete and Capillas of the Gentleman of the Pardon and the Refuge. Museums The municipality at the moment does not count on museum some Celebrations, dances and traditions March or April Celebration of the Easter 1º January Celebration of the Supervisory CelebrationMusic Band of wind and mariachi.
Crafts Crafts do not make in the municipality. Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: carnitas of yearling calf, carnitas of pig. Candies: chongos. Tourist centers Park the Pinitos, is located to 1 km of the municipal head; and particular bath.
Municipal head: Beautiful Vista of Negrete Its distance to the State Capital by the freeway of the West is of 166 kms. Account with 9, 564 inhabitants, its main economic activity is agriculture, commerce, metallurgical industry and the milky products.
Main localities: The Capulín Its main economic activity is agriculture and the fishing. Kms is located to 7. of the municipal head. Account with 3163 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995) The Alvareño Its main economic activity is agriculture, the cattle ranch and the fishing. Kms is located to 5. of the municipal head. Account with 1877 inhabitants approximately. (INEGI 1995) The Narrowness Its main economic activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. Kms is located to 9. of the municipal head. Account with 1644 inhabitants approximately. (INEGI 1995) The Pillars Its main economic activity is agriculture. Kms is located to 10. of the municipal head. Account with 1199 inhabitants approximately. (INEGI 1995) The Cuenqueño Its main economic activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. Kms is located to 7. of the municipal head. Account with 1104 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995)
Chronology of the municipal presidents1940 - Fernando Curiel Guerrero 1940 - Castilian J. Thorny Jesus 1940 - J. Jesus Rodriguez Martinez 1941 - Thorny Adolph Boychot 1942 - 1943 Francisco Ramirez Towers 1944 - Francisco Moral Yearling calf 1945 - Jose Ayala Fertile valley 1946 - J. Felix Muñoz Lumps 1947 - Moral J. Jesus Miranda 1948 - 1950 Luis Kings Fierro 1950 - Ignacio Arellano Towers 1951 - Antonio Perez Salazar 1952 - Francisco Quezada Sucilla 1953 - Antonio Perez Salazar 1954 - 1955 Nicholas Alvarado Perez 1955 - 1956 Divided Juan Hernandez 1957 - Antonio Dwells Perez 1958 - Rubén Rodriguez Arellano 1959 - Enrique Batres Yearling calf 1960 - 1961 Rafael The Moral Ramirez 1962 - Ramon Navarrese Tello 1962 - Thorny Ernesto Ramirez 1963 - 1965 Divided Juan Hernandez 1966 - Francisco Quezada Sucilla 1966 - 1968 Enrique Batres Yearling calf 1969 - 1971 Ramon Yearling calf Fertile valley 1972 - 1974 Ignacio Alvarado Garci'a 1975 - 1977 Nicholas Alvarado Hinojosa 1978 - 1980 Manuel Diaz Nava 1981 - 1983 Macedonian Guzmán Valley 1984 - 1986 J. Jesu's Zaragoza Talavera 1987 - 1989 Arturo Guzmán Yearling calf 1990 - 1991 Adrián Soria Lara 1991 - 1992 Luis Soria Galician Safe-Jose Luis 1993 - 1995 J. Jesu's Garci'a Perez 1996 - 1998 Alfredo of the Toro Roman 1999 - 2001 Héctor Guillermo Cervantes Gil 2002 - 2004 J. Carlos Yearling calf.
Main localities: The Capulín Its main economic activity is agriculture and the fishing. Kms is located to 7. of the municipal head. Account with 3163 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995) The Alvareño Its main economic activity is agriculture, the cattle ranch and the fishing. Kms is located to 5. of the municipal head. Account with 1877 inhabitants approximately. (INEGI 1995) The Narrowness Its main economic activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. Kms is located to 9. of the municipal head. Account with 1644 inhabitants approximately. (INEGI 1995) The Pillars Its main economic activity is agriculture. Kms is located to 10. of the municipal head. Account with 1199 inhabitants approximately. (INEGI 1995) The Cuenqueño Its main economic activity is agriculture and the cattle ranch. Kms is located to 7. of the municipal head. Account with 1104 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995)
Chronology of the municipal presidents1940 - Fernando Curiel Guerrero 1940 - Castilian J. Thorny Jesus 1940 - J. Jesus Rodriguez Martinez 1941 - Thorny Adolph Boychot 1942 - 1943 Francisco Ramirez Towers 1944 - Francisco Moral Yearling calf 1945 - Jose Ayala Fertile valley 1946 - J. Felix Muñoz Lumps 1947 - Moral J. Jesus Miranda 1948 - 1950 Luis Kings Fierro 1950 - Ignacio Arellano Towers 1951 - Antonio Perez Salazar 1952 - Francisco Quezada Sucilla 1953 - Antonio Perez Salazar 1954 - 1955 Nicholas Alvarado Perez 1955 - 1956 Divided Juan Hernandez 1957 - Antonio Dwells Perez 1958 - Rubén Rodriguez Arellano 1959 - Enrique Batres Yearling calf 1960 - 1961 Rafael The Moral Ramirez 1962 - Ramon Navarrese Tello 1962 - Thorny Ernesto Ramirez 1963 - 1965 Divided Juan Hernandez 1966 - Francisco Quezada Sucilla 1966 - 1968 Enrique Batres Yearling calf 1969 - 1971 Ramon Yearling calf Fertile valley 1972 - 1974 Ignacio Alvarado Garci'a 1975 - 1977 Nicholas Alvarado Hinojosa 1978 - 1980 Manuel Diaz Nava 1981 - 1983 Macedonian Guzmán Valley 1984 - 1986 J. Jesu's Zaragoza Talavera 1987 - 1989 Arturo Guzmán Yearling calf 1990 - 1991 Adrián Soria Lara 1991 - 1992 Luis Soria Galician Safe-Jose Luis 1993 - 1995 J. Jesu's Garci'a Perez 1996 - 1998 Alfredo of the Toro Roman 1999 - 2001 Héctor Guillermo Cervantes Gil 2002 - 2004 J. Carlos Yearling calf.
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