It means "Place next to the river", is an origin word chichimeca.
Shield The design of this official shield of the Municipality of Yurécuaro, tries to group in form of “mosaico”, the most representative and historical images of the yurecuarense society, and the necessity to have a central personage and, in this case that is selected to the poet and illustrates citizen Don Austacio Zepeda, giving him a value deserved in the first quarter, opposed to the bust of the enormous Mexican-michoacano hero Don Jose Maria Morelos and Pavón, who serves as historical bottom to two ears of wheat and a fish.
They are these last ones, two representative elements of the flora and the fauna of the region, located in the fourth quarter; also, in the second quarter and the third quarter, very representative elements of the society are used, as much the railroad that appears at the beginning of century, near the Mexican Revolution like, the facade of the Church of the Purest Conception, religious pattern of the yurecuarenses. The religious symbols and the human elements of our mother country, are not opposed, on the contrary, are based on only a symbol, the Municipal Shield of Yurécuaro. Account with an element of arms of great historical value; the sword, same that has been placed vertically, like an element of union and graphical force, surrounded the leaf with young, same Laurel that represents the crown, compensates and victory. The sword is porfirista style, counts on fist of training, trimming, sparrowhawk and pomo simple. The fields of the shield, are framed with “aire” perimetral, in where the names of the thirteen communities pertaining to the Municipality are written, also, this “aire” Century XV is framed at the same time with a series of ornamentales figures of style or “luises”, recharged in adornments and excessive design.
Yurécuaro was a town conquered by envoys of Tariácuri, in the expeditions made by the tarascos to conform its empire. The town, founded the Virrey Don Luis de Velasco and during long time, it was only a small congregation. It appeared as town pertaining to the curato of the Mercy and counted on 60 families of Indians, 5 of Spaniards and 12 of mulatos. In 1821, the ex- realist Don Agustín Iturbide, had an interview with Don Pedro Negrete Celestine, in whom this last one adhered to the cause of Independence. In this period, Yurécuaro was set afire by the followers of Jose Antonio Towers (the father Towers). In Yurécuaro, the property of Santa Ana Pacueco, also served as edge between the State and the then provinces of Guanajuato and Jalisco, separated by the Lerma river. At the beginning of century XIX, it counted on city council. The 12 of May of 1810, category of villa was granted to him and the 10 of December of 1831, was constituted to him in municipality, pertaining to the party of the Mercy. Their settlers, during a long period dedicated themselves to agriculture, fishes and production of bed rolls. Its economic importance, was originated by the branch line, that when connecting in Yurécuaro, communicated it with Ecuandureo, Zamora, Chavinda, the Kings and other states.
Illustrious personages Austacio Zepeda Garci'a- Poet (1839 - 1896). Ramon Sanchez- Geographer and historian (1830 -? ).Chronology of historical facts1559. The real certificate is granted to him that gives origin to the town of Yurécuaro, the 22 of May, by Don Luis de Velasco, Virrey, Governor and Commander in chief of the New Spain. 1810. Its head acquires category of Villa, the 12 of May. 1821. Pedro Negrete Celestine adheres to the Plan of Equals, when agreeing with Don Agustín Iturbide. 1831. It is constituted in Municipality, the 10 of December. 1888. Inauguration of the Irapuato-Guadalajara railroad, with relationship in Yurécuaro. 1935. The Chamber of Commerce settles, with 350 active partners. 1970. Construction of the zone of irrigation “La Boat - Yurécuaro”. 1995. It acquires the title of city, the 28 of September, granted by the LXVI Legislature of the H. Congreso of the State of Michoacán
Average Physicist
Location It is located to the northwest of the State, in 20 coordinatesº20’ of North latitude and 102º17’ of west longitude, to a height of 1.530 meters on the level of the sea. It limits the north with the State of Jalisco, the east with the Mercy, the south with Ecuandureo, and the west with Tanhuato. Its distance to the State Capital is of 220 kms.

Extension Its surface is of 173,88 Km² and it represents 0,29 percent of the total of the State.
OrographyTheir relief constitutes the depression of the Lerma Chapala and hills the Target, Colorado, Doña Ana and Soledad.
Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the rivers of Nutrias and Lerma, counts on springs of cold water and hot water.
Climate Its climate is tempered with rains in summer. It has an annual pluvial precipitation of 700,0 millimeters cubical and temperatures that oscillate between 13,0 and 38,0º centigrade ones
Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the prairie, with huisache, mezquite and nopal. Its fauna is represented mainly by birds, wanderers, tordo, buzzard, cardinal, heron, canary, calandria, sparrow and magpie. Natural resources The logable forest surface, is occupied by encino and pine, the nonlogable one is occupied by scrubs. The Lerma river, is taken advantage of for the system irrigation “Rosario-Mezquite”. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the periods cenozoic, quaternary and Pliocene, they correspond mainly to those of the type chernozem. Its use is fundamentally agriculturist and cattle dealer, and in smaller forest proportion.
Sociodemográfico Profile
Ethnic groups They do not exist in the municipality, his presence is of floating type, because they move of the plateau purepecha to the municipality in the months of July to November like agricultural day laborers.
Demographic evolution In the municipality of Yurécuaro in 1990, the population represented the 0,68 percent of the total of the State. For 1995, they have a population of 26.487 inhabitants, its rate of growth is of the 1,79 annual percent and the density of population is of 152,30 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women is relatively greater to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, to 884 births and 147 deaths have occurred.
Religion The religion that predominates in the municipality is the Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by the Witnesses of Jehovah, Pentecostés and Mormones.
Social infrastructure and of Communications
Education The municipality counts on establishments of initial education, as they are: Preescolares, primary, secondary and for the superior mean level the preparatory one, distributed and the School of Bachelors. It registers it taken care of for cycle 1994-1995, was of 6.252 students. In addition the INEA takes care of groups of alphabetization in level primary, and secondary that in 1995 took care of 110 students.
Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality, is taken care of by organisms deprived public and such as: the Centers of U-03 Health assigned to the Secretariat of Health, the Peripheral Positions of the ISSSTE, the Clinics of the IMSS and the Doctor's offices, Clinics and hospital Particular.
Supply The municipality counts on the following centers of supply: Municipal market, store CONASUPO, tianguis once per week, warehouses of grain pick up and grocer's, where the population acquires articles of first necessity.
Sport The municipality counts on sport units, fields of soccer and basquetbol in its communities as well as in the municipal head.
House The municipality counts on approximately 6.041 built houses of which the construction of partition predominates, followed in smaller proportion by the one of it marinates, it tiles and other materials.
Services publicPotable water 95% Drainage 80% Electrification 95% Paving 60% Public Lighting system 85% Garbage collection 80% Market IF Sign IF Pantheon 100% Cloración of Water 100% Public Security 85% Parks and Gardens 90% Buildings Public 90%
Mass media The municipality counts on ifguientes mass media: it extends cover in syntony of radio A.M. and FM, service of telecable with 22 television channels, national, state and regional edition newspapers and magazines.
Routes of communicationThe municipality communicates to the State Capital by federal highways 15.35 and 110, in their sections Morelia-Zamora, Zamora-La Barca and Vista Hermosa-La Mercy respectively, have communication to their communities by ways had by the order of 17,8 km and 1,5 km paved, railway station Mexico-Guadalajara are a station. In addition it counts on service of mail, paquetería, telephone, telegraph and cover of cellular telephony.
Economic Activity
Agriculture Agriculture is the main economic activity of the municipality being its main cultures: the wheat, barley, maize, tomato, onion, forrajera oats, tomato, lentil, frijol, chick-pea, calabacita, green Chile, mill and citruses.
Cattle ranch The cattle ranch is the second activity in importance, being its main young the cattle: bovine, pig, ovine, goat, birds and beehives.
Industry The municipality whatever with an established industry as it is the manufacture of cut crystal products, furniture and accessories, industry of the dress and a empacadora of vegetables.
Tourism By its natural conditions, the municipality takes own places for the tourist development, constituting an activity of vital economic importance for the municipality.
Commerce The municipalities count on small and medium commerce such as: stores of clothes, mueblerías, zapaterías, ironworks, madererías, construction equipments, stationery stores and pharmacies, where the population acquires articles of first and second necessity.
Services The capacity of these in the municipal head is sufficient to take care of the demand offering itself: lodging and feeding, powerboats, professional attendance, foreign taxis, buses, houses of change, cinema and dance halls.
Attractive Cultural and Tourist
Historical monuments Architectonic: Parish of the Immaculate Conception and Temple of Christ King Arqueolo'gicos: Zone near the municipal head.
Museums The municipality at the moment does not count on museum some.
Celebrations, dances and traditions 21 of March. Civic act. Natalicio of Don Benito Juárez. 5 of May. Civic act. Anniversary of Batalla of Puebla. 13 of September. Civic act in honor to the Young Heroes. 15 and 16 of September. Celebration of the celebrations mother countries. 20 of November. Civic act. Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution. 8 of December. Celebration in honor to the Virgin of the Conception. 12 of December. Celebration in honor to the Virgin of Guadalupe.
Music Wind mariachi and bands.
Crafts Manufacture of cut crystal oil lamps, lamps and figurillas.
Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: Birria of yearling calf, carnitas of pig, broth mich, chicharrones, different stews with head of cattle steak and the homemade chongos.
Tourist centers The conditions for the practice of the campismo and ecoturísmo exist.
Municipal Head: YurécuaroIts main activity is the commerce and agriculture, is located to 231 kms. of the State Capital it has 19.722 inhabitants approximately (INEGI 1995).
Main localities: Monteleón Its main economic activity is the cattle ranch and agriculture. Kms is located to 7. of the municipal head. Account with 1.317 inhabitants.
The Tequesquite Its main economic activity is the cattle ranch and agriculture. Kms is located to 3,5. of the municipal head. Account with 944 inhabitants.
Mirandillas Its main economic activity is the cattle ranch and agriculture. Kms is located to 13. of the municipal head. Account with 919 inhabitants.
The Refuge Its main economic activity is the cattle ranch and agriculture. Kms is located to 6. of the municipal head. Account with 836 inhabitants.
Chronology of the municipal presidents1940 - R. Bernal 1940 - To Garci'a 1940 - Pedro Barcena 1941 - Jose Thin Guadalupe 1941 - Pedro Barcena 1941 - Regino Vargas 1942 - 1943 J. Dolores Hernandez 1944 - J. Perez Villalobos 1944 - Jose H. Garci'a 1945 - Juan Lopez Eyrie 1945 - Francisco Servilla 1945 - Jose Galician 1946 - 1947 Fernando Rodriguez C. 1947 - Celedonio Perez A. 1948 - Thin Jose Ramirez 1949 - Mariano Madrigal 1950 - Mariano González 1950 - J. Trinidad Villanueva 1951 - 1952 J. Guadalupe Garci'a Ontiveros 1953 - Guillermo Salazar 1954 - Rubén Mena Calderón 1955 - Emilio Guízar Carranza 1956 - Gerónimo Rodriguez Alvarado 1957 - J. Dolores Hernandez Ascencio 1958 - J. Jesus Baeza 1958 - J. Dolores Hernandez A. 1959 - Aída Gis Salazar 1960 - 1962 Rubén Alvarado Trujillo 1963 - 1964 Edmundo Velasco Alcala 1964 - 1965 Fernando Suárez Mendoza 1966 - 1968 J. Red Jesu's Arevalo 1969 - 1971 J. Jesu's Alcala Ruíz 1972 - 1974 J. Jesu's Moya A. 1975 - 1976 Jose Ma. Godinez Huaracha 1976 - 1977 J. Jesu's Alcala Ruíz 1978 - 1980 Rafael González Rodriguez 1981 - 1983 Salvador Suárez Mendoza 1984 - 1986 Brave Gilberto Perez 1987 - 1988 Ramiro Dwells Garci'a 1989 - Gustavo Botello Alcala 1990 - 1992 Juan Lopez Valencia 1993 - 1995 Brave Gildardo Perez 1996 - 1998 Jose Barajas Murillo 1999 - 2001 Salvador Hernandez Lemon 2002 - 2004 Juan Pimentel.
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