Susupuato it is a pre-Hispanic population, inhabited by diverse Tarascos groups, mazahuas, otomíes and náhuas. It is conquered by Nuño of Guzmán, approximately in 1529. During the colonial period it was a small subject town to the parish of Tuzantla, administered by the regular clergyman and with participation of Jesuits, that had several stations and trapiches in the region. During the independence war it comprised of the insurgent route of the east of Michoacán, region where they emphasized the brothers Rayón and Jose Sixto Verduzco. When finalizing the fight by independence, San Miguel Susupuato, was a town very poor man and counted in 1822 with 57 inhabitants. During the Intervention French, Susupuato was refuge of the liberal nationalists. It was constituted in municipality by decree of 10 of December of 1831. In the modification to Territorial Law of 1839, Susupuato does not appear like municipality, by what one assumes, that had quality of possession until territorial modification of the 13 of December of 1855, where it is considered like municipality. The 22 of August of 1863 named to their Susupuato head of Guerrero in memory ofDon Vicente Guerrero, name that at the moment conserves.
Chronology of historical facts1529The territory is conquered by Spaniards. 1831 is constituted in Municipality. 1839 Deja appear like Municipality. 1855 Adquiere again the rank of Municipality. 1863 the head changes of name.
Half physical
Location It is located to the east of the State, in the coordinates 19º13' of North latitude and 100º24' of west longitude, to a height of 1.240 meters on the level of the sea. It limits to the north with Juárez, the east and the south with the State of Mexico, and to the west with Tuzantla. Its distance to the State Capital it is of 210 km.

Extension Its surface is of 273,33 Km² and it represents 0.46 percent of the total of the State.
Orography Its relief is constituted by the volcanic system cross-sectional, the mountains of Mazahua and the Amoles and the hills Muchacho and Guajolote. Hydrography Its hydrography is constituted by the river Tingambato and the Susupuato streams, Salto and the Guajes. Climate Its climate is tropical with rains in summer. It has a precipitation pluvial annual of 1.050 millimeters cubical and temperatures that oscillate between 13,2 to 25º centigrades. Main ecosystems In the municipality it dominates the mixed forest, with pine and encino and the tropical forest deciduo, with huisache, tepeguaje, wood target, guaje and handle. Natural resources The forest surface timber is occupied by pine, the not-timber one by scrubs of diverse species. Characteristics and use of the ground The grounds of the municipality date from the paleozoic period and the type chernozem and prairie correspond mainly to those of. Its use is fundamentally agriculturist and in smaller proportion forest and cattle.
Sociodemográfico profile
Groups ethnic According to the General Census of Population and House 1990, in the municipality they inhabit 126 people who speak some indigenous language, and of which 65 are men and 61 are women. The main indigenous language that it is spoken is mazahua. Demographic evolution In the municipality of Susupuato in 1990, the population it represented the 0,22 percent of the total of the State. For 1995 a population of 8.167 inhabitants has itself, its rate of growth is of the 0,39 annual percent and the densidad of the population is of 29,87 inhabitants by square kilometer. The number of women he is relatively greater to the one of the men. For the year of 1994, to 404 births and 40 deaths have occurred, also therefore the migration and immigration in the municipality he has been considerable.
Religion In the municipality the predominant religion is the Catholic, followed in smaller proportion by the Gospeller and Witnesses of Jehovah.
Infrastructure social and of communications
Education In the municipality education establishments exist initial as they are. Pre-school, primary and telesecundarias. Health The demand of medical services of the population of the municipality it is taken care of by the assigned Center of Health to the Secretariat of Health. Supply The municipality does not only count on a municipal market with tianguis once to the week and grocer's where the population acquires articles of first necessity.
Sport The municipality counts on fields of básquetbol, soccer and volleyball and a recreational center with games infantile in the municipal head. House The municipality counts approximately on 1.500 houses, predominating the construction of adobe, followed in smaller proportion by the one of wood, partition with stone, cement, reed, bamboo or palm and others materials.
Services public Potable water 80_ Drainage 60_ Electrification 70_ Paving 60_ Public lighting system 50_ Garbage collection 40_ Market No Sign If Pantheon 100_ Cloración of the Water 60_ Public security 60_ Parks and Gardens 60_ Buildings Public 70_ Mass media The municipality counts on the following mass media: radio and television. Communication channels The municipality counts on an asphalt road of 12 Km of Paricuaro to Susupuato, happening through Salto 9 km. The Guajes 6 km. The Reedbed 4 km and the Property 2 km. Telephone house, mail and service of taxis.
Economic activity
Agriculture Agriculture is the most representative activity in the municipality being its main cultures: maize, kidney bean, sweet potato and rice. Cattle ranch Cattle grows up Bovine, Pig, goat, equine, ass, ovine and hinny.
Industry In the municipality is not any established industry. Tourism Natural landscapes, like Salto. Commerce The municipality does not count on an established formal commerce. Services The municipality at the moment does not count on hotels, restaurants, etc.
Attractive cultural and tourist
Historical monuments The municipality counts on two architectonic temples, The Parish of San Miguel and the Chapel of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Monument to Vicente Guerrero. Museums The municipality at the moment does not count on museum some. Celebrations, dances and traditions January 12 Appearance of the Virgin of Guadalupe. February 2 Day of the Candlemas. February 14 Anniversary of the death of General Vicente Guerrero. February 24 Day of the Flag. March 21 Anniversary of the Natalicio of Don Benito Juárez. March or April Easter. March 19 Celebration of Santo Patrono San jOse. May 5 Anniversary of Batalla of Puebla. September Festivals in honor to the employer of the town. 16 September 15 and Celebration of the Celebrations Mother countries. September 29 Celebration of Santo San Miguel Arcángel. November 1 to the 3 Celebration to San Martín of Porres. November 20 Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution. December 12 Celebration in honor to the Virgin of Guadalupe. December 24 Christmas Festivals.
Music Traditional, Violin, Guitar. Crafts In the municipality the production of crafts does not exist. Gastronomy The typical food of the municipality is: the mass of guajolote, ash tamales, milk barbecue, cornflour drink and tamales of elote. Tourist centers Natural landscapes, the Jump.
Head Policeman: Susupuato of Guerrero. It is located to 210 km, of the State Capital.
Main localities
Copándaro Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 18 km of the municipal head. Old farm Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 9 km of the municipal head. The Guajes Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 6 km of the municipal head. Tremesino Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 7 km of the municipal head. The Reedbed Its main activity is agriculture and cattle ranch. It is located to 4 km of the municipal head.
Chronology of the municipal presidents1967 - 1968 Melitón Garfias Nava 1969 - 1971 Delfino Guadarrama 1972 - 1973 Mondragón Angel 1974 - 1975 Luis Vargas Horseman 1976 - Efraín Aguilar 1977 - Juan Mondragón 1978 - 1980 Alicia Vela'zquez Garfias 1981 - 1983 Eladio Santana Garfias 1984 - 1986 Gonzalo Aguilar Oak thicket 1987 - 1989 Nicholas Zarco Side 1990 - 1992 Esteban Colín Stream 1993 - 1995 Donaldo Ortíz Colín 1996 - 1998 Pedro Vilchez Cross 1999 - 2001 Daisy Solórzano Lara2002 - 2004 Lioncio Castle.